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Posts posted by TX REDNECK (R.I.P.)

  1. It's just his unrestrained delight at the killing of J C Menendez that I found a real pain.


    WTF are you talking about ? I never heard of this wetback, I even googled it :unsure: Are you talking about that messkin that was jumping turnstiles in the subway ? If so shit happens. If someone has a gun and is telling me to stop , I'm either gonna shoot back or listen to what they're saying.


    Either way I guess he had it coming :wacko:

  2. So anyone running top fuel should get ahold of motoman & this johnson guy to epoxy up the ports. And get rid of those superchargers. And add some slick 50 and some of those 4 prong sparkplugs too.


    Maybe NASCAR should mandate all races be run with restrictor plates :huh2:

  3. In this business, patents give less protection than just staying ahead with a steady flow of ideas. Without question, Robert Johnson has plenty of those.


    let's see... squeeze off the intake ports & retard the timing & hang on :homer:


    NASCAR should assinate this guy before he gives all their secrets away.

  4. :huh2: ''TERRORISTS'' WHO ARE THEY. And what do they do. from what i've observed they don't own helicopter gunships or fighter air craft. they don't seem to have intercontinental balistic missiles. it seems they don't even have land mines or cluster bombs. they have no navy. no destroyers aircraft carriers heavy haulage aircraft hover craft stealth bombers or even drones. :huh2: do they have military academies, colonels/ major generals / generals / sgt majors large land mass dedicated to training troops in the ''art'' of war. do they have war memorials . veterans day ? . do they have government funding dedicated to the supply of latest high tech equipment. do they rely on high tech surveilence ''satelite'' technology. [enquiring mind just has to know]



  5. For a months now I've been awaiting an appointment for a psychiatrist....and I'm finally going Monday at 3:00.


    I've been having trouble sleeping, I can lay in bed from 11 pm and toss and turn until 8 am. Everyone is saying it's because I sleep until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I sleep that late because I can't sleep.


    My family has tried waking me up at 7:30 in the morning and to no avail, I still was awake until 8 the next morning. I just have a bad sleeping problem. I'm tired throughout the whole day also.


    I also can't concentrate on shit during the day, and yes I have ADD and am Manic Depressive. I'm also OCC and Bi-polar to the point where alot of people don't like being around.



    Now what I am wondering is what do you think they will try to do monday? If they just try talking then I'm going to snap and show them Bi-Polar. I've been to the doctor before for Sleep and he put me on Xanax....heres the problem though.


    He put me on .25 MG which is half of a peach. Didn't help much. I just never renewed that prescription.


    Went to the doctor a couple months later to try to get a bigger dose of xanax and he wouldn't because he said they are addictive I explained to him that I needed a bigger dose because I used to pop handfulls of them and built a tolerance. So here is where the psychiatrist comes in since he made me an appointment. He said they will most likely prescribe Adderall for my ADD.



    I've looked around on my problems and have came across Seroquel. Used to treat OCD, Bi-Polar, Manic Depression.


    I'm confused as hell now because Adderall will help keep me awake through the day, but then I need something to help me sleep and I doubt a Dr. will prescribe an upper and a downer for the day and night, I don't see it being safe.


    I have taken Seroquel and loved it, but I don't know if I like the idea of walking around like a zombie all day, I couldn't drive, and if I smoked bud I would flat out pass out.




    Now, please give me a little insight on what you all think.

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