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Mr. Bean

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Posts posted by Mr. Bean

  1. I have the same configuration. The map I have works pretty good but not perfectly. I'm going to have one made as soon as I can kick loose some time. I'll share it once it's made.





    Who would you recommend around here to do a custom map on our Guzzi's? I would like to get mine done as well, but so far everyone I talk to either says "Moto what?", are Harley only, or just don't seem very confidence inspiring.



  2. Here's a couple of shots of the new mirrors on the bike. I think they look a lot better. I do see a little bit more of my arm/shoulder, but I think a lot of it has to do with the mirrors being more wide angle. The upside is, I see more passing traffic, longer.




    Thanks for posting the pics. I like the look of those alot...gonna check into getting a set.



  3. The left hander on my Ballabio is starting to loosen up. I think I've bumped into it too many times in the garage. These look pretty good to me. How's the view compared to the stockers? Do you get to see less of your arms?



  4. Well, it's good to know I am not alone! :grin:


    I do have a set of front crash bars on my V11S that I bought directly from Agustini's in Mandello. Have you checked there for a set? It my well be that they no longer have them. The only other place I had seen them in the past was at MG Cycle but I haven't looked in a long time.


    I checked with Agostini's and they no longer carry them. Apparantly the manufacturer, (Stucchi?) has stopped making them. I'm hoping some dealer has one sitting on dusty shelf somewhere...just gotta keep calling around.



  5. Been very busy all winter and with the rather nasty weather we've had (for Seattle anyway,) didn't get too much riding in..just the odd commute now and again. I have been storing up parts for a large going over the bike and finally spent a day last weekend wrenching. Changed out the air and fuel filters, wired the headlight onto it's own circuit and relays (thanks Eastern Beaver,) dropped in one of Pete Roper's famous sloppage sheets (thanks Pete and Greg,) and generally gave the bike a good going over. :luigi:


    After yet another busy week...today broke picture perfect. Time to ride! :race: Went out for a quick 150 mile ride up and into the foothills...everything was working perfectly! :mg:


    Upon my return home I decided to reward the bike with a wash, but hey, "I'll let it cool down a bit while I hose off the porch and walkway." I drag the garden hose around the side of the house..."hmm, seems to be stuck on something...well I'll just pull a bit harder and...uh, oh. That didn't sound good!" Sure enough, the hose was apparently stuck on the now prone bike... :homer:


    First time in it's 2 years and 14k the bike has been on anything but it's tires or a stand...oh well at least I got away cheap..only a broken brake lever and a couple small scratches. Funny thing is, I've been trying to track down a crash bar for the bike for last couple months but no-one seems to have one anymore.


    So come on! Lets hear your stories...or am I the only klutz around here? :grin:

  6. When I fist noticed the same knocking noise on mine I asked the guys at Moto I. about it. They said it is the sound of the transmission parts reacting to the uneven power pulses of the engine at idle. That is why it goes away at anything above idle. They all make that noise I guess....works for me! :mg:



  7. Randy, when I asked this question a year or 2 ago here, I got exactly wot I needed: The 32 mm open-end wrench needs to be very narrow. Bicycle headsets use the same dimension locknut. Most bicycle shops carry exactly wot you need. I found a 32mm/15mm (3mm wide) combo headset wrench by Park Tool USA (P/N HCW-6) at a local bike shop. I'm sure there are many many alternatives that would fit the bill. :thumbsup:



    You rock! :thumbsup: Thanks!


    Off to the bike shop after work....



  8. Thanks Gary. That is good to know. One of the things I liked about the Centech is it's small size..probably a result of using a printed circuit board. I'll try to find some mounting setup to reduce vibrations on it. Maybe something similar to the rubber insulating screws holding the CPU down? Given the risk I don't think I'll try hook any "important" stuff through it, only items like the battery tender and heated vest. I was toying with the idea of hooking up the new headlight relay kit to this rather than direct to the battery and replacing the in-line fuse from the kit with a fuse in this box.



  9. Looking for advice here...


    I'm thinking about adding an accessory fuse box to clean up the number of additional connections I have on the battery posts.


    Right now I only have a battery tender connected to the battery and it was a tight fit just to get those connected on top of all the other stock wires on each battery post. I share this same connection with my heated vest with an adapter but would like to put the vest on it's own connector. In addition, I have one of the Eastern Beaver headlight wiring kits headed this way and it too connects to the battery.


    I am assuming I can get a fuse box that has both positive and negative connections to the battery and then wire these accessories into the box with an appropriate fuse for each?


    Has anyone done this? If so, what type of fuse box, and where did you get it? Any tips would be very appreciated as I'm generally a hack with electrics! :luigi:





  10. That's a very noticeable difference :thumbsup:


    I'm guessing the correct one to get is the H4 Single Headlight Relay Kit - shell mount? Has anyone tried the H4 Weatherproof Headlight Relay Kit version with the posi-lock connectors and remote relays? I'm wondering if there is enough room in headlight shell for all the stuff on the first one?






    I should have read the webpage a little better. Sounds like they now give you the option of using posi-loc connectors on any version so only the relays would have to fit inside the shell with the first option. That sounds easier. Does this sound right?



  11. I have found that I can't use any polarized sunglasses while riding. Blacks out the screen on any LCD display and causes weird shading and coloration when looking through my clear Arai visor. My photocromatic lenses seem to work ok..they darken and lighten almost as much as when they are in the open. They are Ray-Bans...same ones I use for flying.



  12. Great ride report Greg!


    I love the Neah Bay ride. It was my Ballabio's first true ride...only three days out of the crate there at Moto I in 2004. Since I was breaking it in, didn't really try to stay up with my buddy on his R6.




    I usually make it out there about twice per year....only I do it when the weather is a wee bit better! (I'm a wuss...it's pretty much just commuter riding for me in the winter.) :bbblll:


    We should try and hook up this summer and ride it again. There's a great Italian place in Port Angeles to stop at on the way back. Bella Italia.



  13. Interesting...

    What is it the realtors say??

    Location, Location, Location


    2 fellow employees carry guns.

    Several friends carry. Including a high school teacher.

    None has ever committed a crime, AFAIK.

    None intends to.

    None has ever shot anyone.

    Nor intends to.

    I trust them implicitly.

    All are responsible people.


    It's the people driving cars I fear.

    They do a hell of a lot more damage.


    Gotta run, need to clear off my desk before I go home. :P



    Ya know, ya got to have bullets in them things for them to work, right? :D

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