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activpop last won the day on October 8 2023

activpop had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sherwood, OR
  • My bike(s)
    2001 V11 Sport x2, 2004 Coppa Italia, 2012 Stelvio, 2015 Griso, 2003 Ducati ST4s

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  1. I don't see any regulations for flying these, or at least not that I can find. Yet they are sold out through 2025. Should be interesting.
  2. My 2001 has 1mm above. I don't think it was ever monkeyed with because nothing else was ever changed on it. I wonder why there are such variances in the later bikes with the Ohlins.
  3. My Coppa has 15mm above.
  4. Under a day left for this beauty. Looks pretty in pictures. https://www.ebay.com/itm/135297415232?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=JsG_JT2hQdy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=yxbzt_qctd2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. I tend to agree. It's all about marketing and money. My wife is Swedish and we have many Swedish cousins. We have celebrated "Midsommar" over the years when the kids were younger. I did Christmas lights for a few years but stopped. Guess I'm a Scrooge. We have often wondered the same thing @Scud, where do people store all that crap. In the developments down the hill from me most people cant use their garages for cars because it is full of stuff...and not motorcycle stuff! And I can't tell you how many storage places are nearby. Another big marketing money grab you left out...Valentines Day. How could Hallmark survive without it?
  6. Nice slice of the pie that doesn't come on the market too often. Looks like the rig on the right fits the pups just fine. GLWS
  7. What's the story with the 06 Coppa? I didn't know they got badged that year.
  8. OK, now that this has awakened again, is this spring problem in every V11 year?
  9. OP has two locations...Bellevue WA and Portland OR.
  10. And if you come to Oregon, diesel pickups still rule, and most folks who have them like to let you know it.
  11. Thanks, but no need. I have his contact info if I needed it. He might list it later, and if he sold it, somebody got a beauty.
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