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GMG 2006 info?


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I'm just wondering if there's any info yet on what dates are set for GMG 2006. Since it's the 85th anniversary of the company, I'd think they'd be making a big deal over it already, but it seems so far that they're waiting til after GMG 2005 to wrap?


Given Harley's big promotion surrounding their 90th a dozen year back, I thought that Guzzi would have picked up a trick from the masters, and be pulling out the stops to get people good & excited before the event. Shows what I know! ;)


Any info would be greatly appreciated; I've got a gf who wanted to go to Europe this year, who could only be put off by serious discussions of economics [color, glossy graphs of the dollar vs. euro rate of exchange, w/ captions & arrows & a paragraph on the back of each one] & a promise that we're going in 2006 for the Guzzi 85th anniversary, which will give her time to brush up on her Italian (& me some time to learn equivalents to my basic Spanglish "a donde iz der banYO?") :thumbsup:


Ride on!



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I'm not sure if I go this year though I plan to visit Mandelo sometime.

I hope that next year GMG happens then I have an idea that when or if happens can make a interesting surprise to all people who like arts and Guzzis (or one of them at least ) ;)


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