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Bill Hagan

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Bill Hagan last won the day on June 22

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  • Location
    Just above Pott's Camp along Braddock's route, Va., USA
  • My bike(s)
    '98 V11 EV, '04 V11 Ballabio [gone], '07 Norge [gone], '10 Griso [gone], '16 Stornello, '17 V7 III [gone], & '22 V85TT Guardia d'Onore

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  1. Your "the looks and feel of that raunchy girl from high school." had me musing on the memories for longer than an old guy should. And, your nice new one seems more like the popular cheerleader. Anyway, good luck with the sale; still miss my Ballabio. Bill
  2. AJ -- in pic, below -- talked me into doing this only two weeks after the SSR XX: Moto Guzzi Tour of Corsica & Sardinia A moto-touring veteran of various companies, AJ did a Balkan event last year in order to get a "serious" demo of the V100. Ended up so impressed by the V85 instead, he bought one! His, mine, and Stave Nicholas had three Guardia d'Onores at the mutton and fried cheese curds run. Two of those will be at SSR XX. Bill
  3. Just sent AJ Howard -- a Guzzista and general gearhead from Baltimore and a veteran of several Mutton Runs and Moto Grappa Tech Days -- info about "The Twentieth." Naturally, I haven't told AJ about the lengthy, onerous, and painful initiation ceremony. I also think that, given the 20th anniversary that this 'Raid is, we should consider adding a tattoo as a final event in the initiation rite. If the group agrees, we'll need a committee to come up with an appropriate design. Bill
  4. Nah, but I did double up my daily Lipitor dose. Check out that Maxwell link at the end of my post for a good description of how it is prepared in Daviess County, Kentucky, at least. Ditto my comment just above, but you are right: it ain't lamb. Bill
  5. My German grandfather had a Triumph-Werke Nürnberg AG (TWN) motorcycle in Wurmlingen (SW Germany near the Bodensee) in the early '30's. Do not know the model ,but he and it were quite the hits with the local kids. My mother loved riding with him on it, and those memories lasted for her lifetime. Here I am taking her for a spin on her 80th birthday in 2000. She passed in 2018. Bill
  6. Concur on "poses," etc. Much else is overstudied, too, but a few beers at the SSR would fix that. For me, however, always charmed by a woman's laugh, Monica's giggle at c.18:40 makes it all forgivable. Bill Do tell. Please. Tho maybe waiting for the Lodge's pavilion at Tellico might be wiser. Bill
  7. OTOH, while some bashed poor Mr. Dobbs, I just saw this on y/t while looking for a (short) vid on R&R'ing fluids on my V85.. Must go; this awaits ... ... along with "Her Grace's" task list up here at the house. Bill
  8. I just watched the vid. Have to say that I expected way worse based on the comments, above, but I liked it. [Yes, that's damning with faint, etc. ] Dobbs seems a likable fellow and, more on point, I very much like the moto. Have always thought Nortons grand, and wished the (several) resurrection efforts well. I do wish we could see more of Monika than the one photo I found out there. Bill
  9. This is an update on Josh Colon's medical condition: More here: https://www.givesendgo.com/conlonemergency Bill
  10. This is more of the serious conversation sort than the fun banter usually found here. This is about a local family in a nearby parish whose lives were turned upside-down a few days ago. Kathi and I do not know them. Given, however, the motorcycle connection and compelling story, we gave. Please join us and others in that if you find it worthy. https://www.givesendgo.com/conlonemergency Many thanks. Bill
  11. Philistines. 108K miles and still a joy. Bill
  12. I think that Guzzi sold quite a number of the Tonti California models, especially after a major moto-mag-rag named it Cruiser of the Year in '98. Bill
  13. Ditto. Maybe we could put our spousal units up at Tapoco Lodge for the weekend? My Kathi always emotes about the river and view there, leaving us to consider the charms of the Cubanos. OTOH ... erm ... probably not. Bill
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