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Everything posted by Cliff

  1. No I don't think thats it. This was happening with the WM ECU and my ECU. I think its was more to do with system voltage fluctuactions that the short was producing
  2. The relays will produce a kick back voltage but its nothing like the 400V you get off the primary of a coil. You really need to add the capacitor that normal points use or you're going to burn out the relay contacts. I don't see any reason to use relays although it will produce a retarded timing for you. Still you're going to end up with less control of your timing. Reliability is going to be worse.
  3. Any other issues with the bike? I know of a guy whose 1100i regularly deteriorated in performance and was pretty sure one of his injectors was f**ked( firing on one cylinder only). He also had an intermitent tacho problem which seemed unrelated. Turns out the tacho was shorting out and causing the injector problem as unplugging the tacho cured his problem.
  4. Yeah, stripped one of mine. Had it welded back in. Stopped on the other one before I stripped it.
  5. I've just had my first ride after tightening up my spark calculation. It was a short ride, 10k around the suburb, not too much idling. However I didn't notice any misses. So spark timing may well be the culprit. I can tighten it up a little more but I was seeing some missed events so I need to fix some bugs to go any further. BTW a lot of my round town cruising is at 2500rpm with no problems. Nice ad relaxing engine speed. Anyway I'm off to work on a Saturday and the weather at the moment is great
  6. Very hard to crack that miss. I've had it come and go even with My16M. Not as bad as the WM. In fact right at this moment I'm looking at the issue again. The few who have My16M don't seem to complain of the miss, but I know its there (''). I think the idle stall is related also. There are two causes I think may be the cause. 1) Noise fooling the ECU into thinking and engine pulse has occured 2) The varying engine speed. A big V twin is not going to be constant in rotation speed but is rather lumpy. This is much worse at idle than at speed. My current tact is to delay the spark timing calculation to just before required. At the moment I do it up to 4 pulses before ( 60 degrees ). At this point the crank is deaccelerating due to the compression stroke.
  7. In what ways is you're bike not yet perfect.
  8. I think I've seen 6A mentioned somewhere. Either way two etra coils would may little difference to the relay and fuse. The ECU itself may have issues driving the extra load. My site should answer most of your questions. Email if you have any other questions
  9. Each coil pulls about 5A. The relays shouldn't have much problem with it as it is only short pulses 3-4ms and the relays are permanently on, they're not switching it. Worse case current would be 1 spark coil ( 5 or 10A ) and both injectors simultanously ( high RPM and throttle ). Think the injectors are 2-3A each My16M does allow a pressure sensor to be soldered in ( Still untested at this stage but with three active pins I couldn't get it wrong could I? ). That should be all that's required for being a My15M.
  10. Carl, do you still have the steering dampener on. Mine leaked and developed air bubbles so I shelved it. Made a huge difference. Most of the weight of the bike was the dampener, even at the lowest settings.. Still stable at the speeds I ride at.
  11. I don't think CDI or anything else fancy will benefit us. Our demands on the coils are quite low. CDI is more important on cars where a single coil is sparking all the cylinders. A bit of theory. When the points close the current through the coil is zero. The current increases in a exponential manner ( 1 - e^-t) because the coil is basically an inductor. To get a reasonable spark this current needs to increase to a certain level and this will take a certain amount of time - around 2ms. Even at 10000 RPM ( 12 ms cycle time ), there is plenty of time to charge the coil.
  12. The only thing this would be doing is running your bike richer across the board. The richer mixture is what is stopping the pinging.
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