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Posts posted by Anthro

  1. I just read an e-mail from the University clarifying that we are not in a recession and we should keep investing… :2c:


    We got a similar one during the year 2000 :bbblll: .


    It was educational to see the word recession again :homer: .





  2. " the radical socialist/leftist "



    Wow 3 consecutive adjectives :homer: .


    This is intimidating :huh2: , hopefully not contagious :bier: .





  3. Hi Leafman...


    Mike at MPH has a complete description on how to tune up the Guzzi EFI.



    Me I am not a tech, but the disagreement about the problem, and the diverse opinions seems to be quite meaningful.


    I had a simmilar problem with an old Honda CB360, rigth cylinder a lot hotter than the left, meanwhile the bike was running great... Valves clearances were all right, but the right exhaust valve being lifted a bit less than normal due the wear on the cam.


    (I sincerely hope that I am wrong :2c: )


    I rode and ejoyed that bike for a long time after :bike: ... I was in college and money was not available (It was more expensive the fix than the bike).




  4. is all about PHP (Perceived Horse Power), just by making bikes more noisy the PHP rating will increase with at least 26%



    3 weeks ago I was at MPH and since one of my mufflers was being replaced I purchased the H pipe getting rid of the center muffler on the Cali...


    The logics should point to a decrease of efficiency since the bike was tunned with the center muffler on, and 'liberated' w/o re-tunning, .... but It sounds soo great :wub: that now I feel as if I have more power at my disposal. Moreover, it seems that this type of modifications would decrease the low and middle range performace in trade of a bit more on top... but it sounds soo great that I feel as if I have more power around 3-4k rpm :race: ...


    Who knows...


    The truth, it may not make a huge difference having around 74 HP (74 is the spec for the '03 Cali tunned V twin 1064cc), but now I have a 'real' increase in PHP, the fun HP...


    Great postings, great reality check for me... thanks :bier:


    (I may add Remus slip ons on the Cali just to see how it looks... old Tonti-Lemans style but with the fat Cali gastank... :luigi: I am sure I'll get more Fun HP or PHP)




  5. It was designed for ...





    If this tread was just because, it would be just anoying, but it was "designed" as if TX was a psichologist measuring reactions...


    TX may believe that he is in a mission...


    How sad.



  6. Let the trained personnel of law enforcement take care of crime.

    That at large "Far west movie hero" is the worst nightmare of law enforcement...


    Good luck with the ground seal meat patties... :2c:


    The new Griso really looks like a 'killer' :mg:




  7. I hope TX will make some money :2c: with the new seal burger at McDonals so he can get a second Guzzi.


    May be his only shade of good taste is his Guzzi :mg: .


    His comment about brown is just too dull and shallow to try to make it into an irony...



  8. Ups!!! sorry a long one...


    I do not believe that the problem are the 'alternative' doctors, because we all reserve the right to critique them and we are watchful of the procedures and results of their practice, we handle them under our critique.


    That is good becuase we free ourselves of the cultural embellishment of the "Doctor's" status, and we allow ourselves to say: that is bullshit, or yes this indeed works...


    What worries me is what we are not inclined to criticize.


    The traditional MD:


    I did work at the University of Texas for a number of years and I have witness the shrinking of the core classes the MD were suppose to attend in order to learn anatomy and other basic things.


    In a particular school they compressed the basic anatomy to 6 weeks. Together with that, now they are many classes are being taught over the internet, depleted of the complex face to face and group learning. So a new Doctor is basically a very illustrated ignorant of the most basic principles of medicine.


    I have the luck of considering myself a friend of one of the emeritus professors at UT who in his mid seventies shares with me how afraid he is of the future of the profession.


    From a production point of view the Doctor-patient relationship is now organized around rather economical criteria so you get less than 10 minutes for a complete clinical examination…in this context ‘palpation and observation’ –the millennial- old approach is replaced by lab works… Lab works are a good clue but quite short sighted without the clinic…


    Worst of all you may not even get to see a graduated MD, it is very likely that you will be diagnosed and treated by a Physician Assistant, acting as a Doctor instead of assisting him or her…


    :bier: Me I’ll rather go for “Those nice ladies that give you massage in Thailand” at least it would be money well spent in a biological relieve (pleasure :grin: ). Nobody will try to full you to make you buy what is not there.


    My Insurance designated Doctor a young Associated Professor at UT, at least plays the act, but for real health care I go to the real people –those old Doctors that know about people in and out-.


    Real doctors played with the cadavers at school, they got dirty, they really met the flesh with the scalp and know how it feels… it was not TV or a computer based learning who made the doctors. It was the smell of the mortuary, the touch real human organs, and the relation with real patients (not plastic dolls…)


    In this context I tend to reduce new doctors’ practice to the same level you may fear of the witch doctor, but more dangerous because we just trust them… It is our entire fault…


    Once my wife wanted to get pregnant and had to slam her designated MD’s (PCP) door to get the referral she needed –to a real doctor- (with the right credentials and experience) it was the only way to get the right treatment… (Now we have a great daughter who loves MG :mg: )…


    So I’ll say anywhere you go get the maximum amount of information, study it yourself and make informed decisions. Do not just trust them.




  9. As Chiropractic is an American thing I'm not sure who the Chiropractors are in Britain or Europe.


    Maybe Jaap can change your vote to 'Witch Doctor" and I can whip up a little eye of newt from here . . . :food:



    I do believe that they provide an effective procedure that indeed affects the human body sometimes in a positive and permanent way. But receiving the labeld of Medics, Doctors is rather a social thing, so strong that is hard to see a 'Doctor' not wearing the stetoscope, - even do an important number of American Doctors do not know how to really use it- ... same with the white coat... (Doctors' community recognized ornaments)


    To be a doctor is both effective actions and ritualized behaviour...


    In this context the community of Chiropractors is indeed missing some social interface to be labeled as doctors...


    Me I never used them, but I do agree with the ideas exposed by Docc. I have friends who use Chiropractors services and they lik them.


    The human body is so complex that the just allopatic approach must not be sufficient for comprehensive wellness



  10. Hi,


    I have great fun reading "american imports"...


    But I truly believe that the people in power first attribute is vicious...

    Then they post the image they can o rather what is designed for them by the PR team.


    It is just bad people ensuring their own future on everybody else.


    PR tip: if you can not quit saying "Nukular" just make it your hallmark... and there you have GWB saying it shameless everywhere in the world.








  11. Hi all I just can not ride a motorbike w/o the helmet, but in a pedal bike I do have that false sense of security...



    My bike is back home... months after, it still with its old parts and a brand new old fasion tire with inner tube (I did not ask before so I will not complain)(it will be a hard flat fix on the road)


    At the shop my wife got exited about the Nevada 750... She said she'll buy it...if NIH keeps paying her to play with broken harts.


    So Peace and Love for all...


    (Probably Tex Banana, is indeed what we eat. In the USA there is no law enforcing the posting and disclosure to the consummer of genetically altered food)





  12. MG the new Piaggio's face...


    I called to NYork the new MG Piaggio's headquarter... Just to ask when they will start shipping parts to the dealers - I have being waiting for 2 months for parts to get my bike back :huh2: -...


    They were not willing to share any info with me :bbblll: ... They treat me as if they were selling too many bikes and in no need for good relations existing customers :moon: . It seems that Piaggio customer care would become be the best promoter of Jap bikes :homer: ...


    Sharing the sales floor:


    Sometime ago I asked for the MG's dealer's package (with the idea to start a small business) Piaggio's form ask what other bikes you sell and at the alternatives are just about all the known Jap brands. I do not believe that those alternatives are posted just to tell someone "sorry you can not distribute our product". They ask about regulations regarding bike dealers at your county and so forth...


    I just would like to be more positive, but the change is too bad comparing with the guys answering the phone in Georgia (former MG parts location)...



  13. Citimoto,


    Today I went to MPH to check on my bike and to take a look of the new ones... I saw your bike, you will not regret It looks just great :food:


    Congratulations! :mg:


    Happy Holidays :race:


    (I made it there just at closing time, but Mike walked me through the facility as if we had all the time to admire the Guzzies and talk about them... Thanks Mike ! :bier: )



  14. Yes, a merry consumerfest to all.






    Unexpected extra pleasure:


    It was the time of my first Bike, a 1977 Honda CB360T, Few weeks after I got it, I felt secure and safe enough to have my girlfriend riding with me :sun: ...

    I was able to feel the soft pressure or her breasts on my back ... :grin: !!!


    Happy Happy Holidays :mg:




    Milk indeed,


  15. Merry Christmas to you all...


    Peace and Love, Milk and a tank full of Petrol for every one ...


    let Alex go on and soon every one would rather be an atheist :D ...

    (I see nothing wrong with the human body specially female :bier: )


    I called the dealer: my bike will be ready before Xmas :bike: (good job Santa !)



  16. I am not a chemist but I heard that Ethanol may rust some metals especially the gas tank (not a concern with the V11)...


    I would be brilliant if, in the future we can just uncap the gas tank to have a drink, so we will go to the fueling station for the ethanol, then to the pub to get some soft drinks, and snacks.


    The next step in efficiency is the biodiesel but MG has enough vibrations as it is...


    The environmental issue in the USA does not seem to bother enough people... here in Texas talking about the environment put you on the spot as a sort of Hippie or some one who wants to live in the un-pleasant stone age.


    One more note of concern... for every gallon of petrol (Bezine) we burn, 20 gallons of carbodioxide are made... (Green house gas)...



  17. Hi kidd, I too read this site before purchasing a new MG, and of course, I was ready for a very involved ownership of my MG.

    Worst of all I purchased a MG California Aluminum with the PI engine and single plate clutch, so I was ready for a rather time consuming ownership :luigi: ... Now 4000 miles after, I have no troubles to report :bike: . The bike is just sweet :bier:


    I do believe that all what Ratchethack (Great posting) said represents the real type ownership involvement you will embarce when you buy a MG, I know my time with my bike will come, but I am ready and I will not be looking back into a Jap bike.



    Anthro :mg: ...

  18. I would start by the simplest and chepest items related to the problem.


    Spark plugs are a good start. With the air cooling engine not all spark plugs will take well the high peak temps they may be exposed... even do they may look good they may be gone... certain plugs will work better and longer, but my path is to use regular ones but replace them often. Then spark plugs wiring, then ignition coils...


    My MG only has detonated 4 times (4000 miles) 2 of them before the first 1000 miles, so to me they do not count :D ... the other time at 3000 miles and I removed the original sparks (NGK but cheap ones), I installed another other set of inexpensive ones but at least made in Germany (Bosh platimum), and they are doing all right.


    The last detomation was loud and it happen when I did full throttle while riding at about 2700 rpm... ? (with the new plugs! :huh2: ) I believe my MG may be running a bit rich?... but I will not mess with the EFI... I'll just wait until the 6000 miles service.


    I believe that misfiring may be because Timing, failing spark, wrong fuel/air mix proportion and too stiff exhaust valves...


    But 30 centigrads will be a hard endurance test for both you and the air cooled engine... at least in Texas most of my driving is at the Highway ...


    Hopefully your MG will get sorted out soon :mg:



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