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antonio carroccio

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Posts posted by antonio carroccio

  1. A big catastrofe there, no doubt, but I didn't know people from Haiti are the worst drugs dealers in USA.


    My wife donates some money for them, and Holland have donated 83 million Euro for homeless and helpfully people there.

    I hope they will get the help they need to rebuild the all country or the all island.

  2. is it possible to have the route of the nearby Eifel to check it out wich way we could take?

    Last time it was very confusing where we were and where we have suppose to be.

    A lot of stop on the way and look at the map. I think we lost a couple of a time.

    It doesn't matter at all, I have had a good time anyway, but I say so just in case... :P

  3. Golem,


    twin spark is always better for the combustion. The engine will not get so hot anymore and the burning gas will be optimal.

    Millepercento, (Bruno Scola) use to do the flow job. Flow job=rectifying of the two heads of tyour V11. The max will be 0.5 mm they will get off.

    This means more compression and better combustion. Remapping of the ECU is a part of it.

    I don’t know the exactly price of this work but it would be around € 400,- Sound reasonable to me…


    Try to get a camshaft of Scola to. The OSS 8.2 will be the best for the V11. More torque ;)

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