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Greg Field

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Posts posted by Greg Field

  1. :stupid:

    Being an ignorant Philistine, I need further Clarification from Ratchet Hack:

    Question 1: I need a steering damper to ensure the level of safety acceptable to me. Safety from tank slappers, causes by the very occasional perfect storm of tire, road, velocity, weight balance, too little rake and trail, flexing frame, imperfect alignment, rider input, etc. Why Ratchet do you need a damper? 1 zillion words later and I still don't get it.

    Question 2: I might have gotten it and fully agreed with you, but you suggested that it is perfectly fine to have damper set to minimum, take your hands off the bars and whack the bar. While the motorcycle has self centering engineered into the geometry, there clearly are factors that can produce lethal tank slappers, and whacking the bars strikes me being one of those factors.

    If you have this much faith in whacking the bar while riding no handed with damper set to minimum, why would you suggest that dampers are needed?



    I suspect Ratch does a lot of whacking . . .

  2. Again I note dryly how terrified all the riders (save Guzzimoto) of "stable" red frames are of riding without a steering damper. Those who have eyes to see will see the irony in this. The rest will look foolish to those with eyes to see. Or, they'll realize that the reason they're terrified to ride without a damper is because those bikes aren't all that stable. And the "proper" set up espoused by some here makes the bikes even less stable. Heretical, yes, but look at your own fear of your own bikes to see the proof.

  3. Looking for a Cafe Sport(2003-2006?), and would like to know what kind of typical problems I should look for/ ask seller about. Can I forget about the pre-2003 problems, or do they still exist?


    What kind of modifications are highly recomended?






    Typical problems are Ojlins steering dampers that intermittently stiffen up. If yours stiffens up, throw it away, as it's really not needed anyway. Ohlins shock that begine leaking. Fix it when it happens. Same with fork seals. Might want to replace the relays. Typical upgrades are aftermarket exhausts and moving the fairing back so it looks better and swings with the bars.

  4. You got a good one, Guzzimoto, as most others have. I really do not mean to disparage the red frames. My friend Motomonster has a really sweet one. His seems great. Still, one of the first things he did was to upgrade the steering damper. He is no dummy and does not spend money foolishly.


    And what you say about riders is spot-on. Some riders bear all their upper-body weight with their torso musculature, transfering just fingertip pressure to the bars. Others let their weight sag to varying degrees onto the bars. Those latter folks act as their own steering damper. What works for one may not work for the other.


    Gussimoto: Ever tried an Aprilia SXV? It seems to be the type of bike you would love . . .

  5. I agree, Guzzimoto; it's just that I've been lectured about how if they're "set up" right, the red frames are perfectly stable, when part of that "proper" set up decreases stability, as you have pointed out. After these folks have decreased the stability of an already marginally unstable machine, they of course feel the need to lecture about how anyone who doesn't keep a steering damper on their machine and keep it cranked to near max is an idiot. Square wheels again.

  6. If they're so damned stable, why the hell would you need a steering damper? Billy Bob don't need one.


    Of course, what I'm pointing out is that y'all're admitting that they really aren't that stable. Many of them need a band-aid solution such as a steering damper to make them safe in the real world. But that's the sort of heretical truth that always gets the heretic roasted at the stake, what?

  7. I have always set mine up to the highest setting that still steers easily enough at the lowest speeds, and if for any reason I was going to exceed 120 Veglia MPH, I reach down and give it two clicks.... of course I usually forget to dial it back out and when I go to park the heavy steering is unnerving and hazardous, but not as potentally deadly as a wobble at over 120MPH.


    Ah, the legendary stability of a properly set up red frame. Nothing to fear. Really.

  8. The 450-watt upgrade is the same 350w alternator you already have. Why they call it a 450-watter I do not know. The magnets are in the rotor and should tickle your new stator well enough.

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