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roberto tenni

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Posts posted by roberto tenni

  1. On average, I get 40-45mpg consistantly and I generally don't hang about. That's with the ti' kit ecu and cans.

    Fortunately, my employer is a wizard at setting-up fuel injection systems - unfortunately it's voodoo to me so all I can say is take it to someone who knows what they're doing.


    Hang-on, there may be a difference in US gallons and Imperial which would make the figures different??

  2. A canny observation.



    BTW I was in Edinburgh over the last couple of days and it was 'all dug up' :o


    Yes, it's a nightmare. The council are putting back the tram system after it was done away with 50 or so years ago. I might have to buy a Stelvio just to go to the shops.

  3. how come we (the US) never hear about foreign elections like you hear about ours? I have no idea who the PM of england is nor the PM of france tho I heard his wife/gf is HOT. umm and the rest of europe I couldn't even begin to tell you,


    This speaks volumes.

  4. For 2007, 8 new Guzzis were registered in Singapore. This is a jump; from 20 bikes pre-2007 to 28 for 2007. And this is after much publicity and an official agent in Singapore. Like it or not, nowadays, when people think Italian bikes, apart from Vespas they think Ducati first.



    How many Ducatis were registered in 2007?

    Are you saying that 20 Guzzis were reg'd in 2006 and 8 in 2007 or that 20 Guzzis were reg'd before 2007?

    I don't imagine that a prospective bike buyer will think, "I want an Italian bike, now which one",it's more likely to be the case that,"I want a Ducati, now which one".

    But yes, there is no doubt that Ducati sell more bikes than Guzzi but I'd still rather have one Guzzi than 5 Ducatis - unless I could sell the 5 Ducatis and buy another 7 Guzzis.

  5. Don't believe there was a V1100 sport. There was a 1100 Sport made from 95 on to 98. It was then followed by the v11sport.I don't have one, but a friend has a Daytona, which is much like the 1100 Sport but with a two valve engine. His did not have two batteries that I'm aware of.here's a link to more info.




    Mister pedantic.

    And the daytona has 8 valves!

    And yes, carb' 1100 sports have two batteries.

  6. Yeah, and funny enough the best parts often change owner at distributions or on highway parking areas. Regarding this and the sometimes dubious assembly quality could make me think it was eventually better to let those halls closed and reopen Guzzi with new and more motivated stuff somewhere else.

    How about the old plant at Breganze e.g. :)




    Sacrilege! And what are you on about?

    Are you saying that Guzzi employees are incompetant and thieves?

  7. I recently rode up the Stelvio Pass, two-up with full luggage, after filling-up with 95 octane - pinking like crazy.

    After filling-up with 98 octane, no pinking on any subsequent passes - it really liked the good stuff.

  8. The factory will be closed for restructuring. This will happened in the winter 2008/2009.

    The plan is to be closed for about two month, but it could be more than only two month.

    It will be better to order pieces from another source.

    In Italy the winter begins in October and ends in April.



    But the parts don't come from the factory so they will still be available.

  9. Well I can't seem to access the link to the article but I think I can safely assume that we have had an authorative report/comment from someone in a position to know.

    Like I said several pages ago, don't go believing rumours.

    You can now sue these 'visor down' folks for causing unnecessary stress and heartache.

  10. Just back from a 3200 mile trip, two-up, camping, cooking and a choice of pretty frocks, (yeah, yeah, for my girl), on my V11 standard seat, pegs, bars, race ecu & cans.

    Great journey and nothing negative to report.

    Done same last year and will do something similar next year

  11. If the rumours are true, my picture of the world as I see it is smashed to pieces. For me, since I was a little boy of 9-10 years old, Moto Guzzi has represented a myth from the past. That myth is linked to Mandello del Lario and when I drove there lfirst time last summer on my Lemans, walking around in the town and visiting the museum and parts of the factory,

    I really felt like being a part of the myth and the history.


    If the rumours are true it is a sad day.

    If the rumours are true I will never sell my V11:s from Mandello.

    If the rumours are true I will buy me a house in Mandello and drive my V11:s like a ghost around lake Como for eternity.




    Anche io my friend. I ride down every year and spend about a week there just soaking it all up.


    Thankfully these are only rumours.

  12. I certainly wouldn't buy into the guesses of an unqualified journo'.

    Who is being quoted??

    Unsubstantiated pants!



    It could equally be the case that through 'rationalisation', there could be more production/assembly done at Mandello - they have the space.


    Let's just see what happens.

  13. I can't believe a country closes down for a whole month? they say Americans are lazy but I work 10 hours a day 5 days week(sometimes 6) doing manual labor with 8 days of vacation a year for the first 3 years then I get 13 days and the whole country closes for a month?? I mean I know I've heard this before and a friend of mine's brother in-law is from Greece and it seems like the same way there all kinds of time off and they only work like 6 hours a day. How does Europe live that life they live? :huh:


    Yeah!! And they speak some kind of crazy lingo too and call Rome Roma!

    What's that all about?

    If only the rest of the world could be like the... .


    I didn't open it - I merely reached for the can opener.

  14. We'll be at the factory gates Sept. 8th or 9th. Maybe we'll see you there!

    Actually, I'm going to Italy on the coat-tails of a moto-journalist buddy, and so far, we have VIP press tours set up with the other factories. Hiopefully the same with Guzzi!




    I'll be camping at Camping Continental - on the main drag through Mandello, on the Lake side - riding a Tenni. I'll keep a look-out for you on 8th-9th.


  15. A group of us buddies are leaving on the 23rd of Aug, to among other things, visit 4 bike factories, and visit the legendary Pierro Laverda to view his factory race bikes. We've managed to contact everyone, except Guzzi. Are they asleep at the wheel?



    They will probably be short staffed due to August holidays. There's no garuantee you'll get into the factory itself, (it's a bit like Willy Wonkas factory), but the museum is located just inside the gate and is well worth a visit.

    Even the town of Mandello on the lake and the surrounds are worth seeing.

    I'll be there on my annual pilgrimage for the second week in september.


    Might be worth while contacting Agostini's and asking them, (Peter speaks english - well, aussie english), they should know.

  16. Well, I'm scratching my head about Papa Guareschi driving to Mandello to get parts for a 1950s Guzzi.


    Maybe he knows a old man in the machine shop in Mandello who knows what part he needs and fabricates it for him?



    There are several Guzzi parts suppliers in Mandello who stock parts for the older bikes.

    You can't buy parts from Guzzi in Mandello except from Agostini who, like any other dealer, sell parts supplied by Guzzi.

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