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converti bars

Guest callithrix

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Thanks for the feed back and the link (now saved), mybike is a 2000 moel so I may get away without the extended hoses.


Interesting info on the mirrors and vibration as the only bad vibes are around the 4/4500rpm area, below that it is not a problem and above it is really smooth.

The demo bike I tried before buying was a 2002 model with the shorter bars and vibration was not a problem. I did test ride the bike I bought but had already seen a handlebar conversion on this site and had intened going down that route if vibration was a real problem. The vibration I can live with but the riding position is a little stretched for a short arse (5'7" on a good day).

(I had a nose fairing of uncertain parentage lying about the garage which has been modified to fit).


I guess I am aiming at a similar set up to yourself, arms and knees bent at roughly 90 degrees and slightly leaning forward (classic stance?), good around town and sporty enough on the open road.


I'll have to check and see if they have a UK importer or check out the cost involved in having them shipped over.




I've had a look on eBay but I am not registered. Only just getting used to this electronic wizardry so I'll give them a miss (last price was 61$ and 3 days to go).

I can't explain the reluctance as I know others who ,on the whole, use eBay without problems.


long winded as ever



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