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Thinking of purchase!?


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Kev, there is no difference in that respect from the LM,and V11 sport. a LM fairing can be put on a v 11 sport naked , no problema. the tank is the same , Im pretty sure. maybe some of the more knowledgable folks like dlaing, carl,ratchethack,mike, ,pete, Al,etc will give you more info.. Rick.



I think I may have sat on a pre-'02 sport or something, because it did not seem to fit me in the least... very cramped legs. I know they added some length with the '02's. Could this maybe be what happened with my assessment? I sat on a newer Lemans last summer and was amazed how well I fit. I had the impression that the sports were only for the short-legged variety, not my lanky body-type. any other lanky types out there that can comment on fit?

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