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helicopter fun


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that doesn't even seem real. how do you fly them upside down? unless you can change the direction of the blade in a hurry I'm really confused by this, it has to be fake! maybe not. but its insane. I guess when I think about it you COULD change them that fast. but good god this man has more free time than ANYone I know. and lots of $$$ for gas and previously crashed helicopters

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Guest dopiata

They have dual aposing blades, one in one direction and the other in the other direction. It is how they the props are bent so to speak.


This allows:


1. No rotor (rear rotor which changes directions)

2. Much more stable

3. Better tricks


I have a Traaxas Revo Truck.

It does 40mph and is 4 wheel drive.




It hauls.


I have a few buddies with copters and planes.


In short, a man needs atleast 5 projects.


I have 5 as well.


1. My Guzzi.

2. My 87 Chevy Pickup (immaculate)

3. The Revo

4. Various computer programming projects I work on. (weekend work).

5. The house, which is done ... there is very little left to fix, modify, or do?

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AHHHH poo on traxxas, I have a Mugen MST-1 NOW that flys lighter quicker I likes it. I've had them all tho, A EK4 with the .70, several road cars like the GT4 and a kyosho buggy. a MBX was the best built tho. solid through out I'd like to get one of those copters but they aint cheap. I only have 4 hobbys My:

oo' Guzzi

My Computer

My Rc cars

An Fishin

4 is enuff trust me although I still find myself bored quite often that could be filled with a truck restoration I was working on a 65 C10 chevy with a new 350 4bolt and all kinds of goodies but it got out of hand and out of budget and it had to go. so anyone gots any ideas for a new hobby?

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Ahh come now, not really the owner of the distributorship's son went off and started his own brewery, he didn't do too well and is trying to sell it now because beer as kind of taken a dive in the US, all those ppl drinking booze out there making my job difficult. Although I just deliver Kegs and we've been steadily going up which I'd rather wasn't the case I think I work hard enough.

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Guest ratchethack
that doesn't even seem real. how do you fly them upside down? unless you can change the direction of the blade in a hurry I'm really confused by this, it has to be fake! maybe not. but its insane.


I've never seen anything like it either. I'm no avaitor or RC Guy, but it has to be a reversible pitch rotor and I'd guess that there has to be some sort of processor-control on the pitch control that automatically vectors thrust direction with gravity, so that the operator doesn't have to think about it, or he'd NEVER be able to flick it around like that. :huh2:

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