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Gmc28 last won the day on June 2

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  • Location
    West of Portland, Oregon
  • My bike(s)
    02 LeMans (stable twins: 1 red/silver + 1 champagne), 00 Greenie, 99 Cagiva GC, '16 multistrada, ‘22 MG V85tt, Suzuki DR350/441, 50cc Vespa!

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  1. cruise ship in front of st marks? i’ve not sent that in my biannual visits, they're always over at the cruise ship parking area on the south side. that said, venice is certainly a place that used to be sort of busy when i was younger and would visit, but has become a total zoo. but even there, there are ways to enjoy. spend the hard-earned $$ to stay on one of the islands at a fancy hotel, and just shuttle in on the private hotel shuttles to mingle with the masses and see those sights, then back to the quiet of isola delle rose, or one of the other islands. i’ll save money at other places, but if i’m bringing someone to venice, i tell them to pony up, to transform that stop into something worth doing. i’d think neuschwanstein would be one of the good spots to hit in the “roper season”, the off season he spoke of. used to be the shoulder seasons were good, but those are jammed now as well, so gotta go full-scale opposite of prime season! Roper also mentioned the non-anglo areas, a great option. mainland japan has been crowded in its huge cities forever, but the smaller islands of japan that i’ve visited are full of beautiful sites for touring on a motorcycle, thin crowds, and such pleasant, non-self-centered people. i look forward to getting back.
  2. aha, thats the parts catalogue i’ve been looking for….
  3. which bleeder system do you use? i’ve got an older bleeder i’ve been using, and its been fine but not loving it.
  4. my greenie came with pods (from PO), and i think they look good, and the bike ran/runs great in general, though perhaps is a little less than ideal in higher speed cruising. I liked how it exposes that rear suspension part of the red frame bike, but of course that’s all in the eye of the beholder. As a “sunday driver”, I liked it. That said, if i were to make it a regular rider or touring bike i’d probably convert it back to the OEM airbox, and said as much to the good guy that recently bought my Greenie. So I’m now looking for an airbox. i assume watching this forum and/or ebay would yield one, but that’s the question…. anyone have knowledge of one floating around? the fellow who bought my bike will likely join this forum, and is local, so thought i’d poke around to see if we can locate an airbox for him.
  5. looks like I’ll be heading to Charlotte NC in November for a wedding. My wife and a couple friends are interested in flying into Nashville to do stuff there for a night or two, then hop over to Charlotte. The Nashville thing started with me noodling how I’d weasel my way into shooting down to the tail of the dragon to check that box, since i’m not out east very often any more. my enthusiasm for the tail has flagged significantly of late, as I realize all the people that now target that road to ride, and in other threads I’ve gotten some input on where else around there a guy might want to tour for just a day or two. But time to revive that train of thought, and make some actual arrangements. so, any fresh thoughts on whether the tail in November would be worthwhile, from a weather and crowds perspective, and/or whether to skip it and shoot for another area nearby, just for a day or two. this would all be from nashville, as it appears there is a moto rental place right there at the airport, and my partners in crime will be staying in nashville if/when i sneak out to ride a bit. love any thoughts from locals or those who have ridden the area and have recommendations.
  6. reviving an old thread while perusing random stuff during lunch…. anyone know why Stein Dinse and MGcycle charge either about $600 or $400 (respectively) for a PF3C, while CA cycle works and other sources have them for around $80? one them use diamonds and kryptonite?
  7. well said Phil. And happily preaching to the choir on this forum in that regard… we’re all on the same ride with the V11’s, for better and for worse. I’ll make the assumption that if an old CBX was being purchased as a daily rider then i’d agree with all you’ve said, and question the sanity of such a venture. As a fun toy to own, then I’d say the game is very different. Meaning, would I own a Black Shadow or a Brough if a long lost uncle left one to me, despite the challenges involved in owning one? yessir i would.
  8. hah, exactly! of all places to talk about rational things, a V11 lemans forum… that’s beautiful! 20-some years ago when my good friend had a Lemans and I had an ST4 with factory side cases, I gave him an endless hard time about what a useless bike he had. It was a good natured debate we had, but I just laughed at his ridiculous choice of a moto guzzi v11, which he rode in all weather, putting the after market side bags on it (ugly… ouch), buzz in the handlebars, had mechanical problems he was always fussing with, had less HP than my ST4, didn’t handle as well, and so on. To me, the St4 was a real stretch on rationality, meaning it wasnt as rational as a Japanese bike like the FJ (etc), but I could justify it with whatever logic I used at that time. Oh, and I had my BMW 1150RT…. now there’s a bike that’s so rational it’s like a car, just with better fuel econ and easier to park in a downtown area. Now I own that same V11 he had, the one I scoffed at. Plus 2 more. The practical but boring BMW is long gone (after 80k miles). If we try real hard to rationalize the V11’s we can, sort-of, but its a stretch. but for me it’s pretty much because I just really like them, and they make me happy when I ride them or think about riding them.
  9. what used to be #3 on my list of desirable attributes of a good getaway/vacation was “lack of people”. Now it’s tied for number 1 on the list. Feels old-man-ish to talk like that, so I try and “check myself”, but in fairness our race has never had to deal with this kind of monstrous population. Add that we are now living with the spoils of the success of so many industrial and tech advances, which allows so many of us to not have to toil 12hrs/day in the fields, mines, etc. and we have the traveling hordes. I don’t see how it can end well. Many (most?) of our problems we worry about, pollution, fossil fuels, lack of resources, all go away or get markedly better without all the hordes. But i’m a member of the horde, technically. And the sober reality is that us first-worlders have it pretty damn good. (But I did tell the missus, we can practice making babies all we want, but it’s 1, 2, or none for actual babies…. she wanted 5. ya, despite the tough talk i’m glad I got 2.)
  10. which reminds me (the bike sitting too long topic)…. what i did to one of my V11’s today was post it on craigslist. Just one of the three. The Greenie. Love it, but really always reach for the red LeMans when it’s time to ride, and dealing with bikes that sit too much has become a bit tiresome. Not that i’m against having a “mini collection”, and about 49% of the time that’s what I resolve to do…. Screw it, i’m keeping them all! But then each year I spend time fiddling with the bikes that don’t get the miles they need to stay healthy, and when i’m not doing that i’m worrying about them. So will see if Greenie gets any interest. I can go either way… reduce the number of under-ridden bikes in the shop, or start collecting like TomChri in Norway!
  11. country livin’ indeed…. It’s nice having the wildlife, but comes with a price, like deer devouring all the plants, mice into everything, telling the missus she can only have dogs large enough to not overly tempt all the coyotes running around for an easy meal, and even when they’re getting real hungry around mid winter. Mice in the parts bins, thats also a hassle. glad you caught that Gstallons. fwiw, mice, and then of course old fuel when they sit a long time. i’ve just resigned myself to checking for the critters, draining the fuel and replacing it, and even oil without a lot of miles on it i’ve found i have to change because it has become “globby”. I’m thinking it’s condensation moisture, over a long period of time, commingling with the oil and never getting burned off. Seems like 6 months is usualy pretty safe in my situation, but more than that i worry.
  12. Oh man… do I dare ask you to share your top secret FS map or source? Been looking for something easy to use like that for years. I’ve used FS land many times, but always had to work out whether I was in an appropriate area based on the various rules. Which usually meant just winging it….
  13. ya, hang on to your hat, the last gasps of spring are just finally playing out. i think it will be hot for good now for a while. Jackson has indeed changed. for what its worth, the fellow that bought my KTM 990 this spring is on a trip up to Alaska right now, and said he discovered this little area that was fun to explore based on a tip from a local. on the Cassiar highway, sort of in the area that i’ve always just passed through, but which always looked like it could merit a little more poking around someday. not sure if you’re doing the Cassiar in either direction, but here’s the google map link just in case: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LgfNzcBN9tu2CdwWA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy
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