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Are these cool or dumb?


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With my tailsection order from Rossopuro, I also got these fine... thingies. What do you think? Not exactly bling, but are they helping or hurting the overall guzziness? (it's the covers for the throttle bodies we're lookin at)



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They look fine to me, I am getting a cardan bar, cover guards and a rear brake cover(rossopuro are waiting on there suppliers to deliver bolts, but its Still the Italian hols :drink::huh2: )Might get them as well now i have seen them fitted to a bike. I take it they :luigi: were easy enough to fit. :bike: Oh and post a pic when the tail is fitted :thumbsup:


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Guest ratchethack

It looks like something Hurricane Katrina blew off the screen door of a double-wide in a trailer park on Route 59 outside of Slidell, Louisiana. <_<


You asked. . . :huh2:

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Guest Nogbad

If you like them keep them. The Guzz is so heavy already it won't make any difference however bling encrusted you like it.

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Art Deco is a pretty good observation. I wouldn't buy them but they look fine- I think they'd look better if they were oval or at least had rounded corners. Need to mold to the pre-existing lines.

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Yeah, they seem kind of pointless to me. LIke jrt said, if they were rounded, maybe more like the rear brake line cover, then they'd fit in. It's just weird to have a sudden square part right there.


I'll probably keep them on though, until I've done all my other planned mods, and see how I feel then.

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Needless extra art decco bling.

I have to agree.


Italians seem to have a way of unintentionally making objects sexy...they set out to make a toaster...and it comes out lookin' like a Lamborghini :D


This looks like something "Made in the U.S.A."


not that there's anything wrong with that :D


it just don't look Italian

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1st: You shoulda made this a poll! :)


2nd: I don't dislike it, but I'm not a huge fan of extra puffery that serves no particular function, ie: if they kept stuff from interfering with the thottle linkages or helped shed water to keep it from messing w/ the TB electrics, great. Otherwise, I'm not much interested.


3rd: It needs to match the color of the tank or be painted Italiano tricolor [base white, w/ red & green outlining pinstripes.] Or chrome it. But the battleship grey has got to go! :vomit:


Ride on!


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This looks like something "Made in the U.S.A."




it just don't look Italian


Heh, ironically, they ARE Italian. Pretty sure Firestarter Garage makes them right there.



3rd: It needs to match the color of the tank or be painted Italiano tricolor [base white, w/ red & green outlining pinstripes.] Or chrome it. But the battleship grey has got to go! :vomit:



I think that the intention was to match the grey rear brake line cover. I see your point though. Actually, I got a red anodized instrument cover, and now I'm thinking it MIGHT be too much red. If my bike were all black, maybe it could handle more red, but it's got a green tank. It might be a little Christmas-ish. Hard to say until I get the rest of the parts painted the way I want them.

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