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Bill Hagan

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Posts posted by Bill Hagan

  1. Michael,


    Shelby is at Union Cycle in Charlotte, N.C.


    Yaniv Adir has his EV's tranny there now (ATD sent it) for Shelby to fix.


    Sorry about your plight. You should have been at the Georgia Guzzi meeting at the Vortex last night. Same subject as you raise was beaten to death. :bier:


    OBTW, you also missed this by our bikes when we left: http://urlsnip.com/586988


    A comely waitress -- must be new; no (visible) piercings or tattoos -- said wasn't hers. :D


    Should reach 70, and I'm going to take the Ballabio out and play at lunchtime. :race:



  2. Well, I'll be the first of the Atlanta contingent to chime in, Hagen & V50 are probably still out riding, as it's in the low 60's here..... :race:


    Atlanta GA

    '02 Le Mans



    Well, Phil, I wish I'd been riding, but was visiting in- and out-laws in n. Virginia.


    Did commute in this a.m. on the EV (50F on launch, warming to upper 60's; yee ha! :D , and was able to spend yesterday in the GarageMahalo getting reacquainted with my Guzzis. And, while away, looked at (but did not buy) a Nuovo Falcone (a story I'll recount with pics on w/g sometime soon).


    Also spent a day and night with Joe Martin, an EV owner newly settled in NW N.C., north of Jefferson and just over the Va. line south of Mouth of Wilson. Gorgeous country.


    I mention that last, Al, cuz Joe is planning a gaggle for the second weekend in October, 13-15. Hope you can make it.


    In the meantime, if you get to Atlanta, mounted, flying, or caged, let us know, and we'll give you a Guzzi tour. If sans yours, you are always welcome to borrow my Ballabio or EV if you are near.



  3. One of my Duck- and beemer-riding neighbors has friends in Ellijay, a town at the foot of the n. Georgia mountains--she is certified BMW mechanic and he a certified Duck wrench (what a combo, huh?).


    They are working on his 748 and sent him an updating email. Included this P.S. --


    "do you think that your friend who is the italian bike lover [that would be me! :mg: ] would know a good parts source for the MVagusta we're working on? it's a 1957 trl125 and we're going to need some gaskets, carb parts, etc...i've not had a lot of luck tracking down parts for this old girl! just thought he might have some insight."


    Well, of course, I don't have a clue, but told my neighbor I'd post on two of the "major Guzzi web boards." He doesn't realize how oxymoronic that really is! :D


    So, any ideas?





  4. Greg Field on a modern bike?  Is this the second or the third sign of the coming apocalypse?  :P


    My reaction precisely. :P


    I'm figuring this could lead to a new Guzzi book, too: The Ballabio - Best of Breed. :D


    If not, I'm also thinking that aftermarket opportunities for Ballabio owners just got lots better. Hey, Greg, try to have any new product lines going by end of January when I drop in and visit you all.



  5. IF you lay down particle board with 2x2's screwed to the backside of it so they line up with the steps you'll turn your steps into a functional (yet) steep ramp. Really you can use anything you have laying around for scrap lumber just so it doesn't shoot out if you try to ride or push the bike up it. And oh yeah might be easier to Not make it as wide as the whole steps you want to be able to walk the bike up. Just a suggestion.  :homer:



    Go for it, cuz after getting it up the ramp and into the house, you can something like this: http://w6rec.com/duane/bmw/livingroom.jpg


    Seriously, the point about "not wider than steps" is a mixed bag. True, a steep ramp is not as positive an engagement and platform for you, but it is higher than the steps and you may find yourself too low to be of use. And be sure not to miss DBG's "yet steep" part. I've been there and do not care to remember. One of those "break your bike or your body" moments. Of course, I chose well ... and have scars on me, not the bike, to prove it. :blush::huh2::homer:

  6. Well, this weekend I did the annual Toys for Tots charity ride in Reno. 70 miles there, the ride (3+ hours, 2K bikes) and then the 70 miles back. Burrrrr. Damn kids better like all the toys! Good time, though.



    On a Tenni?!


    Ever get out of first? :D


    Thanks for helping kids, tho.



  7. Hi all,


    New member to the site in Beaverton OR.    I picked up my '04 Gray Ballabio a week ago from MotoInternational in Seattle.


    I included the quote above because I thought it was funny how similar in tastes in bikes I had with this person.  My first bike was also a '94 SECAII,  and I had been considering the FZ1 as well to replace my second bike (Honda Superhawk/Firestorm), but decided on the Guzzi instead.


    I love it so far,  but I'm already looking at aftermarket exhaust and air intake options, because the first thing I noticed when I picked it up was that it didn't sound like the private-party V11 I test drove a few weeks before.


    It's just not right to keep that exhaust note bottled up.  Let the puppies breathe! :D



    Welcome, but careful. Last guy that said that -- your quote -- left your coast and moved to N.C. :D


    OBTW, 18K on my Ballabio and love it still. Probably always will. Joy.



  8. Mr Hagan....that's one civilized shop you got there sir!! :thumbsup:  nice


    is that wallpaper or wood paneling on your walls? :grin:


    (cheking out your photobucket)



    Beadboard. See http://www.gp.com/build/product.aspx?pname...1686&hierarchy=


    The architect specified it as, tho our house in new construction, we live in a closely regulated (by fascists, I might add :bbblll: ) historic district, and beadboard appears in many local "contributing structures," including outbuildings.


    Was surprised to learn from my contractor that beadboard was not much more than ordinary wallboard, and sure does look fine, along with being pretty resistant to damage.


    Sorry, motomaniac, and others to have started a tangent from a (literally) cool thread. I'm going out at lunch and romp a bit on the local roads. Should be in '50's soon; too good to pass up. :race:

  9. 7:00 AM


    30-mile ride to Greenville, SC







    Went out to the GarageMahalo at 6 a.m. to get Kathi's car ready. [she's gotten quite used to it being ready when she walks out the door, i.e., warmed up, coffee in the holder, gate open routine; she's so indulgent of me in Guzzis, it's worth the PITA. :D ]


    Brrrrr. It was cold, but warmer than 29, probably even 33 or so. Still, I decided it was too cold to ride the Ballabio in, and, as the much-better-in-cold-weather EV is hors de combat [see, if interested: http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=9wgryy...ef&x=0&y=po4naq], the pickup seemed the right option.


    Launched the Polish Princess :rolleyes: [Kathi, not the pickup] and decided I was a wuss; I'd ride in. Atlanta is, sadly, a third-world city in many respects, with one of the most maddening problems being the city's view that broken or leaking water mains are no big deal. Makes domani seems subito. So, one can have the exciting experience of rounding a curve to see ice sheets where the water has covered the road. Luckily, I know where all those are on my commute, and with exception of one long little valley, temps were above freezing, so those were only wet, not icy.


    There is satisfaction--even smug superiority--in being only motorcycle on road (at least none on my route). Electrics, too, make what might be painful an easy ride, with only the cumbersome chore of getting all "the stuff" on. It's 10 or so miles by straight roads to my office; I take the 14-mile wigglier way.


    Weather changes tomorrow; wet and colder. Hope to get EV back on road this weekend. Lordy, I do miss that big w/s. :ninja:

  10. Bill, have you talked to ol' what's his name at Blue Moon? His shop was a bastion of the old & odd, not just the customers, but some of the artifacts / merchandise  too.


    They might be able to provide you with some leads, probably in Upper Mongolia.


    The folks over at the Barber Museum might be worth a shot as well.


    Phil P

    Atlanta GA

    '02 Le Mans



    Thanks, Phil.


    No, I hadn't even thought of Blue Moon until this popped on my companion post on wildguzzi: http://www.bluemooncycle.com/bikes/033_74_...4_mgfalcone.htm They have one!


    I think I saw this same NF at an Italian car show at Burton Dam two years ago. I am interested, but am also looking at others. had no idea I'd get this much response. I am still working on the bride. :D


    Stop by and visit the GarageMahalo sometime; we live here: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formt...HVHpXCtaQ%3d%3d


    [sorry; tried to shorten that url, but mapquest defeated me] :huh2:


    Anyway, Wayne Orwig is coming over on Sat or Sun to help me get the EV tranny back in. I'm looking forward to the education. :mg:

  11. A hint for next june





    Grazie, Antonio!


    I have gotten several leads here, including one in Atlanta. The site, however, is very interesting in many ways. Wish there were more pics, but the one civilian version listed with a photo looks cherry. Also saw one military one in Lecco. "OK, Kathi, I know I said we came to Mandello to visit the factory, but what a coincidence. A Nuovo Falcone just like I've been wanting, here, in Lecco. It's a miracle, really." She may come to Amsterdam and hunt you down like a dog. :D

  12. I personally favor the



    Thanks for the feedback. I googled and found several interesting old Guzzis, but think (especially for your last point, cost :whistle: ) that if I buy anything of that sort, it'll be a NF.


    I'd like to use it as a daily commuter, unless I end up with something nicer than I have in mind just now, in which case it'll be a sunny-day display ride around the neighborhood. :D


    Got an email from an owner. I'll see if I can't pour Kathi a bit more wine than usual to put her in a mellow mood for casual mentioning of a possible addition to the garageMahalo. :drink:

  13. Put this on wildguzzi, but thought I'd ask here as well.


    Well, as the Norge appears to be a 2007 event--if that--and my Carabinieri truck project is on spousal-unit-sanity hold (more available by email, but not public post :whistle: ], I am on looking (semi-seriously, as same SU may need "encouragement") for a Nuovo Falcone.


    I (think I'd) prefer a mil version "in the crate," and understand those are out there somewhere. OTOH, would also consider any police version, a pure "civilian" model; or a Sahara model.


    Here are pics of the basic military version.


    http://www.acr-ricambi.it/NOVOFALC.DX.JPG & http://www.motorcities.com/contents/02/197...B233651097.html


    I have googled for available ones, and found several ... in Europe, but none in USA. As we will be in Italy next June, that is an option, but I'd like to find one here.


    So, anybody know of one? :xmas: I know these aren't viewed as "sexy" Guzzis, but the anemic performance and semi-vintage look is fine with me for a neighborhood doodler or a slow run to the local hills.





  14. Hadn't posted the original notice here, but thought I'd better publish the CNX from wildguzzi lest someone who posts or lurks on this forum heard about the event, showed up next weekend, and found themselves the only Guzzi within 100 miles :( :


    "Based on the somewhat-less-than-resounding response to the earlier post reminder http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=865.0, I'm thinking that few will be disappointed at this announcement that it is being cancelled!


    Talked with Grant Borden (Southern Guzzi Riders & Friends) and recommended he cancel based on 29 Dreams bumping us for another group, the likely low attendance flowing from that, and because I am a wuss and didn't want to ride the Ballabio in the '20's next Sat a.m.


    Actually, that last wasn't a reason to cancel, but it did not make me sad, either. Marriott tells me I lose the points I used to get the room; hmmmmmm, that doesn't sound right; think I'll see if I can charm a CSR later today on that.


    Anyway, hope this doesn't dash anyone's plans, but if so, come over to the GarageMahalo and watch me show Wayne how to put an EV back together."



  15. My first post here- Nice to meet you all!


    It's time to do a fork oil change (Marz 43mm, I think) on My '04 Ballabio. I have been all over your tech section, and can't find clear instructions. Can somebody point me towards these?


    I'm usually a pretty good wrench, but I've never done fork oil before and am a bit intimidated.

    Having the local dealer do this is not an option.


    Thanks all,




    Ditto docc's "Where..." & raise you re why dealer is not option?


    Also, how many miles on that jewel or is something else requiring that service now? I don't have my manual here, can't recall service interval for that, had dealer do 6 & 12k, and am at 18K now. Hmmmmm. Mebbe I'd better learn this, too.


    [Yo, docc, did you see that there is a new Guzzi dealer in Atlanta? I will stick with ATD cuz I like 'em, but having a choice is neat. http://www.atlantamotorworld.com/default.asp]

  16. it was not what i was expecting .

    the bike is as smooth as silk . good power .and for what it is ,and for florida ,good handling . ( i do not know if i would like it as much in connecticut and vermont with all the curves ,etc....)


    and, excellent dealer support.



    That may strike some here as heresy, but I agree completely.


    I am no fan of many HD riders for reasons long debated here and elsewhere, but, darn, if HD's aren't fine mounts when ridden as they are probably designed to be.


    I ride frequently over lunch hour (OK, + some :D ) with a friend who owns a HD RK. We swap bikes now and then. He's a polite and an affable lemming, so he has difficulty understanding a Guzzi's charm, e.g., I cannot get him to shift at rev-limiter, etc.


    But I do like lots about his RK. I'll buy a Norge when (if!) it gets here, especially for LD 2-up riding, but the RK is a sweet ride for rides short and long within its easily found and quite pleasant limits. And, fit & finish? Flawless. He has yet to have a hiccup needing service, and dealers are, as you note, seemingly everywhere.


    Actually, if the Norge fails to appear and the Breva 1100 doesn't come with ABS, I could see a RK in my garage. Nah. Kathi wouldn't ride on it; she loathes the HD schtick more than I do. :mg:


    Seriously, they are nice; I understand the appeal besides the iconic.

  17. when I ride on long highway rides, the area of my feet that touches the footpegs goes numb and kind of feels like a "burning " sensation. anyone else experience this? I would like to try one of those footpeg lowering kits to see if that would help some , the pegs do seem to be positioned a little too high. Is there anyone that has one of those kits that they want to sell?( I cant remember who made or makes them )



    This may sound like a Sierra Alpha reply, but have you considered trying different boots?


    Seriously, I find the buzz intolerable for long distances in my cheap Teknics somethings (tho fine for my daily commute), but my Oxtars whatevers have no buzz transmission at all. Both are street boots, but the difference between the two pais is amazing.

  18. Stop in and say, "Hi," at least. I doubt there will be any Atlantics left in January, but you never know. I sold four of them last week, and have maybe six left.


    If you want a Nuovo Falcone, a friend of mine here has one he is going to sell, to help finance a new Cal Vintage.



    Check your PM box, Greg.



  19. Well, my '00 V11 Sport is running fine. The TPS etc. was set up by Speed at Speed's Cycle when new and I haven't had to touch it since. However, the transmission does act a little weird sometimes.

    However, my main problem at this time is that after riding for a while, my privates "go to sleep". I've tried different underwear and have since given up briefs. Maybe I need those riding jeans with the extra gusset in the crotch. Or a Rich Maund seat.

    I remember a discussion of this some time ago, but don't remember the solution.




    IMO, the answer to sleeping privates and general monkeybutt issues: http://www.underarmour.com/

  20. I'm so pissed at guzzi's

    a) delay, delay, delay with the Breva 1100

    B) increased prices


    thinking about a CS/Billybob at rock-bottom prices. Maybe that's in the future instead of the new ones.





    I know what you mean, tho Kathi might not be amused at another Ballabio ... "for spares, darling, for spares." :grin:


    Seriously, tho, not only am I a bit more tempted by those EV prices at Moto-International, I will be in Seattle in late January. If they still have an Atlantic 500 scooter, may ship it back. That would be perfect for my commute and will be a placeholder in the GarageMahalo while I wait impatiently for the Norge/Falcone &/or Nouvo Falcone project.



  21. Any accountants in the group?


    Tire machine-- $3500.00

    Electronic balancer $1200.00

    Can you say ROI? An unknown concept in most bike shops.


    The guys who do our tires are the same guys who do our new bike set-ups, trans recalls, engine building, and FI work.


    It takes longer and costs more than some other places.

    I'm OK with that.


    There truly is not much money to be made on tires.

    There are situations in which it is not worth  the trouble.

    I dismissed 2 BMW riders this week who wanted Internet tires mounted on loose wheels.

    No thanks, I said.  One was rather taken aback when I let him know that Dennis Kirk sells tire irons, as well as tires. DIY means DIY.


    We don't mount customer supplied tires.

    Nor do we install customer supplied parts, except in very limited circumstances.

    We don't take 8 days. And we don't scratch rims. :D


    And we don't take American Express :grin:






    Heck, Todd, even a liberal-arts guy can understand the math. Thanks.


    I'm happy with my dealer in most things, and spend lotsa $ there. But the tire/rim thing is pretty annoying. I'm going to chat on it before the next time ... which, at rate I go thru tires, won't be long. :wacko:


    Too bad about the Amex; love them miles; getting Kathi and me to Milan (& Mandello) in business class next June. :D

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