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Harley Davidson Creed - a short film

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Well I believe that they are a bunch of tiny willied dribbling vegetables, backward looking, ignorant, socially inadequate and quite possibly borderline educationally sub-normal. At least the ones who would be attracted by such an advert would be.


HD probably make quite good bikes if that sort of bike is what you want but all this gasconading piffle is the living end. I mean *really*? And doesn't all that funny clothing strike you as just a little bit, well, y'know, Gay? Not that there's anything wrong with poofters two of my neigbors are chutney ferrets and a nicer pair of blokes you couldn't hope to meet. It just tends to 'Dress on the wrong side' if you're playing the Macho/Hetero thing.


What would I know? I ride a Green Griso??? :-).



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Well I believe that they are a bunch of tiny willied dribbling vegetables, backward looking, ignorant, socially inadequate and quite possibly borderline educationally sub-normal. At least the ones who would be attracted by such an advert would be.


HD probably make quite good bikes if that sort of bike is what you want but all this gasconading piffle is the living end. I mean *really*? And doesn't all that funny clothing strike you as just a little bit, well, y'know, Gay? Not that there's anything wrong with poofters two of my neigbors are chutney ferrets and a nicer pair of blokes you couldn't hope to meet. It just tends to 'Dress on the wrong side' if you're playing the Macho/Hetero thing.


What would I know? I ride a Green Griso??? :-).




I know I shouldn't laugh but I just couldn't help it - top and right on the money!

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"We believe in sticking it to the man down here."

What does that even mean?



Here's a good response I read on the BMW forum:

They omitted the last verse:


We believe in stick-on tats, hauling our bikes on a trailer, wearing novelty helmets because our brain ain't worth the cost of an Arai, drilling our stock mufflers to make our ride even less powerful, going slow so we can get the attention we don't get in our day jobs, getting the low mileage discount on our motorcycle insurance, collecting H-D tee-shirts from places we've never been by mailing off for them and last but not least paying someone to put air in our tires and oil in our engine because other than driving our Harleys like we drive our designer pickup trucks on mostly interstate highways, we don't know nothing about how you really ride one of these motorcycles. But, we can strike a good pose.

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Geez guys, calm down a little. Harley made a dumb video that will, sadly, appeal to a few people with minor personality disorders.


Since I won two Harleys (and not one novelty helmet or leather vest) I don't find the video matches my feelings but I think maybe people who start bring up sexual orientation so quickly are saying more about themselves then Harley riders.



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Since I own two Harleys . . .


I also have a Harley, a 2004 XL1200R Sportster, and I'm thinking about getting a 2009 XR1200, which I notice that you have. How do you like it?


NOTE: I first saw this H-D video posted on the Sportster forum and most of the posts in that thread were also poking fun of it. Yeah, there were some that thought the video was cool.

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