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  1. 7 points
  2. Cheer up, y'all . . . https://www.motorkari.cz/clanky/clanky-divka-mesice/monika-moto-guzzi-stelvio-tt-13264.html?kid=9791
    4 points
  3. Do you want OEM, re-pop or??? Here's a 2000> Ducati Monster flyscreen in carbon w/shield for a C-note. https://www.ebay.com/itm/362797351233?epid=1023026675&hash=item5478684141:g:ZlgAAOSwuMZZBfoK
    3 points
  4. Meinolf gave some advice on tuning to go with his map here: https://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?/topic/21701-ecu-bin-maps/#elControls_233775_menu I used his map on my Ti ECU, and have never been inclined to revert to the Ti map I saved.
    2 points
  5. I saw @Kostarika gave a like to this image in @Baldini's "Show us your Tontis!" thread, and thought: Yeah! This what a Spine Raid is like . . . Can't wait!!
    2 points
  6. I ended up putting the ti map back on, I couldn't get the idle set up with Meinolf's map, but I gather there is 'a procedure'. For resetting everything to cope with the richness at idle.
    1 point
  7. Thx docc- i had come up with another web address, apparently and older one, that was a dead end. That one works. MGcycles appears to be a dealer, but almost nothing listed in stock. Grazie!
    1 point
  8. The tip is not critical to function, to a point. https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/369212/inductive-sensor-how-does-it-work
    1 point
  9. I have a '97, just went to look at my sticker but realized it got went away when the swingarm got painted. I'd have peeled it and sent it to you. Perhaps there's another owner who will never need it who'd like a cleaner look on their arm.
    1 point
  10. The early Sport flyscreen is a fiberglass Stucchi. Four years ago, they were still available, with the mounts, from Stucchi in Italy (unpainted). https://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?/gallery/album/240-stucchi-fairing-hardware/
    1 point
  11. Yeah, well, they got quite >JEM< quiet after the noise stopped . . . (Here, again, I had a short wheel bearing spacer, 112mm - not the correct 113mm, but those JEM SKF ate up in no time and left me stranded on failed new bearings.)
    1 point
  12. Its confirmed you have the V11 Virus, Stage 4...
    1 point
  13. My Griso 8v and V11 LeMans. Both are amongst the best sporting Guzzi’s of recent years. The demise of the big block Guzzi’s is why I cannot get excited about anything in their current line up. Bobbers and small block Adventure bikes just don’t do it for me I’m afraid .....
    1 point
  14. Every time I look at the way the light falls across that image, I think it distills the basic elements of the V11 Sport: A lot of motor, a shapely way to give it fuel, a clear sense of direction, and a place to hang on . . .
    1 point
  15. Sheesh, four months out and I am making no significant progress toward my "200.000 km" Centenary goal. Chipping away, though. I have a fresh rear tire in the wings, probably should get a front and go back into the shifter plate mechanism one more time. Maybe plugs, a valve adjustment, throttle body balance, you know: A Decent Tune-up/ guzzidiag . . . a compression test . . . check all those wheel bearings, the driveshaft U-joints, condition that battery . . . "Only forty-eight hundred" . . . "Maybe new rings. Also mufflers. A little wiring . . ."
    1 point
  16. Andy's awesome V7Sport!
    1 point
  17. I re confirmed my reservations today...carried over from last year. Looking forward to a great time!!
    1 point
  18. Yup. But I had to clean up the vector file to get the wing length to center with the tail... and then center the text. Its the little things that make all the difference to me.
    1 point
  19. In califonia 1978 and older no EPA sticker is needed. I have another 1997 1100 sport and it has the sticker. I took pictures of the bike with the sticker to the DMV and sent them to moto guzzi USA, Any one could see the bike is compliant but up to this point no registation.
    0 points
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