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Welsh Waltz II


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Is there any interest in a North Wales ride this spring?


Last I heard, people were talking about a 2 day ride. Unfortunately, because of my work schedule, weekends aren't an option. I would arrive in the UK on a Monday and depart on the following Saturday. However, should the majority decide on a weekend, so be it :)


These are the dates I have available:


March 20 - 24


April 10 - 14


May 1 - 5

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Becky and I are going to be in Northern Wales April 8, 9, 10 and the morning of 11th although we won't be on bikes...we'll be on the Llangollen Canal in a narrow boat with some friends of ours from Salisbury. We'll be leaving from and returning to the Chirk Marina (east of Llangollen, south of Wrexham). We're traveling out to the west to Llangollen and then returning to Chirk a few days later. We won't actually be traveling very far, the boat only does about 4 knots/hour and nasty things like locks and bridges slow us down a bunch. The boats also don't travel at night.


So if you expect to find yourself anywhere around Chirk on those dates let me know. I'm buying (or perhaps we can trick Becky into buying) :bier:

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My take on your dates


April 10-14 is week before Easter so kids will be on Holiday :(


It could be tight taking leave for March. As it stands I should be able to get mon-wed off but the thursday looks like it's fully booked. I can get back in time for work as i'm due on nights so thats not too much of a problem so provisonal as it stands my preference would be overnight tues or wed. I'm not sure how cold and wet it will be in March.


I'm not doing that Scottish rally, and there still appears to be leave opportunities,

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Becky and I are going to be in Northern Wales April 8, 9, 10 and the morning of 11th although we won't be on bikes...we'll be on the Llangollen Canal in a narrow boat with some friends of ours from Salisbury.  We'll be leaving from and returning to the Chirk Marina (east of Llangollen, south of Wrexham).  We're traveling out to the west to Llangollen and then returning to Chirk a few days later.  We won't actually be traveling very far, the boat only does about 4 knots/hour and nasty things like locks and bridges slow us down a bunch.  The boats also don't travel at night.


So if you expect to find yourself anywhere around Chirk on those dates let me know.  I'm buying (or perhaps we can trick Becky into buying)  :bier:


You're bringing back great memories Dr. Gil. I was through there during my Edellweis bike tour to the IOM. And I have family in Dolgellau and Porthmadog I've visited a few times. Just Lovely.

Those canal boats look like great fun. I have a great story of my grandpa stealing one [borrowing] for 4 days as a a wee lad at our families ancestral home of Holywell, Cambridgeshire, on the River Ouse. This from the very old fellow who actually owned the boat, while sitting in the 1000yr old public house at Holywell, sipping scrumpy.

Ah yes, great memories!

Ciao, Steve G.

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So, it looks as if the May dates cut too close to the Scottish Rally. It would be embarrassing if an unofficial ride outdrew an organized meet :D


April is no good for Martin.


So it appears March is the most amenable. If I'm going to be a biker in Blighty, I need to toughen up and get used to riding in rough conditions :blush:


We can do like last time...wait and see what the weather forecast looks like on Monday and pick the day with the best conditions.


Any thoughts on a 2 day ride or just play it by ear?


btw...I'm still "thoroughly chuffed" about the last Welsh Waltz :bike: Those were some of the best roads and company I've ridden with in some time! :race:

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...So it appears March is the most amenable. If I'm going to be a biker in Blighty, I need to toughen up and get used to riding in rough conditions :blush:


We can do like last time...wait and see what the weather forecast looks like on Monday and pick the day with the best conditions.


Any thoughts on a 2 day ride or just play it by ear?....


We sometimes get a spell of good weather round then :huh2: ...think it'd be good to check weather as you say - but if we did 2 days we'd need to pre-book B&B....any views?


yeah - we had a good day last year!


KB :sun:

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I've put a leave request in for the March dates. It doesn't look as good as it did last week. One of the ladies on my leave list has been on maternity leave and last week showed as that and therefore didn't count to the number of persons on leave. This week she's still off but now shown as annual leave and does. I'm argueing the toss that it should still count as her maternity leave as she hasn't actually returned to work. Watch this space :( Possibly find out by Wednesday


If I can't make it then,perhaps if you're back in the Autum and not shipping your Tenni off to exotic climes.


The other potential fly in the ointment is that my little lad is due to go in for a bit of surgery, would normaly only be day surgery but given his antecedance he is being booked in, so could scupper 2 days at least, at short notice over the next couple of months. Obviously this will take precedence. Hope it doesn't clash with any of my trips (hope that doesn't sound selfish)

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  • 3 weeks later...



I booked my air fare for March 20th


Return to Saudi on March 25th.


So that leaves the 21st, 22nd, 23rd & 24th.


Hopefully ONE of those days will have some sunshine :sun:


I'll post here on the evening of the 20th and see what the forecast is like. :unsure:

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Over 2 weeks away. Hopefully we're in the last knockings of the winter.


It's been very cold (comparatively) here this weekend. I'm on nights and have been taking the car to work :( as a precautionary measure. I could have Guzzi'd it but decided not to risk it.


It might be a bit chilly for Waltzing might need some extra layers rather than just the T shirt I normally wear. I'm sure the roads will be just dandy in the sunlight :) My transit is on major roads so should be clear for the journey in the dark.


I do have a rather optimistic outlook on life. :P

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