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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2019 in all areas

  1. In my neighborhood. That looks like the (rare) straight-as-a-string two mile stretch just south of San Carpoforo Creek, immediately north of which the road gets very twisty as it rises off the flat and into the coastal ridges. It was on this segment years ago when a bunch of us on sport bikes (Duc 750 for me) were on the way to view a Luguna Seca road race. A laggard whom we woke up on our way through Morro Bay passed me here in a red shift blur on his Yamaha R1. When we stopped at Gorda for lunch, I asked him, a road race instructor, how fast he was going when he blew by. He answered, "A bill and a half." I.E., 150 mph. So what happens when you smack a critter at that speed??? In any event, you picked a unique time to ride through the neighborhood, the first major rain front of the season, and a damned cold one to boot. Snow on the coastal ridges is a fairly rare event here. I for one am keeping Claudia (V11 Sport Naked) snug and warm in the garage, no chill rain or snow on her delicate parts. YMMV.
    1 point
  2. It seems that virtually all for sale have mods. Nothing new there. Q: How do you explain a 15+ year old unmodified Guzzi? Garage candy? Collector? Unknowing, uncaring owner? Impulse buy that subsequently sat unused? Probably all of the above and more. As to pricing, I paid the asking price of $4,950 for my '04 Ballabio, due to very low mileage, condition, mods and accessories included. For that price, one option I had in a new bike was a 300 Ninja. AYKM? Buying a Guzzi is akin to a marriage. Some guys love the old lump, warts and all, through thick and thin (docc? ), while others bail and look for something younger and faster. What I do know is that a Guzzi is the 'road less traveled', and that has always been my path.
    1 point
  3. Howdy boys... I'll commit to running another batch of springs. Been busy with work lately - lots of travel. But I can get another batch ordered. BTW - I'm gonna need some help with electrickecy soon. My Scura's been parked too long. But today, I'm up in Morro Bay near the start of the Big Sur coastline. Waves are supposed to be 25 feet by Piedras Blanca on Big Sur. Me and Husky 701 are going to brave the wet, rocky, muddy stuff to inspect. Happy Thanksgiving.
    1 point
  4. It's funny you should mention the chromed plastic. That was one of the things that put me off buying a 1200 sport rather than the V11 that I ended up with. Plus, of course, I was simply smitten with the looks of the V11. I can't put my finger on it, but it just seems more classy. Trev
    1 point
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