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Admin Jaap

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Cool (for here)...raining like crazy. Just in from work. Watching "Sean of th Dead"...ha ha. May get to ride Sunday if weather breaks. k

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End of the school semester for me, so I am gathering all my student's grades together just before finals.


Also, I am panicking (or close) because we will move to Boston, MA in a couple of weeks. I have an incredible amount of crap to deal with....



I might be in need of a cheap bike in Boston if anyone knows of something. Not a V11- I'm thinking a 450 or so dual sport will be more appropriate.

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I've completely wimped out of riding this winter- its been the wettest November on record in Huddersfield and I just can't be bothered with it all.


First trip out will probaby be camping in mid Wales in early April if anyone is interested in a jaunt.


Guy :helmet:

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well its about 20F here and snowing, no riding for me, doesn't mean there aren't motorcycles on the road here, I is hibernating so don't touch me ^_^
that's nothing compared to these two hearty Norwegians, they just left my house yesterday in below freezing weather.. it's an incredible story.. around the world on 1937 Nimbus sidecars.. awesome guys,



crossing Wisconsin today, follow their trip here, http://kccd.no/journey_en.html




some of us locals went all GaGa over them and fixed em up with electric heat. more video to come.

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So how many months does the bike of the month get to stay on the home page?? :P

Motorhead "NOT",AC.DC. maybe,and how long does the bike of the month stay up "A",Freezin Me Arrrrrrs'e" off in Northern British Columbia Canada,-30 c when i got up this morning and MR Guzzi is not amused.


Having said that it was a gorge'ous day and good to be alive but it still sucks only being able to ride six months of the year and at my age near 65 doubly so "WHAAAAAAAAAAAH"


Toodles STU.

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