Has to be sanctioned by Guzzi though surely. With all the "Guzzi" mentions and the fact their lawyers try shutting down anyone that uses the name and logo unless it's them or sanctioned by them then the factory must have some involvement.
It's a concept drawing/cgi thing. I suspect it's a fishing exercise commissioned by Guzzi to test public reaction. Run it up the flag pole and see who salutes before they commit to creating a prototype.
It's just a video of a Harley going into a speed wobble on a straight piece of freeway and spitting it's rider off. You see far worse get offs in every MotoGP race. The reasoning makes this amusing.
Just search "Harley death wobble" on youtube.
Six speed won't fit in a Centauro frame without a lot of modification as Pauldaytona will tell you and outlined on his website. Yes the engine is offset in the V11 Chassis so the front engine mount frame is different.
He lives somewhere in the Sutherland shire I reccon Mick, maybe Como. I "think" I recognised Sutherland shopping strip and the Princes Hwy near Engadine both not far from where I used to live in Sydney.
I think you're dreaming and they are exaggerating. Some stuff maybe "anything" no. And what they can get re made will need to be in quantities. It's why places like HMB manufacture aftermarket replacement parts.
Yes it's extremely important you keep the shaft in alignment on the splines. You can separate without removing the front half and you can actually see the original alignment paint mark on the front half of the shaft assy.
It's feasible but you need to consider the airbox which would need to be modified (which I successfully did on my bike but the other way around) and ECU which would need to be re chipped with maybe a 1100 Sport chip that would get you close I guess. That or convert to a 15M ECU so you could map it with Guzzidiag.