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Dancing with Ernesto to Erie

Bill Hagan

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This started off as a comment on raingear in the thread http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8956, but, as is my wont, I digressed into more of a ride report ... abbreviated by my wordy standards, but enough off the rain-riding-gear thread to put it separately.


I may get around to a longer version of this, as there were details worth telling, just so I don't get too nostalgic about this miserable, messy trip, but, in the meantime, at least, this will do.




I rode from Atlanta to Erie, Pennsylvania, over a stretched Labor Day weekend, 31 Aug - 5 Sep.


When I finally dry out, I hope to do a little ride report. That may not be soon.


This is--usually--a delightful, c. 2000 mile round-tip ride up the twisting Appalachian spine. I've done it several times, and always have a fine time, as there are an infinite number of routes, all nice.


Not quite so this trip. Many memories here, but even I was questioning my judgment; my funmeter rarely got over "better than pain" settings for 4+ days. I danced with the remnants of Hurricane Ernesto all the way to Erie. A tropical depression may not have the punch of a Cat 3 storm, but it'll get your attention. And, on the way back, the frontal system Ernesto had stalled while it deluged the east, pushed through, dumping even more rain. All in all, at least 2/3 of the trip was in rain, occasionally horizontal from driving wind. I was drenched and still feel sodden. I will say that the waterfalls are spectacular when it's rained lots.


The Ballabio is, of course, not the ideal all-weather mount. On the bright side, I did have my Triumph (very yellow) rainsuit. Englishmen, of all folks, ought to know something about rain protection, and this suit works great. But nothing protects completely under such conditions, and especially not when--lured by a break in the rain--one takes off said suit before one should and gets dumped on. Yikes!


I also had Oxtar Matrix "waterproof" boots and wore gaiters over those. The best raingear I had were the H-G raingloves. Superb. I varied on the cuff-in and -out approaches, and vote for "in," but the cinches and other closures made wet hands the least of my worries.


Here are a few pics, but there weren't many for obvious reasons. If you see a photo, it means it was dry or relatively so.




You can also see my fatman-in-a-rainsuit pics as I rode thru Deals Gap here:




The Guzzi gathering is the Ohio rally, held near Toronto (Ohio!). http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=6596.0


The beemeristo is an Erie friend who rode back with me a bit. The CL gets tepid reviews, but he could ride it darn well.


Next time I make the run to Eire, I'll take my red Norge. :race:



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Great pics & report, as always, Bill. It was also great to see you in Stupidville :) er, Steubenville. Great folks up there.

Best of luck in getting the Ballabio repaired...maybe it really is time to get your ducks in a row for a Norge...

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