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Posts posted by rktman1

  1. When I sold my 2000 Jackal (with 6500 miles) the buyer wasn't familiar with Guzzis. When I pulled in the clutch it made the usual racket and I told him that was normal for the Guzzi dry clutch. I don't think he believed me so I took him around back to my m/c shed where my 2003 LeMans (with 3500 miles) was parked and started it up. Exact same sound. Then he was convinced. When I pull in the clutch I often get riders of other brands that ask if there is something wrong.

  2. Your bang on with that. There was a man called Richard Feinmann who was a great man - to paraphrase him: the more I learn the more I realise I don't know - well it wasn't probably any of those words he used but..."Surely You're Joking Mr Feinmann" - worth a read.




    Way before Richard Feynman there was Isaac Newton:


    “To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”


    “I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”


    “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”

  3. "We believe in sticking it to the man down here."

    What does that even mean?



    Here's a good response I read on the BMW forum:

    They omitted the last verse:


    We believe in stick-on tats, hauling our bikes on a trailer, wearing novelty helmets because our brain ain't worth the cost of an Arai, drilling our stock mufflers to make our ride even less powerful, going slow so we can get the attention we don't get in our day jobs, getting the low mileage discount on our motorcycle insurance, collecting H-D tee-shirts from places we've never been by mailing off for them and last but not least paying someone to put air in our tires and oil in our engine because other than driving our Harleys like we drive our designer pickup trucks on mostly interstate highways, we don't know nothing about how you really ride one of these motorcycles. But, we can strike a good pose.

  4. Helo sir, at last a question I can answer easily: buy a "Bike Grab"!!


    They cost up to £90 I think, and hold the bike nicely upright for storage, routine getting ast bits etc, and save the side stand: which I always worry will become floppy over time (doesn't everything?).


    That is pretty cool. Here's a website ===> http://www.bikegrab.com/ (In England)


    In the USA ===> http://www.baxleycompanies.com/Sportchock.html (sort of expensive)

  5. For what it's worth, when I replaced the battery in my 03 LeMans with an Odyssey PC545 this is what I found. I posted this in my thread . . .


    Installed the Odyssey PC545 battery in my 03 LeMans today. It was exactly the same size as the battery that came out of the bike, which was labeled as a SPARK 500, made by Hesa of Milano, Italy for Moto Guzzi. But I swear, the Spark 500 was identical in every way to the Odyssey battery except one: The Odyssey battery had a red top while the Spark 500 had a black top. Because it was the exact same size, installation was a breeze. The old battery had a couple of pads glued to the side to keep it from rubbing on the two outside rails, so I used some weather stripping to do the same. As you know, the battery lies on its "back" with the bottom facing forward and the terminal end (the top) facing towards the rear of the bike.


    So, I believe the original battery in my LeMans was either made by Odyssey or there is a parent company that makes both batteries: The Spark 500 and the PC545.

  6. OK, on my 03 V11 LeMans the taillight bulb has a filament burnt out. It is a Phillips 12499 P21/5W bulb. Do I have to go the dealer to get one of these or is there an equivalent bulb? Sorry, I tried to search the site but couldn't find (easily) another thread detailing this. I did see some mention of LL bulbs (long life) and also using grease to quell some of the vibration.

  7. Installed the Odyssey PC545 battery in my 03 LeMans today. It was exactly the same size as the battery that came out of the bike, which was labeled as a SPARK 500, made by Hesa of Milano, Italy for Moto Guzzi. But I swear, the Spark 500 was identical in every way to the Odyssey battery except one: The Odyssey battery had a red top while the Spark 500 had a black top. Because it was the exact same size, installation was a breeze. The old battery had a couple of pads glued to the side to keep it from rubbing on the two outside rails, so I used some weather stripping to do the same. As you know, the battery lies on its "back" with the bottom facing forward and the terminal end (the top) facing towards the rear of the bike.

  8. Take care not to over-tighten the terminals. They put up with significantly less than you instinctively want to use for an M6 bolt. Over-tightening may break the terminal internally, rendering the battery useless. Guess how I know.


    I (now) always use a screwdriver-handle, not even the tiniest wrench.


    Will do. Thanks.


    (I was awful at over-tightening when I was young. I'm much better now. But I'll be more careful.)

  9. I have had no problem wotsoever installing my PC545 (other than an insignificant amount of interference with the seat pan) but there may be significant clearance considerations, depending on your weight and seat pan. It appears that there may be more than one possible seat pan with several significant interference possibilities. :huh:


    See all the fun, folderol, dimension considerations, and potential interference solutions than you want (or possibly need) to think about in the discussion here:




    Thanks for that thread. Interesting. I will relate any problems I find here in this thread.

  10. I just ordered an Odyssey PC545 battery for my 03 LeMans. It looks like a 10-minute job but do any of you have any tips? I hope this is the same size as the original.


    I installed a PC545 in my 2000 Jackal and it was a bit taller so the battery hold-down could not be installed else it kept the seat from fitting down properly. But the battery placement in the LeMans is quite different.

  11. CLOWNS? Why I oughta..........


    Hey, I resemble that remark. :lol::grin:


    Gotta go now, I'm due in ring 3 soon. :mg:


    Zoom Zoom,

    John Henry


    Actually, I think some of those guys over there ARE aliens! :D


    Not John Henry, of course.... ;)

  12. Not only is WG down, but the lack of overflow onto the other 'Guzzi forums makes me worry that most of the prolific posters have been abducted by aliens.


    It might be a good thing if aliens abducted some of those clowns over there... :D


    But there is a lot of good cruiser-model info there.... :thumbsup:

  13. For Sale - 2004 Ducati ST4S-A


    Bike located in Tucson, AZ.


    - $10,900

    - Red Sport Tourer with Ducati hard bags

    - Sport suspension and ABS

    - 996 cc, completely stock

    - 2200 miles, purchased new in Oct 2004

    - Warranty till October 2006

    - Like new, senior owned, babied, not a scratch

    - 43T rear sprocket and chain installed at 600 mi. svc

    - Ducati Svc manual ($170)

    - MagKnight Tank Bra


    E-mail: tcs1118@aol.com

    Phone: 520-647-7073


    Here is a link to my webpage. Scroll down to a link of several high-resolution digital pictures:



  14. I have a 10 ft by 12 ft motorcycle shed with full elec. It is built on a concrete pad and has enough room to work on one bike (and be able to get all around it). All my tools are there (such as they are) as well as all supplies (oil, etc.) I usually park two bikes there. :bike:


    I spend many an hour there. Most of the time because I want to; sometimes because the wife sends me out there... :P

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