Getting ready for a ride to the Appalachians in a month and found a weak rear Pirelli GT. They are lasting about 3500 miles for me; right at average for my 30 rear tires. (I get 3 rear : 4 front).
Trying to follow my own advice (Wheels Off Maintenance Checklist in FAQ) , I found my Brembo rear pads ready for a change (10,111 miles/ 16.300 km). Inboard more than outboard, which tells me the pistons need cleaned, equalized, pin polished and lubed, and fluid bled.
The brake side rear whee
So, in the hopes of getting this right (this time), I have some things to report along with lingering concerns . . .
For certain, the new spacer checks out (113mm), while the original is 112mm. It also has the centering collars, while mine were removed early on the make the bearings easy to drift out. I've been advised to cease-and-desist the drifting and only use a proper set of bearing pullers. Good, professional advice from Josh, as always.
In that case, keep the centering collars w