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VA Sean

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Posts posted by VA Sean

  1. Well --

    If this thread wasn't offending anyone before, how about now...


    Thread came up on Wildguzzi about the ship that recently crashed and spilled fuel and cargo in to the sea... some items washed on shore (including some 50 BMW motorcycles) which were taken away by looters.

    It was noted in that thread by a UK citizen that The Crown is the rightful own of these "lost" goods due to where they've washed up.


    I ask -- in all seriousness, because I am an ingorant American and just don't know -- what does the Royal Family do in/for the United Kingdom these days? Aren't politics handled by the Prime Minister and Parliament? Aren't the members of the Royal Family just figureheads and land owners at this point?



  2. Hello Again

    Need some touch up paint, where can I get some in the USA :bier:


    Guzzi paint colors are very difficult to find or match in the US. But this is the response I got on Wildguzzi regarding the same question:


    Guzzi uses a paint system manufactured by Lechler Spa. This paint is widely available in Europe but not available in the USA because of EPA restrictions on the thinners/reducers it uses. There is ONE place in Canada that can get Lechler, but it would cost you a fortune in import duties and hazardous shipping charges to get it to you. Also, since paint is mixed by weight on a scale, if there is a teeny tiny component in it, the minimum quantity that can be mixed mught be quite large. for example, my Mother-in-law needed the 1/4 panel on here Mercedes SLK painted. Looked like a general silver, but there was a extremely small amount of pearl in it. The minimum paint quantity that could be measured out to get the pearl addition up to where it would register on the scale was 32 oz. Yep, 1/2 gallon. That would be enough to paint the whole car. He only needed 5 ounces or so to do the job but had to mix a whole 1/2 gallon. So, even if you wanted to buy some Lechler product from the guy in Canada, you might have to buy a large quantity depending upon the minimum amount that can be mixed. That means more $$$$. I have gotten Lechler numbers from MGNA in the past, but they are useless since that paint cannot be purchased in America.


    The two major aftermarket refinish systems in the USA are PPG and DuPont. When they mix a color, the recipe for this color goes into their database. All major automakers in the USA have a paint code written on the vehicle somewhere. As refinishing is big business, PPG and Dupont create recipes that use the vehicle factory code as a cross reference. Even if say, GM uses PPG at their assembly plant, DuPont will create their own recipe that matches that PPG color exact and use the GM code as a cross reference. There are four ways to get your paint:


    1. Supply a vehicle manufaturer code and see if the paint refinish system (PPG, DuPont, etc) recognizes it. My friend has a full PPG color wall mixing station. Some motorcycle manufacturers are in his PPG system - Ducati, Honda etc. Moto Guzzi, is NOT. Also, not all vehicle codes are in each system, but the majority are. Some fo the smaller paint makers (Martin Senor, etc) may have smaller data bases than PPG and DuPont, so some of the more exotic vehicle codes may not show in their database. MGNA does NOT supply vehicle color codes for it's new machines like GM, Ford, Chrysler, etc. They will supply you a Lechler specific paint number only (I know, I got some!). Which lead into 2:


    2. Know the exact number of the paint color from the specific maker and buy it from that maker. This number does NOT cross reference between paint makers. You CANNOT take a PPG paint color number and cross reference it into a DuPont number. You cannot give either PPG or DuPont a Lechler number and expect them to generate a PPG or DuPont color recipe. How do I know? I tried. The only numbers that cross reference betwen paint systems are the vehicle manufacturer numbers mentioned in method 1. Say for instance, if PPG makes a red that does not have a vehicle maker code assigned to it, you are SOL trying to get a DuPont, Martion Senor, etc paint recipe to match it. Your stuck getting it from PPG. Or, you can try step 3.....


    3. Spectrograph. A Spectrograph does NOT create custom recipes. It analyses the color it and uses it's spectral signature to match it to that of a signature of a color that is in it's database. If your exact color is not in the database, it will not create a custom paint recipe for you. It simply matches to what it thinks is the closest one. You are at the mercy of the size of the database and to the ability of the computer to pick something close. I believe PPG has a larger data base of color recipes than DuPont, so your chances of finding something 'close' is better at a PPG shop. Since Guzzi uses neither PPG or DuPont formulations, your color recipe will NOT be in their database and the computer will be using it's judgement to pick something close. Using a spectrograph on metallic and pearl colors is VERY DIFFICULT and often provides unsatisfactory results. You may get lucky. If by chance Guzzi used a color common to Ford or GM and Ford and GM also offered that color in USA, the spectral computer just might spit out an exact match. You are asking for a lot of things to go your way though. Here is the link to the Lechler 2005 refinish guide. Go to page 254 to see the Moto Guzzi codes they have on file:




    Very little codes for anything past the year 2000. Essentially the Guzzi codes are useless though since you cannot get Lechler paint and PPG/DuPont here in the USA will not have these vehicle manufacture codes in their database since the use for those colors is so little. Hmmm, figure out a recipe for a color GM paints on MILLIONS of cars or figure out a recipe that some obscure Italian maker uses on a few 1000 bikes.


    4. Have it handmixed. This is what I did with my Stone. The grey on a Stone is actually a matte metallic base with a 30 unit matte clear on it. We started with the spectral thing. It's closest match was a Ford truck color. The metallic in it was off - too silvery/blue. So, we started to flip thru chip books of Ford colors. My painter found a Ford underhood color that was very very close and is a matte finish color. At that point he used his skill to add some other metallic components and tints to get as close as match as he could get. He did a damn good job. This takes time and $$$$. It took him 3 shoots of the clear also to achieve the correct matte finish also.


    So....long story short, unless you live in Europe or are willing to send your parts to a shop in Europe to have them painted with the correct Lechler color, you are screwed. Option 4 is your best option unless you are willing to accept the 'close enough' theat method 3 will provide.

  3. Richard,

    It's been 2 months since I bought my 2001 V11 Sport.Only three tankfulls in & I love it.

    It has managed to vibrate a couple of bolts loose,but has proved reliable during the cold mornings in London town.Just waiting for it to warm up a bit,then i'll take for a blast round some country lanes.

    Only gripe,the fuel consumption's poor,about 40 mpg around town.



    That is actually great mileage for these bikes.

    I've only gotten 40+ mpg when I was on the super slab, in 6th holding +/-80 mph for extended periods.

    Otherwise, I generally get 30-35 mpg.

  4. I thought that I had escaped this problem since I haven't experienced most problems talked about on this forum, guess I've been lucky up till now. I noticed my tank paint is starting to peel/crack on the bottom side near the front of the tank. I'm wondering how some of you if any have fixed this problem before it got too bad. And for those that have gotten thier tanks repainted, what did it cost you and where'd you take it? If it needs to be repainted, I want it done by someone that can paint it like the original paint scheme.



    If youo find a painter in the area (VA, MD, DC, etc.) that you are happy with, and who does a great job for you, please let me know... and post pics!

  5. It's a nice bag although I really wished it opened from the rear rather than the front. A bit awkward to have stuff blow out when you're on the move and you're trying to re-position your map or grab something out of it.


    Last time I was at Speeds Cycles in Elkridge Maryland, they had a V11 tank bag hanging on display... and the salesman suggested they'd be willing to DEAL on it because they'd had it so long... I already own one.

    Yes, it has the backpack straps...

    love it!



  6. I don't understand this whole "I have to fight it" thing... unless you guys are joking, and I'm too much of an ingoramus to figure it out.

    My bike is very smooth -- I don't have to "throw it" into corners... I just pick a line and dive in. :race:

    I'm not saying I'm a better rider than anyone here -- because I ain't!

    I'm just saying this is NOT my experience with the V11.



  7. There was a set for sale on ebay very recently -- may still be there.




    Nope -- sorry for the tease, I just checked and they aren't there anymore.


    But there is a tank bag if you just need a bit of storage...

    I have the V11 tank bag, and it actually holds quite a bit.

  8. I'll pass it along, ST.

    His name is Davy, BTW.

    His dad was David.

    A professor of art & sculpture at Rice University.

    I think this explains, in part, why all Davy does must not just function,

    but look "right".

    It's a difficult thing to quantify, but a wonderful thing to see in practical, daily execution.


    Far too few people take pride in their work these days.


    "Good enough, or close enough is not really good enough, or close enough", is as close as I can come to describing it.



    My wife and I had a great time there in September.

    The Rijksmuseum is celebrating the 400th anniversary of Rembrandt's birth and is havinga an awesome show of his works... of course, the Van Gogh museum is about 1/2 km from the Rijksmuseum with wonderful stuff inside it too... there is also Anne Frank's house about 2 km from there.

    We had a great time while there -- very good food, not very expensive.

    He can also be a complete tourist dork and take a boat ride down the canals.

    Tell him to look both ways before he ever steps off a sidewalk -- not for cars (you can see them) -- for BICYCLISTS... the streets are littered with them!

    Hope Davy has a good time.

  9. MPH the only place in the USA to buy a Norge :mg:

    I know MPH has a reputation for great service, and I realize that Carl only had a few hundred miles to truck the bike back, as if it were a Harley custom nut rattler, :P but all the way from Atlanta???? Do you guys HATE your local dealers, or is MPH getting them grey market? Or are they the only ones ordering them from Piaggio? Did MPH offer a better price?

    By the way, I am not one to talk about supporting local dealers, as I went 300 miles to save $1000.

    Enjoy the bikes, Carl and Bill. People who have ridden them, really enjoyed them :grin:


    It isn't that we hate our local dealers but most dealers (unfortunately) on this side of the pond are so bad about their customer service regarding Guzzis that once we find a good dealer we are more than happy to give them our business.


    I live in Virginia... there are 2 dealers here. One is 85 miles from me, and happens to be the place where I bought my Coppa Italia... they also carry Ducati, Triumph, Victory and Polaris... I have had many issues with them -- mostly about them not being able to get hangers for my Ti pipes... My last telephone conversation with them about service ended with them saying to me, "You know... we can't do any service on Guzzis anymore... other than basic oil changes." That is all I needed to hear -- never going back. The other dealer is about 100 miles from me and they just got their franchise this year. About 20 of us with Guzzis went there after a lunch in October and talked with the owner, looked around the shop, etc... They also sell custom choppers ($30k+) and KTM dirt bikes -- don't ask me how they'll stay in business... my guess is they won't... at least insofar as Guzzis are concerned.


    There is a dealer in Maryland about 60 miles from me -- I went there for an open-house earlier this year to see the new Grisos... they are a Ducati/Guzzi dealer... that's it. I had them install the Roper sloppage sheet and do a 4,000 mile service on my bike... totally cool people and would go back there again for service if I need to. They even had a new Norge and Cal Vintage on the floor last weekend.


    The problem is -- and one of the reasons Bill had to go all the way to Houston from Atlanta (+/- 1,500 miles from home) to get the RED Norge is becase the rumor had been that the US was only going to receive Silver for model year 2007. Then, literally last week, a memo came out that 8 red Norge were in the country and going to be delivered to "preferred" dealers. As you can imagine -- there are probably 3 or 4 of those types of dealers in the states. One is MI in Seattle (only about 3,000 miles from Bill) another would be MPH... and there are probably a few others.


    Sorry it took me so long to say that.




    Congrats again, Bill.

  10. If anybody is interested here is a link to source for what appears to be an adequate relay and instructions on running them to the horns...


    I've purchased the relay and a set of Fiamm Freeway blasters and intend to install them over the next weekend.


    Thaks to everyone who has contrubted to this thread -- you guys have given me the confidence to tackle the job... and I am all thumbs... really... I am!



  11. My Coppa came stock with Michelin Pilot Sports and I have had these tires on my Aprilia also. I have no complaints about them. They have plenty of grip in the dry (I slow down so much in the wet that I do not feel qualified to comment on ANY tires wet weather performance) and they wear well. The other day I hit an oily spot mid corner and both ends slid momentarily but then recovered as quickly as they let go.


    On my Aprilia I recently switched to Diablo Corsas and these seem even better but I can't comment of the wear rate since I have not put too many miles on the Aprilia since owning the Moto Guzzi.


    These days I think it's hard to go wrong with street tires. They are all pretty good for the type of riding you should be doing on the street.


    Just my opinion


    Ride Safe.

    Interesting... mine came with Metzler M1s... they lasted less than 3,500 miles (and I do NOT consider myself a very agressive rider)... just ordered metzler Z6s to replace them.

  12. Antonio,


    The 'cross' is a VERY COMMON motorcycle symbal in the United States. I don't really know what it means anymore other than 'I'm a bad ass motorcycle rider and don't bug me.' You see it EVERYWHERE.



    With regard to the iron cross -- there is nothing sinister about it with regard to motorcyclists in the States... totally common -- especially with the cafe racer crowd.

    Don't know how or when it was adopted by them... but it has been around for a long time.

  13. Ouch! :homer:


    That is awful -- sorry that had to happen.

    I can only imagine how bad I would feel if it happened to me.


    I agree with what's been posted -- you have a greater capacity than I do for letting water fall off your back. :notworthy:

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