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Posts posted by Guzzimax

  1. 1 hour ago, gstallons said:

    80 miles ? That fuel tank must be 1 gallon .

    The fuel tank is 4 US gallons, (15 litres). If you use the performance of the 1.7 litre V4 quad cam 200 bhp motor, the low fuel warning light will illuminate after about 80 miles. I think 25 mpg is real world consumption for the VMax 1700. Not a bike for touringĀ 

  2. 25 minutes ago, Steve S said:

    We seem to have the same affliction I bought a 1700 vmax when they came out in 09 and bought a new v85 2 years ago but didnā€™t get on with it, did one European trip on it and found it top heavy, being 68 and 5ā€™8 didnā€™t help , loved the vmax but not the 80 miles tank rangeĀ 

    Iā€™ve also got a 1700 VMax that Iā€™ve had for the past 7 years. Love it, but as you say the 80 mile tank range is annoying

  3. 7 minutes ago, Steve S said:

    Iā€™ve bought and sold about 15 over the years and they are never easy to sell in the UK , just bought a 2021 BMW R nine T and loving it, asking Ā£4K for the GuzziĀ 

    Ā£4K for the Guzzi Ballabio is great value. I suppose theyā€™re not easy to sell here as Guzziā€™s generally are a niche bike, and the majority of motorcyclists donā€™t really know anything about them. Also bear in mind that the bike market is very slow at the moment, & prices are down compared to what they were a couple of years ago (so everyone tells me)

    Iā€™ll be looking for a low miles used V85 during Jan 2025, & selling my 2001 VMax 1200 (another niche bike) Probably wait until next Spring to sell the VMax in the hope that thereā€™s more activity in the market then

  4. 21 minutes ago, Steve S said:

    Thanks, the Ballabio also has cf side panels from a cafe sport, ghezzi Brian rear hugger and belly pan and Mistral high level cans, all expensive and difficult parts to find these daysĀ 

    If I hadnā€™t just bought the Coppa, I would be interested in buying your Ballabio. Riding a V11 with bars instead of the usual clipons is quite a revelation for us oldiesĀ :oldgit:


  5. 32 minutes ago, Steve S said:

    I have a cf front mudguard on my Ballabio it was new old stock for a rosso Mandello, the only model with marzocchi forks with a cf mudguard, the bike is for sale if you want the mudguard but youā€™ll have to buy the bikeĀ 

    Hello Steve, Iā€™ve seen your Ballabio for sale and it looks terrific with a carbon bellypan & mudguard. Unfortunately Iā€™m not currently in the market for another V11 as Iā€™ve only just bought a Coppa Italia which has brought my V11 collection up to a somewhat crazy 6 bikesĀ :grin:

    Thank you for confirming that the Rosso Mandello was the only marzocchi fork model with the factory carbon mudguard/ fender. I think itā€™s unlikely thereā€™s any new old stock still out thereĀ 

    Good luck with you saleĀ :bier:

  6. If itā€™s fading away in the USA, itā€™s booming here in the UK with more plastic Halloween junk than ever being sold each year. When I was a kid 50 years ago there was no such event as Halloween, I see it as another marketing stunt to sell more tat.
    Sadly today I had my last motorcycle ride (on my MT01) for many weeks. Tomorrow I take a flight to DFW, Iā€™m in Dallas for a week (I work for a large US owned engineering company), then fly back home for 6 days, & on 2 November fly back across the Atlantic with Mrs Guzzimax to Barbados to depart on a 14 day Caribbean cruise on the MV Britannia. Then on returning later in November, off to the Far East for 3 weeks business travel, finally returning home mid December. The compensation is lots of winter sunshine to look forward toĀ 

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  7. My greenie has a cracked front fender. Before I try and repair it with gaffer tape & loctite, can anyone advise if an aftermarket carbon fender was ever made for the Marzocchi forked V11s ? I suppose finding a carbon fender suitable for one of the Marzocchi forked specials like the Scura will be akin to finding a golden unicornĀ :)


  8. On 5/26/2024 at 8:28 PM, Tomchri said:

    17467k $.Ā :rasta:. First thought, nƦƦh he is not selling, checking the market. Around 10k for a V low mileage is fair.

    Cheers Tom.

    Hmm, USD$17.5K is just testing the market. $10k for a v low mileage Coppa is a fair price, given the rarity of the machine

  9. 8 hours ago, Gmc28 said:

    interestingā€¦ I donā€™t recall the new Stelvio being that tall, at least compared to the V85. I popped off my V85 at the John Day gathering and took the new Stelvio for a spin, and was giggling happy with it, despite an assumption I wouldnā€™t like it. Ā i think the tank is higher, but donā€™t recall the seat height being any taller, fwiw. Ā 

    it certainly is a whole different machine than our beloved v11ā€™s. Ā the ā€œinvolvementā€ of the slipper clutch when approaching twisties on decel was impressive for me on that brief ride, but not necessarily desirableā€¦.iā€™m just not used to it, and it would add to the existing need to remember youā€™re on a V11 if hopping between bikes, to avoid bad results on the V11 entering a corner. Ā but she was lovely. Ā 

    New Stelvio seat height 83 cm. V85 is also 83 cm; just the same. Strange, when I took a Stelvio out for a test ride a few weeks ago it felt taller. V11 seat height is 80 cm. Just 1 1/4ā€ lower. If feels much lower than a inch & a quarterĀ 

  10. 16 hours ago, Guzzi-in-Vancouver said:

    With a Tenni Griso thatā€™d be the holy trinity!


    I have often had the same thoughtsĀ ;)

    The problem is I would find it difficult to part with my black Griso which Iā€™ve owned for the past 11 years. I have the same problems with my various V11 Sports purchased before I acquired the Coppa & RC; I canā€™t really bear to sell them, and IMO the red frame models are different enough to the black framed Ohlins equipped specials to justify keeping them all

    This photo of my Griso, Coppa & RC is weird. The wide angle has stretched the wheelbases of the Griso & RCĀ 


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  11. 3 hours ago, docc said:

    Let's ask the other inmates on the ward if this represents a pure and crystalline sanity. :sun::grin: :rasta:

    Yay, it does seem somewhat crazy. I was recently offered the opportunity to buy one of the only 2 original Coppaā€™s in the UK, & I couldnā€™tĀ let it pass me by. I donā€™t really want to sell any of the othersĀ :grin:Ā :wacko:Ā :P

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  12. 23 minutes ago, gstallons said:

    You have 5 total of these ? 2 red frame bikes , an 03 RC , an 03 V11 sport and a 04 V11 LeMans ? all at the same timeĀ  ?

    06 Coppa Italia; 03 Rosso Corsa; Silver & Greenie red framed Sports; 03 V11 Sport; 04 Le Mans; & a Griso 8V. All at the same time:rolleyes:

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  13. On 9/16/2024 at 9:26 AM, Steve S said:

    Another Coppa in the UK?

    No, still the same no. I understand there were originally 2, supplied by Forza Italia & Twiggers. I have purchased one of these. Another has recently been imported from Japan, so thereā€™s 3 Coppas in the UK


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