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You can reply to ads in this forum. Please keep it to the point and if we see nasty buyer/seller discussions we will remove them immediately w/o warning!

1. Registered members can post personal ads here.
2. Don't write your emailaddress in your ad; this prevents SPAM.
3. Use pictures! It sells easier and that's what you want, isn't it?
4. All ads disappear after 60 days.
5. Don't overdo it: describe your product as is and keep the humbug for yourself...
6. If you put a price on your stuff, don't forget to mention if it's €, $, ¥ or £ (or else)
7. The forum administration team can in no way be held responsible for incomplete or late deliveries, damaged or fawlty goods sold by members of this forum using the Classifieds forum.

8. You can reply to ads in this forum. Please keep it to the point and if we see nasty buyer/seller discussions we will remove them immediately w/o warning!
9. There is no forum setting to edit your ads yourself... Contact a classifieds moderator with your changes.


  1. Personal Ads

    Sell your stuff here

  2. Commercial Ads

    Dealers can flog their V11 stuff here.

  3. Wanted

    Looking for stuff? Ask away!

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