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Posts posted by kenr

  1. Probably the one for a proper DVD. I don't even know what DivX is although I'm certain I could find a way to use it. Currently I have a 2x2Ghz Macintosh G5 with 2.5Gb memory and enough hardware to burn a DVD, just never bothered to learn how to do it. This woulld be a good opportunity to get my head out of the mud and learn how.




    Hi Carl,


    You need to ping Jason fot the ftp in that case. Good luck with the DVD - I haven't used the Mac tools but they are supposed to be better than anything available on PC.





  2. I've been out of town and lost track on this thread. Who do I ask to get the FTP site? Please email me off list. Thanks.





    I have a DivX version for download (650MB) and I think Jason has an image you can burn a proper DVD (1.7Gb) - which one did you want ?


    I am also working on a DVD and would be happy to mail you a copy when its done if you don't mind waiting.





  3. For anyone in south UK I spoke with the guys at Motomecca in Ferndown last week. They have opened a service business, Moto Corsa, and in the new year they will start a tie up with a local dyno business, so they will be able to fit a new exhaust and dyno it - they reckon on needing the bike for most of the day. They carry Mistral stock - don't know yet if they can source others, but I will be following up in the new year once the dyno is up and running.

  4. I had the same issue, but 22 min, 43 seconds into the video.  :huh2: I don't pretend to know why it did work when it did.  I think maybe I set the 'motion detection' level differently.

    I'll be happy to send you a copy as well if you send me your address.





    Thanks for the offer Jason. I have it figured now, still got to out it together but I know how to work around the problem. Trust Guzzi to even crash my PC :o

  5. Whoops, sorry to kenr.  Thanks Ken! 




    Hi Jason - no problem, glad you got your DVD cut. I've been having real problems trying to convert the format to NTSC - my PC keeps crashing and I finally figured out there is one frame 45mins into the program that is causing it, though I have no idea why. I've cut a couple of frames out and giving it another run overnight tonight - if it works I should be on track to having a DVD in the next day or so.





  6. So I gotta confess I have been giving it a go (using the advice in the thread from Motomonster and Janusz - thanks guys) and I have to admit it really does make sense to me - not at all from the point of going fast but the gearchanges are extremely slick, much more so than its possible to achieve with the clutch.


    If you think it mught be for you I recommend at least giving it a try. :bike:



  7. I think I am also game to continue trying to master it a little while as long as I don't keep grinding my gears too much in the attempt !


    What little I've experimented so far I have to agree that when it works you get a very sweet gearchange. Of course when it don't work that noise hurts :o



  8. Thanks Motomonster.


    A got a few good changes in and can see the benefit. It wasnt a very long run and nothing scientific but I was trying to see if I could figure out what I was doing wrong when it wouldn't change - obvioulsy the gearbox is still loaded, but I am wondering what I am doing wrong when it won't shift so I can try to concentrate on what I need to fix. I am pretty sure I backed off the revs all the way and would try holding the gearchange up but on a coujple of occasions had to give up and use the clutch (of course it all gets a bit hectic when its really not going to work out).


    Any more guidance appreciated.



  9. Now my geabox is fixed I thought I would see if I can destroy it again practising clutchless changes based on the discussion in the previous thread from Tim and Janusz .......



    QUOTE(rktman1 @ Nov 19 2004, 03:49 AM)

    This is how he told me to shift:


    1) Pull in the clutch

    2) Lift up on the shift lever

    3) Let out the clutch

    4) Release the shift lever


    You'll notice steps 3) and 4) are reversed. I've ignored the throttle manipulation here.


    Tim in Tucson





    If you eliminate from your procedure points 1) and 3) and time your 2) and 4) with throttle snap then, and only then you will be able to achieve the real upshifting nirvana.


    I guarantee you will never go back to unnecessary clutch manipulations.








    I got a few in this afternoon but there is obvioulsy a lot to the technique - interested if anyone has further advice on getting this right every time ??



  10. So the bike is back, finally !! And here is what I learnt from the experience


    - The local dealer was oblivious to cause of the problem even though it is widely known (they obviously don't visit the v11 forum !) :doh:


    - They initially tried to fob me off with excuses like 'the bike needs to be run in..'

    I wouldn't accept that because I knew from what I read here that there was really an issue, and even though I told them about it they didn't pay attention


    - When they finally learnt from Guzzi directly what the issue was (Guzzi could tell from the frame number) they told me they ordered the parts up before they took my bike away. In fact they didn't and so I had to wait three weeks while the parts showed up - which was kind of annoying because the problem wouldnt have stopped me using it in the meantime :moon:


    - It did pay to be persistent, but polite and in the end I think the dealer actually did a pretty good job. I was trying to consider it from their point of view and ended up feeling kind of sorry for them. I guess the villian is really Moto Guzzi - once someone has purchased the machine they get their money and the dealer gets left with all the niggley problems that need fixing - and I know they get paid but I bet it isn't business they really want to have, just the cost of supporting the Guzzi marque. And I guess if it was my business I might wonder if it is worth all the hassle at some point - and if the dealer gives up then my life as a Guzzi customer certainly doesn't get any easier.



    Anyway, its great to have the bike back working finally, and its not even raining here these days .....


    Happy riding :race:



  11. Dave,


    Hope you don't take offence, but I thought this was kind of topical and might guve you a :lol:



    An executive was in quandary. He had to get rid of one of his staff.


    He had narrowed it down to one of two people, Debra or Jack. It would be a hard decision to make, as they were both equally qualified and both did excellent work. He finally decided that in the morning, whichever one used the water cooler first would have to go.


    Debra came in the next morning, hugely hung-over after partying all night. She went to the cooler to get some water to take an aspirin and the executive approached her and said: "Debra, I've never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off."


    Debra replied, "Could you jack off? I feel like shit right now."




    Best of luck.



  12. I saw a few of them as well, and thought it was OK too. Better than most of what is on tv, but then I only tend to watch News24 normally !


    I guess it was kind of a strange program - in between a travelogue and biking prog, and I think it appealed becasue I tend to like both of these types of programs. I guess for most people in just fell in the middle somewhere....


    Its out on DVD I believe - be interesting to see if it sells....



  13. Kenr,


    Go back to post #29 on previous page - there's a drawing of parts belfastguzzi posted - he guessed this might be the problem. The ratchet arm & spring are top left. Spring part no is same but the ratchet arm no has changed.


    This is a common problem. There's loads of stuff if you search technical topics. One thread was called "spring is here" contains most of info. there's an FAQ on it too I think. Look for Pawl arm, broken spring, stuck in third gear etc etc...


    Hope it's sorted for you.


    KB :sun:




    Thanks Balldini - I thought that was the part but wasn't sure if it was the same part thats refered to in other threads on the issue - I guess it's reasuring if it is the same and not another potential problem .....


    Looking ofrward to getting the bike back and will report more when I do :race:

  14. I know a couple of you guys had similar problems with the gearchange so when I called up to find out what is happening with my bike today I made sure to find out what the part numbers are :


    ratchet arm - 01235130

    spring - 04238300


    Apparently Guzzi knew what the problem was from the frame number and sent a CD with the repair details, so it would appear this is definitely a known issue. :luigi:


    Unfortunately the guy who booked my bike in wasn't quite up front and told me they had already ordered the parts which they hadn't, so I am still waiting for the bits to show up after 2 weeks so they can put it all back together .........


    If I ever get my bike back I will let you know how it works out - in the meantime if you plan to get yours booked in I suggets you make sure they order the parts in first - the warhouse shows plenty in stock in Europe but no-one seems capable of sticking them in a jiffy back and posting them :moon:


    If it wasn't cold and wet here I might be very upset :wacko:



    btw - if anyone can point me to a drawing with the part numbers I would be really interested to see what the offending bits look like

  15. You can add more info by replying to this thread and hopefully this will become a central resource for information on the best tyres avilable for the V11, and specifics on tyre pressures, etc.


    Obvioulsy this can only ever be a guide since people will have different preferences, set-ups and environments (weather, etc) that they ride in - but, hey, at least this information is free and impartial, and hopefully it can be a guide to help you make a choice for your next expensive rubber purchase.......... :bike:

  16. Well Ken, why not run a poll? I think it would be great if we all could see what everybody was riding. I'm still on BT 020 but I'm not overwhelmly impressed.






    Hi Søren,


    I took a look to do this - might be my lack of ability :homer: but from what I could figure you need to admin or moderator to set up a poll.


    I will have another go if this isn't the case ? Otherwise maybe one of the guys with access could help out here .......? :notworthy:



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