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Posts posted by badmotogoozer

  1. Hey Steve,


    Nikola blew his race bike (Daytona 675) on the Dyno a couple weeks ago. I was going to hit the dyno this month but that got me thinking. The dyno will find the weak spot and I got to worrying about my big ends... It isn't making the dogga dogga noise but I don't think it sounds quite right. Running great though and the pipes are welded up and back on.


    Greg's got all the parts (thanks Greg!) so I'll probably dyno it next month. I'll leave it together until Todd's show then take it down and order what I need from Greg. I had a look at everything when I put the slopper in so I don't think it will take long. I've been itching to use my new Kendon stand!





  2. I used to have a couple Angels living down the street from me. There wasn't a lick of crime anywhere in the neighborhood at all, not even a car broken into, for years. Then they moved and it all turned to Crackton.


    I don't like spilled beans. Or milk for that matter. Spilling beer is a criminal offence.

  3. Thanks Pete,


    I was figuring the same. Not worried about price on the bolts, drop in a mighty large bucket for what I've spent on this bike. More worried about availability. I hear they are getting rare... Was planning on replacing the shells no matter what.


    In short, just shells = I can do it this weekend. Bolts too = depends on lead time for bolts.


    Bike has 12K fairly easy km's on it.



  4. I'm thinking about popping off the rods and having a gander at the shells. Can I reuse the rod bolts? I've heard differing opinions on reusing the bolts.


    My thought is to clean the journals and replace the shells before I hit the dyno this summer. A friend just blew his on the dyno...


    Why? - well, in my pre-slopper days I had seen the light come on at least once, I'd like to find any damage before the dyno does.





  5. This loose connector might be the wiring for the electric petcock. Your 2001 originally had an electric petcock but it appears that the previous owner swapped it for a manual one (good thing!). At least your petcock looks different from my electric one. If so, then that connector doesn't have anything to connect to anymore and isn't a problem. My money is still on the temp sensor.

  6. I don't see anything wrong in the first pic but it isn't too clear... The second pic - the hose connection on the fuel regulator is normal, mine never had anything there either. What is likely causing your problem is the second thing you have circled in that pic. If that is where your unconnected wire is I'd bet that is the issue. You've circled the head temp sensor and if a wire isn't connected your ecu thinks the motor is always cold and dumps huge amounts of fuel in. Bad temp sensing was the cause of my horridly low mileage.





  7. Sorry to hear that, but I do know how you feel....Will you get another Guzzi?




    It is likely that my Guz and I will be parting ways in the spring. I've had enough. I'm already loooongggg past my tolerance for "sorting".


    Hope yours sorts better than mine has...







    Another Guzzi??? Not a chance. There's quirky and then there's POS.


    The only big question is what the Hell I'm gonna replace it with...


    Starting to think it's time to liquidate the bikes and get into a big sailboat before I end up married with ankle biters. This bike has not only put me off MG, but bikes in general.



  8. There seem to be two groups of Guzzi's - the ones who never have any problems at all and the ones who have everything go wrong.


    Sadly mine belongs in the latter group. I've had more go wrong with my bike than I've heard of anyone else. This time she held together for 1700kms before splitting both header pipes a month ago.


    It is likely that my Guz and I will be parting ways in the spring. I've had enough. I'm already loooongggg past my tolerance for "sorting".


    Hope yours sorts better than mine has...





  9. Synopsis/Scope - whatever you want to call it - it exists RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING.


    Although not directly labeled CONCLUSIONS, several conclusions ARE made and insinuated.


    The last few paragraghs in Italics do state that they are looking at the "results" WRT ONE ENGINE.


    It is you who have extended "Conclusions" form this study when there CLEARLY are none to be found.


    Now what part of that do YOU not understand???


    It doesn't matter how many times you keep regurgitating the same crap it isn't going to make it any more credible.


    Go clean your BMC - have you had a GOOD look at it yet??????? Obviously not or you would have dropped this discussion by now.


    I'm done with this - piss off.



  10. In this debate, your position was shredded and exposed as nothing but the hot air it is at it's core by legitimate science as well as legitimate journalism,


    No it wasn't. No hard irrefutable evidence was presented by either side. That is why the debate went on for over a year.




    AHA! Here's a fetching, yet lonely young flower of femininity enjoying her favorite sumptuous alfresco cuisine (sun-ripened, mascerated scrub-grass-porridge-stuffed, raw zebra intestines with squirming maggot cream sauce) alongside her usual companion roadside bistro patrons. I reckon she'd go f'er it in a heartbeat:


    :rolleyes: For the last time, Ratshit, I am NOT interested in ANY of your relatives!!



  12. I just realized something... I'm about to miss the chance to have a 'Starter Marriage' with my 'Starter Wife'


    A starter marriage is one that lasts for 5 years or less, and ends before children begin (I'm thing one year to three years will be enough).


    Being that I would like to eventually get married (for real) and have children I really need to get the ball rolling on this.


    So maybe we haven't exactly met yet but that's no reason we shouldn't get married.


    You see, a 'Starter Marriage' is like a starter home, we go into marriage expecting to divorce and trade up to something better. Also like a starter home, once we leave our first marriage, we'll learn what to look for, and what to avoid, the next time around.



    We should marry for a few other reaons too...



    1- You want to move out


    If you're just finishing school and are still living with your parents, a starter marriage is a safe and efficient way to get out of your parents' house.


    If your parents are driving you crazy and nagging you about when you're going to find yourself a nice man or move out? This'll shut 'em up.


    You may even fall into the trap of thinking your "flavor of the month" is the love of your life and you should just move in with them just so you can split the rent.


    Split it with me instead! We could save a ton.

    So you, yes you! C'mon, let's get hitched.



    2- Playing house.


    Is there anyone out there who thinks that people shouldn't play at being married for experiment's sake? We should, and for the same reason people move in with a boyfriend or girlfriend - to get to know what it's going to be like beforehand.


    Will you snap and kill someone who constantly leaves the toilet seat up?

    Only one way to find out...



    3- No drama.


    You don't have to worry about prenups, lawyers' bills, settlements, alimony payments, and similar headache-inducing elements of a "traditional marriage."


    Nuff said.



    4- Unlike a "traditional marriage..."


    Did you ever want to get married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas? Completely shitfaced?

    Not a problem.


    Exchange vows jumping naked out of an airplane.



    Want to get married and divorced the same day? Just to have a cool story to tell your friends?

    Whatever! Who cares?



    5- Piss off your parents.


    So Mommy and Daddy has been opressive and overbearing your entire life?


    I'll show up to meet them drunk riding a motorcycle to take my wife away from their wretched tyranny. Then you can tell them it's all their fault. We'll see who needs the therapy now.


    Are your parents dead set against you marrying whitey? Ha! This'll show'em. Blankito en la casa!


    Your parents want you to get married in temple to a nice Jewish boy? Mazel tov mother fuckers!



    6- Make an ex want you back or just plain piss them off.


    So your ex-boyfriend is jealous and manipulative and won't leave you alone since you've dumped his sorry ass? Not a problem. Show him how serious you are that it's over. If this doesn't clear it up I have big friends who do big things. And nobody, and I mean NOBODY fucks with my wife. Even if you are just my 'Starter Wife'.


    Or maybe you want your boyfriend back but can't seem to pull it off?

    Won't he wonder why you're not chasing him around anymore?


    The whole time you can brag about how wonderful I treat you.

    When he comes crawling back wondering what it is he lost he'll have a whole bunch of trumped up expectations to live up to. That'll show him.


    (Be sure to remind him everyday how lucky he is that you left me for him.

    Oh, and be sure to make a ton of unnecessry comparisons, ya know, just to keep him in check and unsure of himself)


    How about that asshole ex-boyfriend who only told you he loved you and wanted to marry you because he wanted was anal, threesomes, and to make homemade porn? You really thought he was the one huh? Maybe you even did some of those things for him and he still didn't put the ring on your finger.


    Well I'm sure when you tell that creep about how now that you're married you do all of those things and more... it'll @#!#$# his head up real good.



    7- For my Grandmothers


    Ok, so this one is for me. I'm fairly certian they're still around because there waiting for one of there grandchildren to get married. And to be honest, I'm tired of them asking about the girl I was dating last year or three years ago. Seriously, that shit gets old real quick. I love them but enough is enough.


    8- Speaking of family...


    So your sister got married... when are YOU getting married.


    Everyone is showing up with their boyfriend/fiance/husband, where's YOURS?


    Your parents don't want you dating a black guy? Just wait until this white guy here turns you into an emotional basketcase (or so we'll pretend). Tell they I'm a verbally abusive drunk and a womanizer. I bet they'd rather you have a black boyfriend instead of a black eye.


    Could you ever imagine your once-racist-dad saying:

    "Hmmm... You should give that nice colored fella i didn't let you used to date a call, you know I always did like him..."


    Now's your chance.


    Do you have one of those over achieving sister who has to do everything better than you and before you do? HA BITCH! Who's laughing now?


    9- Well, I really don't have a number 9, or a number 10 for that matter.

    I think I've probably said enough already.


    So future 'Starter Wife' I hope you're out there reading this.

    I need to get cracking on my 'Starter Marriage'

  13. Rat's done a marvellous job of misquoting me in his favor. I also see he is back to "editing" his posts so as not to let anyone see him for what he is. Also nice to see that he's giving spelling lessons after chastising others for doing exactly the same thing to him in another thread.


    Hipocrasy, hipocrisy. Who the feck cares. Rat is it.


    Ever notice the people with the most to say are the ones least worth listening to?


    Let's have another look at the bullshit Duramax study. These are my actual points:


    1. This "study" claims to have tested to a standard. Only a few of the tests were performed or at least reported. This in itself is enough to discredit this study. Rat has never responded to this point.


    2. This "study" was performed using ONE engine. This is stated as a note in either the synopsis os conclusion - I don't care to remember which. Rat has extrapolated this data to apply to all engines and all filter arrangements. Ridiculous.


    3. I said it was suspicious that testing of a GM engine would favor the GM part, especially in a "study" so poorly written and giving only vague reference to who has commissioned it.


    4. My problem with the bar graph was that it is a very poor way to present this type of data. In fact it is quite misleading, as is their analysis of the data. Eg - the scaling of the graphs leads the reader to believe that there is a HUGE difference between the filters when in reality they are not that different. In their analysis they claim one filter to better by a percentage when this is again a poor analysis of the data. One filter does not allow X% more dirt, it allows that percentage of slightly larger particles.


    Rat has also "concluded" from this study that there is "no benefit whatsoever to using a K&N filter". Again, this study has NOT done any testing or obtained ANY results that could possibly lead to this conclusion


    I too could go on at length. I am not the only educated professional who has remarked about the methods of testing and reporting in this so called "study". It is waht it is - words on the internet. To be taken for no more that that certainly.


    And now I'M quite tired of dealing with a moron. Rat, you may continue with your self righteous, self congratulatory verbal masterbation. Just please scurry away from the keyboard and clean the screen once in a while.



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