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Unusual Gearbox Problem

Guest Dr No

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Al has advised me to ask around to see if someone knows what the problem could be.


I own a 2004 V11 Café Sport with approximately 7000 miles or 11000 kilometres. I’ve read the articles from owners who’ve experienced failure of the shift mechanism.

My problem is that this bike won’t change up from 2nd to 3rd but only jambs when the bike is hot and in slow traffic, typically on a hot summer’s day. To get the bike to change gear you have to “gun” the engine up to the red line then it changes gear easily. I never have any any problem changing gear when the bike is cool or when it’s being ridden fast even when the engine is roasting hot. Iv'e tried adjusting the cluch lever but that didn't do anything to improve matters. The bike dosent drag its clutch when in gear and the clutch lever is plulled in.

My local Guzzi experts are a little perplexed. Is it the shift pawl return spring or is something else about to go bang?


Dr No

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I'm only guessing, but I'd certainly suspect one of the springs (from memory I think there are actually 3, so tripling the chances one of them will break!). Certainly there have been plenty that have gone in under 7,000 miles (one of mine went at 4,000) Fortunately its not that hard to get into the gearbox to replace them, so I'd be inclined to replace them all. It may be that one of them is very weak and just about to break. Can't think of anything else that might give those symptoms.

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You don't have a pawl spring failure. When that spring fails your shifter will move up and down but the gear won't change. The transmission will be stuck in whatever gear was last selected when the spring broke.


When you say it jams do you mean the shifter won't move at all, or does the shifter move but the gear doesn't change? If it's the latter you may be able to adjust the shifting mechanism with the screw under the acorn nut on the shifter plate. I haven't messed with it but others here have. A search will turn up info on adjusting it, or hopefully someone with experience there will chime in...

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Couple of thoughts.

It is not the spring. If it breaks you have nothing. First thing to check is the shifter. They get cruddy at the pivot point and hang up. - Clean & lube is the fix for that. Otherwise it may be the shift mechanism inside the cover is sticking and not returning to center after shifting. Removal of the side cover and a clean out of the lube that has become thick from metal content. Fresh lube with molly additive after the clean out should fix it if that is the trouble. Many here including myself have switched to Redline Shockproof lubricant without the need for the molly additive. Works great.


Other than that the problem may be deeper. :huh2: Full disassembly may be needed to find the trouble.


Hope this helps



Edit: Mine had a very similar shift problem. The clean out & Redline lube fixed it. I would certainly give it a look before altering any adjustments. The eccentric under the acorn bolt moves the entire mechanism. It would likely effect more than one gear.

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No, it won't change gear at all unless you boot the engine upto the red line then the shifter will move the gear box up and down normally.


You don't have a pawl spring failure. When that spring fails your shifter will move up and down but the gear won't change. The transmission will be stuck in whatever gear was last selected when the spring broke.


When you say it jams do you mean the shifter won't move at all, or does the shifter move but the gear doesn't change? If it's the latter you may be able to adjust the shifting mechanism with the screw under the acorn nut on the shifter plate. I haven't messed with it but others here have. A search will turn up info on adjusting it, or hopefully someone with experience there will chime in...

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Thanks Dan, I'll get the spanners out!


Couple of thoughts.

It is not the spring. If it breaks you have nothing. First thing to check is the shifter. They get cruddy at the pivot point and hang up. - Clean & lube is the fix for that. Otherwise it may be the shift mechanism inside the cover is sticking and not returning to center after shifting. Removal of the side cover and a clean out of the lube that has become thick from metal content. Fresh lube with molly additive after the clean out should fix it if that is the trouble. Many here including myself have switched to Redline Shockproof lubricant without the need for the molly additive. Works great.


Other than that the problem may be deeper. :huh2: Full disassembly may be needed to find the trouble.


Hope this helps

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Guest ratchethack
. . .this bike won’t change up from 2nd to 3rd but only jambs when the bike is hot and in slow traffic, typically on a hot summer’s day.

Dr No, this is likely a simple matter of adjustment of the eccentric locating pin for the shifter pawl. It's been discussed many times over the years. One of the best threads on this was from 3 years back. This should be helpful.




Good luck. :luigi:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dr No, this is likely a simple matter of adjustment of the eccentric locating pin for the shifter pawl. It's been discussed many times over the years. One of the best threads on this was from 3 years back. This should be helpful.




Good luck. :luigi:


Thanks for the information, this bike is of to Baines Racing to have this problem fix and get a service.

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