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I spent a month in Scotland sampling and traveling.


Haggis is basically a sausage—ground innards of an animal, plus other sundries, stuffed in a natural casing made from animal innards—nothing more, and nothing less.


Given that there are really good sausages and really horrid sausages all over the world, one might surmise that there are really good haggises and really horrid haggises. This is indeed the case, according to my research. The same was the case with the Scottish distilled beverages.


All of this research will soon culminate in the world's first and only "all-you-can-eat-and-drink" haggis and scotch restaurant. I'm looking for investors now. Anybody want in on the ground floor?

Haggis is in fact a Pudding not a sausage

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Haggis is basically a sausage—ground innards of an animal, plus other sundries, stuffed in a natural casing made from animal innards—nothing more, and nothing less.

Hmm. Spoken like a Moto Guzzi technician.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haggis is in fact a Pudding not a sausage


Back in my army days my wife and I went to a Robert Burns Night with a bunch of Jocks. We were the only foreigners and we had a great time watching the chieftain (oldest Scottish officer) saying 'ode to a haggis' and what have you. We were also introduced to the various Scottish dances which was quite funny (especially after umpteen glasses of malt whisky......)


With the risk of being rewarded 'Sad Plonker of the Month' I actually liked haggis, neeps and tatties :huh2:


As for the malt whiskies I'm all in for Ardbeg and Laphroaig. Islay (smoked) whiskies are an acquired taste but once you get bitten by the Islay bug you're hooked....







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hmmm haggis, yes.

Looks likes shit, sounds like shit, tastes...kinda yummy, actually.


Any chance those idiots with the gun fetish would pipe down?


Come on Jaap, they're boring the sh1t out of me.

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Any chance those idiots with the gun fetish would pipe down?


Come on Jaap, they're boring the sh1t out of me.


You can't propose to ban all the Americans from the site! It would be boring, oppressive and an attack on free speech!

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ok lets stir this up a bit!

some of you are heathens! i am going to have to go to my friends house 125mls away(this may take a week or two) and get him to photograph my collection of bottles.(no bourbon in sight)


as for the gun fetish?

the biggest calibre possible for shooting americans is needed, are they really bred from buffalo's? cos they all seem to be a bit overweight?

















sorry people, no offence ment really,mine is a large one please.

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  • 2 months later...



as promised, some time ago!...a collection..currently in use, hence some not yet opened,not so popular one at the back,good ones to the front,NOT my friends bottles and mine together,just mine (they filled a small suitcase up,and put a smile on his face cos he had none in his house.

ps to macguzzi ,you bring down x12 haggis ,nice and spicy ones,(from a butcher not tesco's) and i will let you roam free in my front room with a glass and all the bottles!

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