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UK guys show some respect


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Guest redguzziv10
I only saw the back of him as he ran away very fast.


We have just driven to the estate 10 mins drive away where I know they have heroin addicts and where the usual suspects live but he was unsurprisingly long gone.


not surprising you didn't catch him, he had the directions to get home now.

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It always makes me wonder how those guys manage to climb vertical walls with these trial bikes. I never could see this in reality, but the pix in my books are quite unbelievable. Would be impressive to see one of the oldtime UK heroes on big 4-stroke twins doing such things.




PS. All I can read about and see myself abroad makes me a strong believer that the promissed land for bikers actually is Germany. Nowadays they have radar pistols even in Italy, and those fellows there - they have fantasy prices if they get at you!



Big, four-stroke twins in trial bike guise! Now you're talking. Makes me want to rush out and start unbolting metal from my '59 T'bird. I have a 4.00X19 knobbly rear, somewhere. Be Steve McQueen for the day!


You know, I might give the V11 a run to Germany this summer and see for myself. One blessing France does have for motorcyclists is the absence of controle technique for all two wheelers......so no one worries too much about non-standard exhausts, etc. I understood they were very strict on this in Germany.

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I only saw the back of him as he ran away very fast.


We have just driven to the estate 10 mins drive away where I know they have heroin addicts and where the usual suspects live but he was unsurprisingly long gone.


not surprising you didn't catch him, he had the directions to get home now.



An update- he cut himself while smashing the glass ( :D ) and the police took a sample of his blood- maybe this will help catch him.


Guy :helmet:

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Now if he got caught would he get as severe punishment as the two fingered salute rider who had not stolen anything and was not speeding? I think not.


Guy  :helmet:

Problem is that such people don't get caught, to tell you the truth they "let" act to serve as a good excuse for the normal people to ask for suspended police measures and protection , That at the finnal end there is nothing(ends up so) than more control to the "normal" citizens and nice fines to be paid for the gonverments to get more money. And finnaly that actuall outlaws the ones that should be restricted are out, more or less.

And that's the big catch for (at least what I see happening in my country and others I have visited in more or less degree) the state to find ways to strictly control lawfull citisens. And there you have your cammeras and whole lotta crap and who knows what would they demand from us "tomorrow" microchips embeded in our bodies? (All with the excuse that is a solution to eliminate "crime" )

Well crime my a$$ indeed.


To be fair there was not a lot the police could do when they turned up as he was long gone and last time I caught 2 guys trying to break into my car at 3am (luckily I stopped them just in time) the police turned up in 5 minutes with a dog van but again they were long gone because they had a car around the corner.



Y' know something? buy a 230lbs crossbow and nail them right on the spot.

It's traceless and supersilent, yet extreme powerfull :grin:

O.K. I overdone it with this. better not so :wacko:

Besides 5min is quite fast reaction for the police. Well done folkes!! :thumbsup:



Ok, here we go, one of my favorite soap-box topics.......

The whole issue of speeding has always been one that has pi**ed me off royally!!

Seems that its a world-wide problem as well.

Lets face facts, the majority of speed tickets are really nothing more than a tax/money grab by the local/provincial/state/what-have -you police/governments.

l'm all in favour of laws to protect and to stop stupid peple from doing stupid DSCN6234.jpg things.

However..the cost of speeding is totally out of keeping, in most cases, with the crime.

My favorite example??  get caught going 40 (very, very easy to do on any competent motorcycle)  over most places gives you a hefty fine, points on your licence, increased insurance costs, some places even jail. ...a true hastle if nothing else, as you are now  " acting in a manor as to endanger society, yourself, being a public nusance," or worse.


See my first quote as an answer.


In addition to that and to see that every one is making fun of us.(The citizens who like to observe the laws) Y' see there are these motorcycles getting out with so much acceleration and PS (useless IMO for the street) yet the limmits are so low, and everywhere set with cammeras and stuff... it's like go ahead guys it's fixed with the state so we'll blow your pockets.


Haha, and if you go for tires , there is another joke , try any sport tire and you won't be able to make 5K, ...you'll need a change.Too soft a without serious wear resistance tires , the grooves are getting shalower ect.ect.


I give a :thumbsup::thumbsup: to :mg: because it seems to be the only company to remain faithful and honest to it's customers.Htey're true to their spirit and profile.Producing hand made motorcycles that deliver what they promise.

Fast safe ride was quoted on my Sporti's broschure allong woth others , well Yes sir ! that's what the motrocycle does at it's best , all of them. a056.GIF


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I like Alex's crossbow idea- am I right in saying that in Texas it is legal to shoot someone if a part of their body is in your car without your permission?


Sounds like a good idea to me.

Guy  :helmet:


Yep , a good one can pass the 330fps (foot/second).Barnetts are good Horton also.Yes one can use them for radars too! :lol::lol:

Long Live Texas,!! :thumbsup: Got my Allig. boots from there,no kidding :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
An update- he cut himself while smashing the glass ( :D ) and the police took a sample of his blood- maybe this will help catch him.


Guy  :helmet:




Hopefully a rare happy ending to this story- the thief was arrested for another offence but the blood he left behind him linked him to the crime he committed next door.


When confronted with the evidence, he confessed and is due to appear in court soon- be interesting to see what sort of punishment he gets.


Guy :helmet:

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