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gstallons last won the day on February 2

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About gstallons

  • Birthday 08/11/1956

Profile Information

  • Location
    2403 Crews rd Wickliffe Ky 42087
  • My bike(s)
    1987 lemans se , 03 v11 sport , 00 v11 red frame , 12 Vstrom

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Community Answers

  1. When it's all said n done , I feel bad for that guy getting all that highway rash .
  2. Mmmmm. 2nd go round ?
  3. Rule of thumb . Japanese rubber: eternal . All other rubber: not eternal .
  4. I'm not ready to go there yet. My thought is the rotor pilot veering right and climbing up into the passenger jet path . IDK if he knew the passenger jet had been diverted from Runway 1 to runway 33 ? I know ATC instructed him to go behind the passenger jet . It will all have to be pieced together . A LOT of small movements making one big problem .
  5. Ahhhh , you got me there ! That was too obvious. Cow magnets , clothes pins and tin foil ? I thought that was just hillbilly tune-up stuff .
  6. see if anyone in the Osaka area can hook you up , or all of Japan , All (or most) Italian bikes use the same electrical components. Whatever you do , don't get hosed on the price of these parts. Surely there is a electrical geek that can test your VR and rotor or stator and verify what is good or bad ?
  7. If it had belonged to Steve McQueen , it is a good price . That is $760 USD . Is this price for the rotor , stator or EVERYTHING under the alt. cover ? Get on Euromotoelectric website and check their prices . You live in Japan(?) , is there no one there that works on European bikes/charging systems that can do something for you ?
  8. I have been on the Pilot Debrief portion since the rotor/fixed wing kaboom learning all these abbreviations and you spring a new one on me . Just what is a NAPA ff or a NAPA ff wrapped in tinfoil ?
  9. BTW , when you deal w/machinists , realize they have to know 10Xs more than the usual person before they can chuck anything up. When you do find one that will work w/you , you $how them your appreciation w/some good old filthy lucre and offer them help w/whatever your craft specialty is .
  10. JW . Which part(s) are you needing ? BTW , don't go in the front door for things like you are asking . Go in the back door and be nice and see if someone can help you .
  11. Make sure you index the hose clamps so you can tighten them and loosen them w/o much trouble . It will make it easier the next time.
  12. the first four points are good. The rear wheel bearings wear out from the wrong spacer because roller bearings cannot tolerate side loads . AFA greasing the front joint on a red frame still in the bike ? Post a Youtube video along w/the adapter .I wanna see it ! The battery ground to engine , you can use Caig De-oxit , Vaseline , grease or whatever you want along w/one or more shakeproof washers to verify a good ground . If this bike is gonna be down a little while , have someone make a larger diameter cable . These factory cables are Mickey Mouse as it is.
  13. Well , it involves fluorescent light bulbs string and some imagination . I got my two bikes tracking ( the rear wheel in the same track as the front) perfect after dismantling the swingarm . I will have to remember what I did and how . It sounds Rube Goldberg but after the epiphany it gets easy .
  14. For now back off the large nut one revolution , Remove the "bolt and leave the r.h. stuff on the r.h. side and the same for the left side. There is a procedure to get the rear wheel track in the center of the front. When you get it together , we will discuss it .
  15. IDK if this is a 24hr route past the Airport or IFR route only . Watching one of the videos it gives the altitude of each aircraft. I am sure the ATC rules here are different than anywhere else . There is 1600 Penn. Ave. to contend with along w/everything else there . I am staying open about this for now. I am sure Occam's Razr will "hopefully" decide , for now it looks like the chopper made a right and elevated 100' up into the airliner . BTW , I cannot imagine working in a Control Tower under any condition .
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