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Mike Stewart

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Everything posted by Mike Stewart

  1. I agree with ratchethack, Breaking it in on the track is a sure way to seat in the piston rings correctly. Just make sure you have fresh oil in the engine and remember to have fun and keep the rubber side down! Dont ask how I know! Mike
  2. Well, with much debate, it looks like going to the rally is not the best thing I can do for my healing pelvis. The drive would be fine, but dealing with a wheel chair may be difficult. A talk with my Chiropractor yesterday killed my hopes of trying to go. Have fun guys, wish I could be there, Mike (and please keep the rubber side down)
  3. No, no, no, it is a mystery box to keep the vapor lock away Mike
  4. Lee, Perhaps it is an extra set of keys? Break her open and find out before some else does. Mike
  5. JRT, Take a micrometer (not a caliper) and take thickness measurements around the rotor. The most likely cause of brake pulsation is thickness variation in the rotors. Just .001" is enough for some motorcyles. Mike
  6. Ralph, Before going out and buying a new Tonti framed bike, go out and ride one first! I purchased a 2002 California Special Sport with out riding it first and the bike just did not fit my riding style. Mainly, the seats and rear suspension were poor, riding over 30 miles was difficult (painfull), my wife had the same problem with her seat, she always had to squirm trying to find a comfortable spot while riding. The foot peg location is forward and this also makes it awkward to move your body position around on a long haul. Oh yeah, the bar height of the Special Sport killed my back after a few hours of riding. It gave me back spasms for days afterwards. The linked brakes I never did get used to, or if I did, going back to a regular braking bike was always fun at the first stop sign. Other than that, it was a beautiful bike. Funny thing is, I sold it and then purchased a Jackal last year and rode it back from Iowa (JRT) to California two up and loaded and the bike was fantastic. It had better seats, no linked brakes, better shocks and slightly lower bars. 700 mile days went by fast. Ride before you buy Mike
  7. I guess I am fortunate that my wife does OK on the back of my Rosso. We have done 600 miles days riding two up fully loaded. She is only 5'3" tall, so maybe her size has something to do with it. I know when the temperture is low, she has a harder time with her knees locking up. I have to pry her off when we stop for fuel. Mike
  8. That is one of the reasons I did not purchase the Futura. The wind protection was terrible and the wind blast would hit my helmet head on. Had to wear earplugs and it was still loud. I gave my wife a ride on it and she did not like it at all. The passenger sits like 4 inches higher, just too much wind. Mike
  9. Only the late 03 had the new hollow axle on the Ohlins. My 03 Rosso has the solid front axle. Mike
  10. I think it was something like 30mm or 1 1/8, off the top of my head. Mike
  11. I just don't understand these tire shoot outs. They make perfect sence but there was a tire shootout just like this one 6 months ago and the ranking of the tires were 180 degrees apart. So, I was a Pirelli Diablo Corsa lover, read the last tire report and decided to leave the stock Bridgestone 014 tires on the Kawi (did real well in the test). I did almost 3 track days on them and they did work great till the rear tire broke loose with no warning and now I have a broken butt. So, take the test reports lightly and stick with what you know works. Mike
  12. It had to do the the dampening inside the shock. The early Ohlins shocks were too stiff if I remember correctly. Mike
  13. Al had his pork chops powder coated, I think you are thinking about when he tried to have them anodized. Al? Mike
  14. Dear Confused, The Ohlins shock listed (aftermarket) only comes with the remote preload unit. The 99 to 2002 shock will work correctly on bikes 2003 and up. I do not know why but if the Guzzi came with Ohlin suspension, the only way to get the Ohlin suspension parts are through Moto Guzzi. Meaning if you wanted to upgrade the front forks, the only way to purchase them new is through Moto Guzzi and not through Ohlins. But, Ohlins can sell the rear shock because it is slightly different (rear spring preload adjuster). And, the Ohlins shock is slightly longer than the Sach shock, this makes the bike steer quicker which is a good thing on the Leman's. Mike
  15. New Guzzi guy, The transmissions do not use synchros. Usually if you get a little bit of air in the clutch system, the engagement point of the clutch is less, meaning as you let out the clutch the clutch lever will be closer to the bar when the bike starts to move. Since the problem occured after the line was disconnected, it would be easy insurance to go and rebleed the clutch. Mike
  16. MDude, Cleaners and compounds will not work to bring the red back. The lazy way to repair it would be to remove all the parts you can (foot pegs shifter etc.) and then tape up the exposed bolt heads and use a high quaility spray paint to cover the pork chops. Doing it the right way will most likely take you at LEAST two weekend to do it. This would be taking the rear wheel and swingarm off among other components while trying to figure out how to support the bike to keep it from falling over. Powder Coating to me would be the way to go for a trouble free finish. Mike
  17. Mike Stewart

    Gel grip size

    All the grips are 7/8 inch. (throttle side is larger). If your bars are 1 1/8 at the center, they taper down where the controls and grips attach. The gel grip does help with vibrations, how much varies rider to rider. Also there might be a difference from grip manufacture to manufacture. I have noticed the gel type grips generally are larger in diameter, thus giving more cushion against vibration. The downside to grip diameter size is people with small hands usually do not like them (my wife). The grips are cheap enough to experimint with different types. Hope this helps, Mike
  18. If the only problem was movement of the crossover, it would be normal. But my crossover rattles very badly. Very embarrassing when pulling up to a stop light with other bikes around. I have tightened the crossover once and the problem did go away but now it is back and the gaskets are just too worn to get rid of the rattle noise. Last time I checked, the crossover seals were on back order. I did install the header pipes from my 00 V11 Sport and do notice a slight loss of low end torque from the front crossover. I am going to reinstall the 03 header pipes back on when the seals are available or perhaps I will make my own. Mike
  19. Docc, Thanks for all your advice My wife is a RN (labor and delivery) and can't believe how spot on you are with my injuries. I have an appointment with a orthopedist next week to review the xrays and to have a second opinion. Thanks, Mike
  20. So, the CT scans finally made it to my doctor this afternoon. I have 4 fractures in my pelvis. As he puts it, you have alot going on. The pain is less, or now I manage it better. Walking is nearly impossible with out support, though it feels like I can stand all day long. Looks like I have to give it time to heal correctly and then go to rehab to relearn how to walk. Or should I go with, No pain, No gain? Mike
  21. Hal, The first time at the track can be overwelming. There is alot to learn even before you get on the track. The first will be bike prep. Tire pressures must be adjusted for the track, they usually run 30 to 31 psi front and rear. The newer Michelins run lower pressures than this. You will need to disconnect the rear tail lamp or tape it up compleatly so no light will show through, remove the rear view mirrors, tape up the headlamp, and some require taping up of the turn signals as well. You will not have to change your coolant since your bike is air cooled. Also, bring extra gas (I usually run 1/2 tank), an extra bike key, some tools for who knows what, a canopy for shade, chairs, lots of water and electrolytes. Sunscreen if the sun is out. There will be a riders meeting before the track is open. Listen closely to what all the flags mean. Also learn how the get on and off the track safely. Gear, I use full leathers, I prefer a one piece suit. This is mainly if you do go down, there is one less zipper you need to worry about coming apart. You will need a Dot helmet as well. Good boots will give more support and extra protection where needed. A tinted helmet visor is nice if it is sunny out, using sunglasses always seemed like a pain to keep them from riding up while riding. This is the most important, HAVE FUN, RELAX, breath in, breath out, stay loose, be smooth. Forget what is behind you, be predictable so the other riders know what you are going to do. Start in the slowest class to learn the track. As speed increases, so will lean angle, adjust your riding and foot position as needed. Passing on trackdays will usually be on the inside and outside. It takes some getting used to it, stay calm and relaxed, no sudden moves, keep your line. My wife did do a two day novice track school and she was the most novice in the class. The instructors had her ride a tighter line around the track to give the other riders more room to pass (outside passing only). This worked out well for her. You will find that you do not need the full width of the track (like the pro's), They incourage tighter lines to make passing safer. Hope this helps you out, Mike
  22. Hal, Which track are you going to? I have to admitt, it is an addiction. I can't wait to do another. I still am not sure why I lost the rear tire and low sided. I finally was able to hobble down stairs and look at the bike. The tires are still sticky but there seems to be some smoothness to the left rear tire. All I remember is hearing the engine rpm's come up while I was exiting turn 13. Had to be something on the track to make me loose traction. Make sure you buy the best gear you can, you will not believe how fast the pavement will destroy a good set of leathers. Double stitched seams are another must, just a short slide will make the leather panels come apart. Have fun, Mike
  23. The V11 Sport uses a 8 inch headlamp. A used Ducati Monster headlamp goes for $255. on ebay. I have heard the BMW headlamp is the same (Bosch) and is alot cheaper in price. Just the lens through Guzzi is a few hundred bucks and who knows how long it will take to get? Mike
  24. Restoring joint function and minimizing impingement of the nerves can be a long and arduous process. Yet, much can be done although the experts disagree. One of the simplest, most effective home treatments is applying ice pack in 20 minute sessions up to three times a day. You can make up an ice pack with 4 cups) one liter) water and 2 cups ( 0.5 liter) rubbing ( isoprpyl) alcohol. Make this up in a heavy gallon freezer bag and double bag. This mixture freezes to slush which will coform to the back or pelvis. Once frozen wrap the bag in a damp ( not wet)lightweight towel like a dish rag. Sit with the pack applied to the affecetd area with just enough pressure to hold it in place. It is best NOT to lie down upon it, but to trap it behind you in a comfortable chair. Of course the sensation will be cold, then perhaps some stinging or aching in the first four minutes followed by numbing of the region. Expect to stiff arising from the treatment for around 30 minutes. The ice has the effect of attenuating nerve activity and diminishing inflammation. Those here in the US have the advantage of the availability of Chiropractic. Chiropractors are doctors whose practice concerns the impingement of joints on nerves, especially those of the spine. Various techniques are used to free the jammed joint and reduce the effect on the nerve. The techniques can range from aggressive manipulative 'pop' release of the joint to no-contact magnetic or energy related procedures. The most appropriate technique just after injuries such as these would be SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) or Activator instrument. As the condition progresses the technique can be transitioned. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to locate a good Chiropractor. Asking your medical doctor can be like asking your Ducati dealer what he thinks of that new Guzzi Griso. 61405[/snapback] Hi Doc, I had the CT scan of the pelvic regine this morning. I was quite suprised when they told me it would take two days for them to read them. If they see a fracture, they will give my doctor a call today. The body parts that were tight yesterday (upper back) are now fine, but today my lower back and pelvic area (butt) are tied in knots (especially from the wheel chair ride in the hostpital). I do have a great Chiropractor, she is out of town for another week. The hard part of being in a crash, it takes about 3 days to get over muscle soreness from moving past the norm of every muscle. Another problem I have is I still can not lay on either side of my hips without great discomfort. My Chiropractor usually puts me on my side to crack and align my back after appling heat and working on the knotted up muscles. I am going to try icing like the way you suggested. Do you suggest any type of heat (alternate)? Thanks again, Mike
  25. OK, my doctor looked at the xray's that were taken right after the fall and could not make anything out of them. Said they were terrible. He poked, moved my legs around, pushed and pulled, had another opion and he beleives my ilio-sacral joint is fractured. I am scheduled for Cat Scan tomorrow morning. At least he didn't give me a lecture on how dangerous Motor Cycles are. Till tomorrow, Mike
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