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Posts posted by badge502

  1. ANybody have any experiance with Rizoma Grips? They are red anodized aluminum... Very nice looking, but the send the vibration right on through... I want to swap them out with some ProGrips, but it looks like the throttle side is actually part of the throttle mechanism... The clutch side had a couple of screws that held them on, so that one was easy, but there appear to be no screws... I checked their website, and it looks like this might incorporate part of the throttle, and it is more than just a simple grip...


    Thanks for any help...



  2. I removed all the stuff that the previous owner had used to seal the area of the leak... It came off mostly in one big rubbery piece, then I went after the area with a razor blade, brake cleaner, and a toothbrush. I got ALL the gook off of it, and took a look. I saw nothing that would indicate a bad gasket, no pieces sticking out, no unfilled gaps, nothing... And that kinda makes me wonder if that is where the oil is coming from in the first place. BUT, I got all the stuff off, cleaned the heck out of it, then blew it dry with a compressor, and re-applied some silicon material at the seam. I did it in three applications over about 10 minutes, and used a gloved finger to press the material down in the seam between the cover and the case. Im going to let it "cure" til this afternoon, then start it up and see what happens. I would just about bet money that there is going to oil popping up from somewhere else. I did see a area on one of the oil lines (I replaced one of them already) that looks a little shady, so I might just go ahead and swap that out too...

    Thanks for your help, keep your fingers crossed. I might have to pull the tank to see if I can get a better look down in there at the top of the motor to see if I can see anything suspicious...

  3. No patching.........If you don't feel froggy, take it to MPH. See if they will let you watch wile they fix it. The worst thing about MotoGuzzi is the fact they are the simplest bike being manufactured. You wiil (after you get over your fear) love working on this engine.


    Although MPH is in Texas, they are still about 250 hundred miles from me...


    Im going with the external sealant method... I dont think I could hose it up any more than the previous guy, and I could learn a little bit more about this creature.


    We'll see how it works out this weekend... If I hose it up myself (it could happen), Ill be the first to eat crow, and let you all know about it. If I fix it, the drinks are on me... :bier:

  4. I assumed that he assumed it was rubbery cos it looked like it might be, sort of. I assumed otherwise.



    1) Don't sniff it.

    2) Not for internal consumption.



    You're no fun... :rolleyes:


    I am going to try the External Patch Repair method... If it works, GREAT!


    If not, then I will probably load it up and haul it to MPH.

  5. It still looks like poorly applied epoxy to me – partly from the look of it and partly from the way that it has split along the joint line.

    Silicone sealant DOES work. It's quick and easy. Which is a good thing. :P


    Ill start on it Friday, and take pictures as I go... So clean the heck out of it, use sandpaper, whatever it takes to get all the grey crap off, along with the awesome black engine paint, then clean it up GOOD using carb or brake cleaner, then a THIN coat of black silicone sealant... Any referals on which sealant?


    I dont really want to ask, but I guess I will, how would I know if the case is cracked? Will it be obvious? Is there going to be a hole somewhere? Or, will it just keep on seeping oil? Right now, its just seeping oil. When it is parked it doesnt even leave an oily spot on the floor... Although when Im rolling along, after about an hour, I get a free boot oiling.

  6. Can't tell for sure, from photos, but to me it looks like 'plastic steel' epoxy. Some makes are a bit rubbery, especially if not mixed correctly. It needs to come off.


    The oil will creep around the area, but the danger is that your case is actually cracked, so it is leaking from the forward area of the case as well as the joint. The broken case will pull the joint open as well as leaking from the crack.

    That is possible, but the blown gasket scenario is much more common and more likely.


    Like I said, Im not a mechanic... but that "broken case" talk has to stop now... :vomit:

  7. It's the classic spot that the cover leaks from.


    Looks like the repair has been done with plastic metal. That stuff doesn't work in this situation. I'd scrape /prise it all off. The gasket could be changed, but I sealed the leaking joint on mine externally and the repair worked perfectly. Thoroughly clean the area and then try sealing it with silicone type sealer, preferably black. It worked for me. I'll put in a new gasket... sometime.


    It does depend exactly where your leak is though.

    If it is just a blown gasket, the silicone sealer should work. This a a bad, weak area of the case though. If it is actually cracked, close to the support bracket, unfortunately the solution will require a new timing cover. Hopefully it's just the gasket though. Take that plastic steel off so that you can determine where the leak is.


    This sealant stuff he used looks almost rubbery... Any recommendations on a cleaner/degreaser?


    On that first picture, see how that sheen of oil is going forward of the bead of goop and covering the timing cover? How's that work? I would think it would be going towards the rear wheel more, due to the wind direction... The timing cover looks like it is "sweating" oul...

  8. I just picked up this LeMans... Neat bike, but based on my research here on this website, looks like I might be suffering a blown timing cover gasket... Looks like the previous owner did a bang up job of trying to fix it himself... Is that what a blown timing cover gasket looks like? Its just seeping enough oil to coat my right boot after about 100 miles. Im not a very good mechanic, but I can do some stuff. Im not sure this is within my paygrade.




    A little closer...


  9. Grips, levers and reservoirs are all aftermarket.

    The blingy grips are aftermarket, look like Rizoma or Driven. I've found ProGrip gel grips isolate vibration yet give good feel.

    The levers look like CRG. Very good IMO.

    Metal reservoirs? :huh2:


    Yep, those are Rizoma's... Pretty neat lookin' but sure are buzzy... I got the Pro Grips on the way.

  10. I've got a few bits on my LeMans that I dont think are stock, and Im curious about them...


    Clutch and brake master cylinder and levers with grips... The grips LOOK great, but they transmit a LOT of vibration back to the hands...






    Also the gas cap...








    Sure did clean up nice...

  11. Never could get into the K bikes. I've ridden a couple but they just feel long and heavy compared with the R models. "Winter bike" is fitting. I ride the RT in cold, rainy weather or when the wife comes along. Excellent mount for those days.

    Riding solo, the Italians get the call most of the time though. More heart & soul. :bier:




    Yeah, but if you are going to click away the multiple thousand miles, BMW's sure are hard to beat... I like the GT... Im old and spoiled, and that heated seat sure beats freezing your ass off in the middle of nowhere... :D


    The Italian bikes ARE much more fun. I always make the comparison of a beautiful Italian woman in a bar, and a "stout" German girl with a good job. I think BOTH is the correct answer. :thumbsup:

  12. Funny that happened to me at the local gas station early in the year so should have remembered it, too many bikes, too many problems, can't remember them all! Enjoy a brilliant bike which has "character" :D


    Yeah, Im a big Italian bike fan... Ive also got a BMW which seems to be the polar opposite of the LeMans... BUT, for some reason, it's like the LeMans was built just for me... everything "fits" perfectly... Seat to pegs, to handlebars, its like they took my measurements, and built it just for me. One of the bikes has to go, and Im thinking it will probably be the beemer... Its a great bike, a K1200GT with all the bells and whistles, but, it just doesnt have that "soul" that the big tiwns have. Ill miss that Sirius radio... That BMW is BIG and HEAVY too... Or at least, it seems so...

  13. I tried swapping the relays to different sockets, but I got the same effect... nothing. Ive got the Bosch 0-332-207-307 relays, and I dont think those are the relays that are effected... I shorted the wires in teh start button switch, but that didnt work...


    THIS fixed it... SoLuTiOn for now...


    THANKS V11LeMans.com !!!

  14. First things first, is the kill switch OK, (Not sure about the V11 but my Daytona still primes the fuel pump when the kill switch is thrown but doesn't start obviously) Then the relay, plenty on this forum about relays, its all been said before, look in the tech section


    Yeah, I was just reading the tech sections about the relays... The kill switch "kills" the fuel pump, so it must be OK, I can hear the pump kick on and off when I flip the switch...

  15. I just got this '02 Lemans, and there is a funny story Ill tell later. BUT, it wont start... The lights come on, the fuel pump charges up, hit the starter button... Nothing. I look in the manual, and notice a start relay... Im not sure if the problem is with the start relay, OR the starter switch, or something else... I also notice a white/brown wire, and a white/black wire inside the starter button plastic... IF i shorted those together, and it turned over, then I would thinkthat mechanism is bad... If not maybe starter relay? Any suggestions on what to try?




    PS it will bump start

    Clutch is in, kill switch is in the correct position.

  16. Did vendor explain speedo replacement - got original?


    KB :sun:



    This is a private seller, not a shop... I asked him if the bike had ever had a tip over, and he said it had not... Not sure about the speedo... Ill check

  17. Good sign that the owner mentioned it.


    I'd guess it is the timing cover gasket. Quite a few have leaked. I noticed mine before a planned ride and did the same thing. Cleaned it and injected sealer into the seam as a quick, temporary fix until I'd have time to pull the cover. I forgot about it and the leak hasn't come back.

    The proper repair is now on my winter maintenance list.


    Thanks for making extra work for me. :D


    Sorry about that! I'm trying to figure out a way to get up there and take a look at it now... He sent some big pics, and it looks very nice, and is $2500 cheaper than another one for sale locally... I remember the sport motor, and thought that was the best motor of any bike I had ever ridden on, but then lost my job and had to sell it...


    I also remember the 1100i Sport, and what a crippling SOB that riding position was... That was about the longest stretch to the handlebars Ive ever seen on a bike. Im pretty sure the LeMans is a bit more upright... I remember sitting on one over in Houston when they first came out, and falling for it then...

  18. I just heard from the owner... Seems like there is an oil leak that he has sealed with gasket sealer "The oil leak was where the engine case splits open on the right side, high up "... The pics he sent look great, and he said the sealant stopped it from leaking... BUT for $4K its not going to be a concourse bike...

  19. Im looking at a 2002 LeMans... Pics look good, I havent seen it in person yet... He is asking $4000, and that sounds like a great deal to me... Its got 18,000 miles on it, and it supposedly runs great, etc... He has had to swap out the speedo, but nothing other than that... Any ideas of what I should be looking for? Ive had a couple of Guzzi's, a 95 1100 Sport, and a 98 Sport (I think)... Good deal? Walk away?


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