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Distilled Waters Run Deep

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Posts posted by Distilled Waters Run Deep

  1. Por nada, mi compadre. -_-


    And I'd more'n gladly accept cwrw gorau Cymru! Iechyd da! :bier:



    OH! Dwy ddim siarad Cymraeg iawn, Buttie... not even as good as you are at Espanol! We won't get into the Welsh Knot here. You are a man of many talents... if you should venture this far though, you'll find a Welsh welcome, with the right stuff tipped in your glass. Otherwise we'll have to wait til the sprockets have flown the nest & the Mrs & me pay a trip to U.S...


    Sump came off so damn easy I felt even sillier. There's a shiny thin gasket with AFM REINZ 39 all over it, looks good for another throw -may use a little hylomar blue, tiny smears of which I see in the nylon gauze filter -the only foreign body in what looks to be immaculate oil, the barest trace of sludge- though the guy I bought the bike off told me it was due a change. When I buy an old bike (I've never bought a new motor), I wait in case there's a nasty surprise, but my smile just keeps broadening... :mg:

  2. DWRD, I b'ieve you may've overlooked the 4 long screws (I think it's 4?) in the middle of the Jackal sump.


    NOTE: The Jackal sump is entirely different than V11 sumps. Not only does it have these "middle long screws", but it has the oil filter "upside-down" on the sump itself, rather than bolted up to the oil pressure relief assembly as with V11's.


    Any Q's on this, Big Daddy has the answers HERE:




    Good luck. :luigi:


    Ratchethack, I thought I was being soppy posting that question... thankfully I didn't (i hope!) hit the lugs hard, & all will be undamaged. Thank you more than I can say, I'll have to get you a beer some day!

  3. ...Of course there was one last allen cap screw with a round hole -cut a slot for a screwdriver with a very carefully applied hacksaw, & though impact driver wouldn't budge it, hammering in a big torx bit & a sharp twist with a ratchet did.

    Clever me, I thought, self-satisfied until I found myself a complete beginner again -can't find a safe place to lever it against, tried tapping the lugs with a length of birch & a hammer- but the sump is very firmly in place... anyone want to tell an old man what he must've forgotten? (2000 California Jackal)

  4. Beautiful lid.


    " Gorgeous, but... Davida doesn't offer a FF helmet?


    3/4 helmets are for tourers & cruiser types who don't ride fast enough to think about how in a crash you'll go over the bars & slide on your face a ways..."


    -I remember a nurse telling me he'd seen the neck injuries from ff lids, & that if you were going to hit tar hard enough to benefit from all that coverage your brains would be pulped anyway! I had a spectacular crash 22 years ago wearing my open-face agv & suffered some grooves in my teeth from scraping off each other (woulda happened anyway?), & a tender cheek-bone.

    The most danger was from eye fulls of shattered glass from my old glass lensed specs & fighter goggles (I'll never wear them again!) -thankfully another nurse (!!!bless 'em!!! Shout at the Govt. to pay 'em more!) was passing, happened to have a pouch of saline solution in her glove-box...


    Anyway, if you're ugly enough to ride a Guzzi why worry about your clock? :wacko:

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