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Posts posted by bento

  1. 5 minutes in you'll know where it feels like your "hurting it". don't go above that, and vary your rpm alot.


    my bike is almost all out of "hurtieness" :whistle:


    oh, and check your idle when you pick it up. they seem to set em up WAY lean out of the box.

  2. thanks for the input guys, tomorrow i start the sus tweaking, and yes, i'll put a new front on the list before any trips.


    i am kind of a spunky rider, so i've probobly punished the front's belts a bit.


    how did someone put it...oh yeah, "torque junkie" i believe was the term.

  3. yeah, i've recently noticed a slight wobble if i shut the throttle around 30 or 40 mph. it started after we put the hepco becker rig on my sport.


    i mentioned it on the other guzzi forum and got:


    1. tire pressure.


    2. tire cupping


    3. bad fork bearings


    the wobble does not happen at high speeds. i have over 9000 miles on my front tire. it's a bridgestone, how long should i expect it to last?


    i really REALLY hope it's not the bearings. if there's a little tugging and pushing on the bike on a tire-clamp lift to get the hb on, would that generate enough force to mess something up in the front end?


    i'm waiting to get it into the shop before i start tinkering with it. i figure i'll just leave all the evidence and let the pros trouble-shoot it out.

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