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Strada Variants

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StradaVarious time!!!


Several BC Guzzi riders got together last weekend to check out the new Norges of Bruce and Vivian (hers is red!!) and to make a plan for some summertime rides. Fairly informal and we intend it to stay that way.


A few things were decided. We will have our ride meetings on the first Sunday of each month. The first meeting will be Sunday, May 6 at the Travelodge in Chilliwack. We will meet at the resaurant for breakfast at 9:00 am and from there all who want to ride will decide where we will go.


The intentions are to stay informal and very loosely organised. There will be no elections (except the last person to arrive will be President that day) and no riding rules except ride with respect, no passing in corners and if you ride ahead of the group then you must know the route and wait at the next turnoff.


Everyone who wishes to ride is invited and we hope that this will lead to some longer rides and even meeting up with the Washington riders.


If you would like more information PM me with your email and I'll get you on the newsletter.










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Reminder that this Sunday the Stradavarious riders will be meeting at 9:00 am for breakfast at the Travelodge in Chilliwack.


The days ride will be decided then and away we go!


I missed the last meeting but I hope to make the next one. Are you guys meeting on June 3rd? I'll send you a PM Jim and you can email me details. Thanks.

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And now its June and l STILL haven't made it across the pond to ride with you guys... :angry:

Are you going to be a force to be reckond with at the Italian Bike day, June 17th ???

l will be there for sure!

Maybe you can all come here for a ride up to Gold River... :thumbsup:

or even Mt Washington,...short, but good

we are trying to get an Italian bike day here in July, l'll keep you posted




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