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Bike lifts Jacks etc.

Richard Z

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I just purchased a bike lift. I bought it at the local Harbor Freight store. I was pleasantly surprised by it. For the money I wasn't expecting much. $300 US. It is completely hydraulic and has the same fetures as more expensive versions. I am an apartment dweller and only have a 1 car (or 8 bike) garage at this time. After setting it up I found that it is compact enough to put in the corner with the bike on it and still drive my car in. I was expecting to have to park my car outside. I did alot of comparison shopping to find what I wanted and I just settled for the less expensive lift.


Just wondering what everyone else uses for their lifts or jack.


Richard Z.

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I use a jack stand on the right swingarm pivot, a car jack on the left to lift it off the kickstand, then a 2x6 under said kickstand to keep everything level. NOT the best way...I'm sure I'm asking for disaster sooner or later. :o


I'm a little apprehensive wrt Harbor Freight's stuff-I had a sandblaster who's regulator blew off and flew across the garage the first time I pressurized it. But, for stuff like a bike lift I'm sure it should be just fine. :bier:

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Here are a few pics of the Triumph on the new lift. I have a feelin this thing is going to come in very handy.







Richard Z.

hmmmm. lots of Guzzi Red but.........NO GUZZI!!!!!

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