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helicopterjim R.I.P.

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Posts posted by helicopterjim R.I.P.

  1. Latest word on the MGS from the Intermot show.

    La MGS, che ha riacquistato i suoi banner, è completamente omologata (per la pista) per cui quella che c’è al salone potrebbe essere venduta anche subito. Ne hanno in casa cinque. Ne produrranno le prime 50 a ottobre.

    That means they only have five but are producing 50 more in October. I guess when I ordered mine last summer and they said it would be here in November they really meant it. They just didn't say which year.

  2. I just checked out this website and it is very informative. The break in procedure is very similar to the aircraft piston engine procedure. Another very similar point is aircraft engines use mineral oil for break in then it is changed after about 5 to 10 hours run in time. Then after the first 100 hours of running any type of approved oil may be used. the MotoTuneUSA website reccommends similar for bike engines.


    I know what I'll be doing with my MGS when I get it!!!


    but what about the rest of the 1,235,986 parts?

    With that many parts flying in formation together you are referring to a helicopter of course!

  3. Aircraft piston engines are broken in by making a max power (ie full throttle) climb to about 12,000 feet then slowly backing the throttle off and perhaps repeated one more time so there is about 30 minutes total. Then the engine is deemed 'broken in'! This ensures the rings are seated properly and the maximum power will be produced.

  4. Hi Jim, how do they bend them without breaking them?

    I couldn't have said it better (or longer) than hgravelpha@aol.com!

    That said I know some guys put a piece of lockwire in the needle and heat them with a torch and bend them.

  5. Zerk fittings are common on aircraft so if you have trouble finding a needle fitting for your grease gun you could try a maintenance shop at the nearest airport. Another trick is to bend the needle fitting to 90 degrees to get into tight spots. Aircraft mechanics have been doing this for many years.

  6. Wolfgang always seems to have at least one in his stable for immediate delivery

    I'm working in Nakusp right now so I can go check for you. I'll even ride it to your place if you want. I'll be there in about, oh, 2 or 3 weeks!!

  7. 50 mpg @ 90 mph.


    Well maybe I slightly embellished but I still appreciate the overall results reported by IanJ. My Rosso seems to get poorer fuel economy overall even though the 11:1 pistons made some improvement. I believe it is because of my riding style. Wheelies and burnouts do not get you 50 mpg!!!


    So you wish to have an Electonica, eh? I have a 1974 but with points. I commend your wish even if it will be hard to fill.

  8. to lug the engine, which may be actually worse for the engine than premature over revving


    This is a bad thing to do to any engine whether broken in or not! It is technically a function of manifold pressure versus RPM but what it means is DO NOT use full throttle at low revs, ie. 4000 or below. It puts massive strain on engine components for no realistic performance gain.

  9. Sorry to hear that some of you have problems with wrinkle paint. I have an '01 Rosso Mandello - probably the first of the wrinkle paint and so far it is in fantastic condition. I have used my steam cleaner at least 10 times now and not a single problem with paint lifting off. The only noticeable problem seems to be a small stone chip but it has been there over a year and so far no change.

  10. I suppose you are right that most are honest but what sticks in my mind are the reports of guys riding 80 to 90 mph and getting 45 to 50 mpg. I know that that is pushing the truth.

  11. Nice to see some honest fuel mileage reports there. I feel that some of the claims other people are giving are all selected from their high figures and the low ones ignored. Here is a gentleman who shows all the up and downs of his fuel mileage and the overall average. It looks a lot like the numbers I get when I bother to check except I can get the low results without anyone having to drain off a gallon.


    Cheers to IanJ!!!!!

  12. Sorry to hear that. I have not had any problems with my paint except that any oil or bugs were hard to get off until I discovered the steam cleaner. If your engine paint is that fragile i would not rccomend the steam cleaner. I hope you find recourse to your problem through the warranty or your dealer.

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