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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2019 in all areas

  1. So, we are in Pennsylvania now — yes, I’m on a Guzzi, my V7, but here for a truck-camper rally; no, we don't have one of those. Still, having a very fine time doing things such as this: But, I post this because I finally cobbled together SSR pix into a slideshow. Here they are: https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/SSR-XV-2019/n-HFzPbL/ If you are terminally bored, also just finished these of two other recent Guzzi trips: [V7 III] https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Erie-Ride-to-Zanyville-2019/n-mCD4B8 [Griso] https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Three-Guzzis-Go-to-Erie-More-Aug-2019/n-N4ZVB4/ Bill P.S. If you care and haven't already figured this out, you can see captions by moving cursor over the individual pix. Some are truncated, so if you really care you can go to full-screen slideshow.
    2 points
  2. drive belts are superior to chain and driveshaft.
    2 points
  3. One of the aspects of the happenstance formula of the current South'n Spine Raid is the serendipity of coming across other SpineRaiders unexpectedly. Like fueling up halfway there and some magnificent V11 (doslemans) rolls in to our delight!
    2 points
  4. I was there. (He was gaining on me)
    2 points
  5. A member of this forum designed & had manufactured a kit to relocate the footpegs & shifter/rear brake controls forward. I have been in contact w/John, he has sold out the last kits he had in stock & doesn't want to get into having another batch made. He says he sold around 50 over a five year period, Does anyone know of one that would be for sale? Perhaps a bike was sold to a younger rider who is comfortable w/the stock semi-rearset & took the kit off the bike? Please ask around the Spine frame community & put me in contact w/the owner if one turns up Thanks Much, Ron "ronkom(at)vaguzzi(dot)com"
    1 point
  6. What a delight to enjoy Bill's view of SSR XV. (We still don't talk much about SSR One . . . ) A true South'n SpineRaider and treasured friend!
    1 point
  7. Reasonably available where? Reason I ask is that I reside in the poor old US. None of the "really good" bikes that we watch from across the pond. Case in point: the revived Moto Morini's 1187cc Corsaro. 87º V-twin. 120HP and Torque. Sigh... .
    1 point
  8. The shifter return spring is *really* heavy. That, combined with the heavy pawl spring causes a divot in the shifter pawl where the spring is heavily loaded on the down shift. It can hang up there. You'll probably want to put in one of the new lighter unbreakable pawl springs, and blueprint the preselector mechanism per the thread by Lucky Phil.
    1 point
  9. Any bike under $5K is probably either come and gone or still in the garage somewhere.
    1 point
  10. Uhh, I pay 80 cents a gallon not to use it. That said, here in corn country non ethanol fuel is almost non existent. A guy has to use it when venturing away from the one station that has it locally. Really, I don't see any performance loss, but it *will* cause your tank to swell, and bubble the finish.
    1 point
  11. ronkom, I do have a set with the instructions and John's business card attached. I will contact you via the email address you listed in your original post. LowRyter, if Ron doesn't want these since he asked first, I will contact you as I no longer need them.
    1 point
  12. it takes 4 days to get to socal. and a lot more ants.
    1 point
  13. Oh, I have.. a fair amount..but it's pretty tame compared to the SoCal canyons. I've been spoiled. This was on the last ride of the Mighty Scura in the Santa Monica Mountains. If you look carefully, you can see the road a couple of thousand feet below. Also, I have to negotiate the Indy "ant farm" between here and there. It takes me two hours to get anywhere good, ride for a bit and two hours back. It's just *not* a good place to ride a Monza.
    1 point
  14. Okaaay; perhaps this one is a more appropriate choice then (my first motorcycle, which I still regret crashing....)
    1 point
  15. My last summer big ride. Autumn is coming, new experiences are coming 😁 Sorry, text in italian 🤷‍♂️ but open the entire album. Condividere per trasmettere la passione. Moto Guzzi V11 la moto per ogni cosa. {APRITE TUTTO L'ALBUM!} Un giro tra il sacro e il sacerrimo. Ne sono consapevole, e voi no, c'è un tempo per ogni cosa, uno spazio per ogni persona, un tempo per ogni emozione. In questo periodo dell'anno, quando voi TUTTI dopo una estate vivissima e vissuta al meglio delle potenzialità 🤣 iniziate ad accusare la Sindrome da Depressione Autunnale, vi si abbassano le già poche energie e la carica personale va a farsi benedire, incidendo anche sulle molto relative performance generali, a me sale la voglia di fare, tutto e tanto. La vostra malinconica attesa del momento in cui piangere l'arrivo dell'autunno la vedo come sintomatologia di uno stato depressivo che io personalmente schifo, e che mi motiva maggiormente. Quindi bando alle ciance e via al racconto di quanto vissuto! Sapete che fa poco ho cambiato sesso lavorativo, aumentando i problemi di un tempo mentre altri sono restati immutati, come ha sentenziato Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa: "Bisogna cambiare tutto per non cambiare niente" (ma troppe persone non lo capiranno mai e restano nel loro limbo), quindi ferie last minute e pochissimo tempo a disposizione. Ma non esistono scuse, se vuoi fare qualcosa la fai e ti sottrai ai disturbi dell’umore. Avevo montato le storiche borse Krauser del 1980 di provenienza MaxDePa con la certezza di volermene andare a fare un giro, rapido e godurioso, tutto guida e sensazioni. Cambio olio a tempo zero e si parte. Itinerario easy, verso Sella di Corno 🤘su SS17 e giù per Antrodoco e via a Posta con la SS4 per aggredire la SR471 un crogiuolo di curvaggi limitato nella guida solo dalla presenza di ben 6 (sei!) camion da cava... comunque in un battibaleno sono a Leonessa e viro verso Cascia e poi Norcia dagli amici della norcineria Felici dove trovo Salvatore che mi prepara un panino con i controFIOCCHI. Mi da anche informazioni sulle strade ancora chiuse (l'italia non si smentisce mai...) quindi via SS685 prima e SP209 poi arrivo vicino alla distilleria Varnelli... che non ho svaligiato...e di seguito SS77 SP256 per finalmente giungere alle Grotte di Frasassi. Visita di questa meraviglia senza età e poi un'altra abbastanza impegnativa, dopo un'ora al più 20% di anidride carbonica delle grotte, l'ascesa all'eremo di Santa Maria infra saxa e al meraviglioso tempio ottagonale edificato in grotta e detto "del Valadier" in quanto opera del famoso architetto romano e voluto da Papa Leone XII originario di Genga (Annibale dei Conti della Genga). La giornata di conclude a Sassoferrato prima con una fortunata circostanza poiché nel meraviglioso B&B Raffaello suggeritomi dai cordiali abitanti perché non essendoci singole disponibili mi veniva assegnato UN APPARTAMENTO al costo della camera, e successivamente al rustico ristorante Appennino dove le pietanze erano piacevoli e il vino era rosso ed era buono ed era tanto e... vabbè... Notte nello svacco più totale, credo che fare lo sceicco assomigli parecchio a quel mio stare, quindi colazione e nuova giornata in sella! Fonte Avellana mi aspetta con la sua storia meravigliosa ed i racconti che il buon frate mi narra dopo che ho atteso un'ora l'inizio delle visite, per fortuna il mio bisogno di pace lassù ha trovato un luogo ideale ed il tempo è volato tra silenzi e pace e una motosega dell'abbattimento controllato... Dopo aver arricchito i farmacisti Camaldolesi ho cambiato itinerario, dato il tempo perso nell'attesa, ed ho inviato un messaggio ad un amico virtuale che ci tenevo diventasse una realtà perché condividiamo, lui da Maestro e io da stolto allievo (non mi dico cazzaro per dignità) la medesima passione: la MOTO GUZZI. Meteo favorevole quindi tutte strade interne senza fine, centinaia di curve e asfalti dal raro perfetto al "Viale di Baghdad post Operazione Volpe del deserto" transitando per il "Fossa delle Marianne", e tutto guidando tosto per arrivare in un orario decente da Roberto al Moretti di Macerata. Quasi con le speranze allo stremo giungo che stanno andando a pranzo e mi chiedono di unirmi a loro. Il mangiare è ottimo ma secondario alle storie che un po' tutti abbiamo da raccontare e il tempo vola. Nello spazio pieno di storia e che promana energia Roberto ruba del tempo prezioso alle sue lavorazioni e restauri per riempirmi di consigli e di olio il cambio della V11 Scura uguale alla sua. Le cose belle finiscono e debbo ripartire perché le strade guidate abbisognano di tempi diversi... soprattutto se trovi file di deficienti che alle 16:30 di martedì dormono! Devo optare per una soluzione diversa e scelgo la meno costosa, come al solito, prendo la variante SS77 che non avevo mai percorso ed in un'ora sono a Foligno, la SS3 mi porta a Terni e la SS79bis a Rieti, poi la strapercorsa per oltre 20 anni SR578, la Salto - Cicolana mi proietta nella Marsica, volevo fare una sorpresa a Dingo e Rox e direi che ci sono riuscito e, pur dichiarando di averci i tempi strettissimi, mi hanno incaprettato al desco per una ottima cena, ma loro sanno che sto già arrotando le manette 😁 E verso le 22 riparto per casa, passando per la montagna dove una decina di giorni fa apparirono tre cervi, un tasso e un volpino, andatura blanda per sicurezza ma stavolta unico essere visibile un lepre suicida dopo l'Olmo di Bobbi. L'arrivo nella mia tana sempre una deliziosa emozione, tra la felicità del Signor Chuck nel rivedermi ed il sapere che mi piace perdermi per ritrovarmi e che nel mio andare incontro sempre persone stupende. Ah, l'autunno è alle porte, correte a sospendere l'assicurazione! 😂 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2350313095218479&id=100007194335976pan widget
    1 point
  16. so I got home, poured some Scotch, got my last Cuban cigar from my trip last year and turned on Mile's Bitches Brew. Put some tuna steaks on the grill. No pain today.
    1 point
  17. Formula for a Cornfed SpineRaid? "Nashville", (Indiana)
    1 point
  18. Couldn't bring meself to run an extra wire down the front and leave the gearbox drive just sitting there doing nowt!
    1 point
  19. Hi i contacted the previous owner for you and it seems that when the stator was replaced the housing was cracked so it was repaired with the hose clip, the stator is new but you could fix it properly with a new or second hand housing, or you could leave it as it is
    1 point
  20. Sorry I had to miss it this year. Sounds like a weekend to remember. I did get a fritter, though.😋
    1 point
  21. Only true SpineRaiders will cherish a ten minute video of a Guzzi Sport idling. Even the dude on the balcony broke into a sweat about minute-6 and had to go in for more Vodka . . . On my sound system, the tympani and timing sounds like an underwater Brazilian percussion band with occasional fly-overs from a Stearman bi-plane . . .
    1 point
  22. Sew... I just bulk uploaded a bunch of video to YouTube. The files ending in 'F' are the front camera, 'R' rear camera. Some of it is typically boring, following minivans etc. Some are ok. There's Cherohala, Tail, and hwy 22 south in there, as well as Ballpark road going North. Better than Judge Judy for background noise, I guess. Spine Raid footage
    1 point
  23. this is the later offending shift pawl arm Phil referred to. It should measure 15mm at this point. I patiently filed mine down to 15mm/- ...doesn't have to be perfect. You'll see with the spring laid on there.
    1 point
  24. The later bikes had the well known oversize selector arm pivot boss which caused spring failure on a regular basis. Replace or machine/file this down and a new Chuck Spring which I can send you if no one in the states has one and you're good. Ciao
    1 point
  25. Update... I'm down to two springs available for sale. I'm keeping one with Chuck's engineering diagram in case we need to make another batch someday.
    1 point
  26. The broken spring was not common on the early bikes, true. Hard to tell much from the poor pictures, but in the image in your post, it looks like the shifter is resting on the frame side plate . . . Gearbox recall was for improperly heat treated "shift dogs" and replacement of the cush drive stack internal to the gearbox. The recall notice says the "sliding sleeves" may fracture, but I don't remember hearing of any wheel lock-ups (?). Mostly they just turned from a 6 speed with one neutral to a 6speed with six neutrals.
    1 point
  27. I own Scura #600 just north of the Golden Gate bridge in California!
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I would think it would be more accessible in the FAQ. If you look now, you'll see several instances of shift spring failure, but nothing saying it has been fixed.. Someone thinking about a V11 might just say, "Uh oh. They are *still* doing that? Nevermind.." If the whole thread goes away, it wouldn't be a great loss to American literature.. and you wouldn't run out of beer pinning something. Edit: I see you pinned it while I was typing. You work fast, Docc..
    1 point
  30. I have shown this before but I'll torture you again. I got the rear fender sorted. A guy on Wild Guzzi hacked a stock T fender to work like a Sport fender. It's not bad and works until someone pays the dear cash for a replica Sport fender. That seat is still hard. After an hour I get off to take pictures not to take pictures but to get off!
    1 point
  31. OEM Part Name: Fuel Filter - with external pump and filter on frame, 2002 and earlier Moto Guzzi Part Number: 30106000 Replacement Part Brand or Source: Wix (and probably several other brands) Part number: 33310 Fits Isuzu Trooper, all years Differences from OEM: Shorter and smaller diameter Other Comments: The OEM filter rubs on the tank, this smaller filter should not rub on the tank. This is a good time to replace the fuel lines. You need about 6 feet of 5/16 (8mm) high pressure line for fuel injection. Cut the line from pump to filter a bit longer - to reach the shorter Wix filter. While you're at it, install solid clamps (not the worm-gear kind that cut into the fuel line). I found this filter referred to by others on the forum, some said they wrapped it in electrical tape to increase the diameter and hold it snugly in the two clamps. However, I found that the rubber sheet that insulates the shock reservoir (part #00823915045) is a perfect fit as a second layer on top of the original sheet of rubber.
    1 point
  32. Mine is here: http://www.pashnit.com/bikes/V11-Lemans.htm 2002 Champagne
    1 point
  33. LOL I did not review them before uploading! I deleted that one- if anyone wants a copy PM me lol
    0 points
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