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Moto Guzzi close

antonio carroccio

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The factory will be closed for restructuring. This will happened in the winter 2008/2009.

The plan is to be closed for about two month, but it could be more than only two month.

It will be better to order pieces from another source.

In Italy the winter begins in October and ends in April.



But the parts don't come from the factory so they will still be available.

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....the parts aren't coming from the main factory, but in fact they do. Got that? ;)


Yeah, and funny enough the best parts often change owner at distributions or on highway parking areas. Regarding this and the sometimes dubious assembly quality could make me think it was eventually better to let those halls closed and reopen Guzzi with new and more motivated stuff somewhere else.

How about the old plant at Breganze e.g. :)



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Mandello del Lario (LECCO) on October 9, 2008 - We sent Christian Cavaco interviewed Mario Venini, Secretary General of the FIOM CGIL of Lecco, on the decision of the summits of Piaggio to make layoffs of 190 workers Moto Guzzi and transfer 30 employees from Mandello in Pontedera. Dice Venini: “La decisione, che ci è stata comunicata senza nessuna discussione preliminare, non ci trova affatto d’accordo perché cambia completamente la fisionomia della fabbrica. Venini says: "The decision, which has been communicated without any preliminary discussion, there is hardly agree completely because it changes the character of the factory. Nel 2006 avevamo firmato con la dirigenza un faticoso accordo, che prevedeva di mantenere all’interno tutte le attività tranne le lavorazioni meccaniche. In 2006 we signed with the management a hard agreement, which planned to retain all activities except the machining. Quindi la testa (la progettazione) e l’anima (il montaggio) di Moto Guzzi rimanevano a Mandello. Then the head (design) and animation (assembly) of Moto Guzzi remained at Mandello. Ora questo accordo è stato di colpo cancellato, l’identità del Marchio verrà annacquata, il nostro patrimonio di conoscenze e professionalità, accumulato fin dal 1921, verrà disperso in brevissimo tempo. Now this agreement was suddenly canceled, the identity of the mark will be watered, our wealth of knowledge and expertise, accumulated since 1921, will be dispersed quickly. La decisione di portare alcuni uffici a Noale e altri a Pontedera significa infatti lasciare a Mandello solo le operazioni di assemblaggio, troppo poco”. The decision to bring some offices in Leicester and other means to Pontedera Mandello only to leave its assembly operations, too little. "


Venini aggiunge anche: “In secondo luogo, c’è mistero sui lavori, che ci sono stati spiegati in modo molto sommario. Venini added: "Secondly, there is mystery about the work that we've so much relief. Non si capisce perché con la scusa della sicurezza si debba chiudere l’intero stabilimento uffici compresi, e non solo i reparti di volta in volta interessati dai lavori edilizi. It is hard to understand why the pretext of security we should close the entire plant including offices, not just the departments in turn affected by construction work. Questa ci sembra soprattutto una scusa per far fronte da un lato alle difficoltà di vendita e quindi ai problemi di smaltimento della produzione, nel caso degli operai; e dall’altro al fatto che molto personale impiegatizio non vorrà o non potrà essere trasferito a Pontedera, e la ristrutturazione aziendale darà alla dirigenza il destro per mettere tutto questo personale in cassa integrazione straordinaria: di fatto, è un licenziamento mascherato”. This seems to us mainly an excuse to meet on the one hand the difficulties of sale and then to the problems of disposing of production, in the case of laborers, and thanks to the fact that very personal jobs will not or can not be transferred to Pontedera, and corporate restructuring will give the management the right to put all this staff layoffs extraordinary: in fact, is a disguised dismissal. "


Venini conclude dicendo: “Si tratta insomma di un’operazione di drammatico ridimensionamento, molto ben studiata per far apparire le cose diverse da come sono. Venini concludes by saying: "This is short of a dramatic downsizing, very well designed to bring up other things as they are. Si fa carta straccia dell’accordo del 2006; e se è vero che il Gruppo Piaggio si impegna a stanziare 12 milioni di euro, sembra ormai evidente che questi soldi non serviranno a far diventare la Moto Guzzi una fabbrica più efficiente, ma un bello showroom con annesso museo e un po’ di chincaglieria. It is the paper of 2006, and although the Piaggio Group is committed to allocating 12 million euros, it now seems clear that this money will not make the Moto Guzzi factory more efficient, but a beautiful showroom with adjoining museum and a po 'di bric a brac. Un posto dove si ricorda la Moto Guzzi, non dove la si pensa e la si costruisce”. A place to remember the Moto Guzzi, not where you think and is built. "


Il Segretario Generale della FIOM CGIL di Lecco è deciso a passare alle misure dure, se la Piaggio non dovesse tornare sui propri passi: “Abbiamo già organizzato uno sciopero e un corteo, e seguiranno molte altre iniziative sindacali: tutto il territorio si mobiliterà in difesa della Moto Guzzi”. The Secretary General of the FIOM CGIL Lecco is determined to pass tough measures if the Piaggio does not go back to where: "We have already organized a strike and a parade, and follow many other unions: the whole territory will mobilize in defense the Moto Guzzi. "

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"It is the paper of 2006, and although the Piaggio Group is committed to allocating 12 million euros, it now seems clear that this money will not make the Moto Guzzi factory more efficient, but a beautiful showroom with adjoining museum and a po 'di bric a brac. A place to remember the Moto Guzzi, not where you think and is built. "


Thanks for that, Paul. Pretty much what the realists [aka "cynics" ;) ] among us have already been forecasting.

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Time for a workin boys Meridan style!


My sentiments exactly. Triumph and Moto Guzzi are two brands of historic value that needed and need a new, state of the art, modern factory to ensure their financial health for decades to come. Hopefully Piaggio agrees.

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Here is an off the wall suggestion could all Guzzi owners not buy the factory between them there must be some rich owners out there. We could give Piaggio a token 1 euro for goodwill

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Yeah, and funny enough the best parts often change owner at distributions or on highway parking areas. Regarding this and the sometimes dubious assembly quality could make me think it was eventually better to let those halls closed and reopen Guzzi with new and more motivated stuff somewhere else.

How about the old plant at Breganze e.g. :)




Sacrilege! And what are you on about?

Are you saying that Guzzi employees are incompetant and thieves?

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