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Michelin Pilot Power

Guest WildJackal

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Guest WildJackal

After reading the forums I was pretty much decided on the Pirelli Diablo for my next tire. The longevity of the Corsa and its wet performance made me stick with the basic Diablo.


I am now looking at the Michelin Pilot Power which replaces the Pilot Sport. I haven't seen any opinions on this tire. Some folks are using Pilot Roads. Some like them, some don't.


Has anyone heard any opinions on the Pilot Power/Sport? Are they fast wearing? Good handling? Guzzi friendly?


www.compacc.com has/had a pretty good package price.

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I got Pilot Sports...

when i swapped them i could TELL the difference,... yes, they need to warm up

a bit, and yes, they're not going to last that long but they're grippy! they make

everything feel more planted (at speed).


they are groovy :thumbsup:

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Much better than BT020.

That's not to difficult, 020 is a sport/touring tire, 4 years old. The power is a real sport tire, just new. Try the bt0140 if you want to compare the bridgestone offering with michelin. Even the bt 010 is much better than a 020. The 010 gives confidence. cold or wet, no problem. But the power is a newer development.

But if you want 12000 miles from a rear tire, this sort of tires won't last long enough. I don't care how long it lasts, I don't do so much distance, and the tire should always keep it's bottom down

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Guest WildJackal

Any guesstimates on milage I might expect. I only got 5500 miles on the stock tires before cupping and wear. 2003 Sport.

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the deal with the diablo is that they dont make the rear in that oh so slender nice cornering smaller back tire that us short frame v11 owners love so much.


I'm going for the Michelin pilot powers to replace my MEZ 3's (which incidentally ruled!)

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the deal with the diablo is that they dont make the rear in that oh so slender nice cornering smaller back tire that us short frame v11 owners love so much.

I am riding now on the Metzeler M1 sporttec. Well, these tyres are too racy

I shall go back to Diablo. What a tyre!!! Wonderful grip in wet, in curve etc. handling is just as I want. Metzeler is now too nervous. Too easy. I don’t know. Maybe on a Yamaha R1…

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Heh Antonio, you have a LeMans right ? so you're probably running the wider bigger back tire on the long frame bike so it doesn't surprise me that your handling characteristics are different.

That said, i've heard other people tell me the same feedback on the Sportec M1's, mainly the reason why i'll go with the Michelin Pilot Powers next :)

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I fear this may turn into the dreaded tire thread but I can't help myself...


I just got talked into a set of Dunlop D205s. I've been anti-Dunlop for a long while (bad experiences in the past) but the D205s seem to be a very good tire for a sporty (as opposed to full on sport) rider. 500 miles so far, no rain mileage yet but great feel on dry, moist (foggy/ misty day) and sand covered roads. I've heard mileage claims from 5000 to 8000 miles.


If you are looking for maximum grip you can do better without leaving the Dunlap catalog but the D205s are a huge improvement of the OEM BT57s and the BT020s I've had on my short wheelbase/ narrow rear rim 2001 V11 Sport. Mine are 120/70 F and 160/70 R.


A final comment, I've used a couple of sets of BT020s on another bike and loved them. It just seems like they do not work with the V11, at least not one I'm riding.



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I fear this may turn into the dreaded tire thread but I can't help myself...


I just got talked into a set of Dunlop D205s...bla...bla...

I am surprised what you just wrote. I do know nobody who is riding on Dunlop on his V11.

This tyre does not mach with the V11. But, if you’re riding on it,…well….?!?

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I am surprised what you just wrote. I do know nobody who is riding on Dunlop on his V11.

This tyre does not mach with the V11. But, if you’re riding on it,…well….?!?





According to whom? I'm just curious where you got the information that the tire "doesn't match the V11".


The person who talked me into the D205 (Todd Egan) said I am the fifth person he knows who is happy with the tire on the V11. I have a bias in favor of Metzelers (or Pirellis, these days they just about the same tire) based on lots of happy miles (close to 150,000) and a slightly anti Dunlop bias. Between Todd and a friend who really like the D205s I figured maybe it was time to try another Dunlop. I am not claiming to be an expert, I can't rate the tire except against the Bridgestones. It may well be true another tire is better in some way.


I can say the first thing I did after scuffing-in the tires in was ride 80 miles (about 120 Ks) on the Big Sur section of Highway 1 and then nearly 320 miles (close to 500 Ks) of US interstate (motorway) I am happy with the tire. I found myself more confident than I have been on the bike since I bought it two years ago. The front end no longer feels loose, it has the planted, solid feel I need before I relax and enjoy riding a bike quickly.


Your Mileage May Vary,



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Alright Lex, take it easy. I said this because it is what I heard from other and what I read on magazine and stuff. I do not have any personal experience with that kind of tyre. Capisc?

Did you know about the new Dunlop tyre???






No need to calm down, I am curious. Like said, there may be a better tire since I have only tried three. Maybe there is a Pirelli/ Metzler/ Avon/ etc. tire I would like better. I don't know since I haven't tried them. I can say the D 205 is the best of the three I have tried and by a pretty good margin. For all I know I have tried the three worst tires and the D 205 is simply the best of the three.


I defiantly don't want to get a tire thread (lots of opinions, some with little basis) but I would be very interested in "I tried tires A, B and C, this is what I found..." type reports. There is a subjective element to tires but if you get enough reports I think it would be valuable.


I couldn't see what kind of tires you posted, what are they?



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