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it's back

Guest Petev11

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Guest Petev11

finaly i got my bike back today my 03 v11 lemans! if you guys recall i took it to the mech to get the tb's synced after i had a nasty and costant popping at idle and deceleration. well it seems to run a whole lot better now i just get the odd backfire here and there during a 15 min ride but i here that is the nature of the beast is that true or do i still have a problem?

remember i never owned a guzzi before so i don't know what is normal for these bikes and what isn't.

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If it's just the occasional backfire on decel, I think you can safely choose to ignore it. But if/when possible you can remap it and maybe get a little extra power as a bonus.

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If it runs fine other than that it could be you have a small leak on the exhaust, but check the inlet rubbers for tightness and splits.

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