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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2019 in all areas

  1. Got my datalogger to record the tacho signal directly and this is the log: The green trace is RPM reported by the ECU. The red trace is RPM calculated from the frequency of the tacho signal. I also found that the tacho signal can't handle much of a load. An extra 5mA load of the opto isolator led I'm using is enough to drop the tacho voltage down sufficiently to stop the tacho dial working. Anyway, it seems clear that the glitches reported by the ECU are not there on the Tacho signal! Need to check the RPM/TDC signal too. Question is, is the ECU reporting the glitches because its using this value of RPM in computing injector timing? I need to repeat the logging with injector timing to check...
    1 point
  2. I just installed the plate to as not to continue to rip the gearbox apart. I'm ok with period blood where I park. Holy crap was that the most aggravating piece to install. The "Plata no go inna" is in. I had to jack the motor unit from the left side to align the bolts and use a piece of bent around brazing rod to hold the bolt and put it through the hole. FML.
    1 point
  3. Mountain roads open and passable only with mounted chains
    0 points
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