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Slavomir Musilek (R.I.P.)

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  1. I always dismount the side stand from bike while going on circuit... In max lean the upswept exhausts were being dragged on the tarmac... do not lean further under no circumstances!
  2. this change is worth every penny spent
  3. sorry to hear about this... come to ride in CZ, cops has just a few of FJR1300 which are pretty dull and only a dozen of FZ6. Easy to ride fast in CZ
  4. Hi Jason, it is just the same
  5. Hello Jason, You might wanna check out Reboot Guzzi parts in France. They have a Sport 1100 right now up for parts. The owner is English so that won't be a problem in the language area. Here's the link for the Sport 1100 parts. He still has the steering damper and it's just 42 pounds. Good Luck with it! Mjingen I can recommend these guys - Trible
  6. and the winner is...
  7. =moto-guzzi&s[model]=moto-guzzi-v11&lat=49.56158828735352&lng=14.23253726959229"]4 V11 for sale in CZ
  8. Is that a straight cut or helie box you show there? Hi! The gears are from the straight cut gbox. The one shown mounted is gbox from Centauro. Slavek
  9. Hi, looking for wire harness from Sport 1100 carb version. thanks Slavek
  10. I think it is the cost-reduction. Parts same as on aprilias and etc (those with two wires on gas command) Also, later models of V11 has two wires instead of one. If it was twin cable throttle assy then the other cable position would be on the opposite side. Ciao maybe, maybe not
  11. You're welcome! So you have single wire trottle butterfly V11? I guess... Quick trottle on big Vtwin can be quite tricky, and seems to me bit useless for road use... edit: I found very very cheap quick trottle from Acossatto... for GP125ccm bike. Worth a try. Well... the whole travel of gas on Sport 1100 reducted to 1/4 turn of wrist with the quick gas. So I sold it.
  12. I think it is the cost-reduction. Parts same as on aprilias and etc (those with two wires on gas command) Also, later models of V11 has two wires instead of one.
  13. Sorry, I am bit frustrated from the wiring hareness let's switch back to wirings
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