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swooshdave last won the day on June 20

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About swooshdave

  • Birthday April 30

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    Portland, Oregon
  • My bike(s)
    2001 V11 Sport (Green!), 1972 Norton Commando Proddy Replica (Yellow!), 1973 Norton Commando Interstate (Black!)

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  1. Definitely step one is to make sure you have a solid backup of the map.
  2. Technically there is a spherical bearing attached to the damper clamp. It just happens to attach to the triple clamp. But let's see if we can get @ChrisPDX for some more photos of the dampener mount to clear things up.
  3. From the pictures provided there’s nothing to indicate that the HyperPro is mounted any differently than the stock dampener. I’m not sure what you are seeing that would suggest otherwise.
  4. I’m seeing zero difference between the Shindy mount and the Hyperpro mount. Each have two spherical bearings in the same location. What am I missing?
  5. They don’t know me by my full name, I’m just @swooshdave around here. 😜
  6. I wasn’t having any luck on the Hyperpro site or even just Googling that part number. ☹️
  7. The good news is the power wires to the coils are marked. Which is nice if you know Italian or are handy with Google Translate. Actually my friend’s wife spent time in Italy and we could have asked her too. He had replaced the TPS screws and could have easily bumped it too. Regardless, it now sounds amazing. He’s got the FbF mufflers and a Power Commander.
  8. Ding ding ding, we have a winner! It was the ignition coil supply leads! Pretty sure the misadjusted TPS (it wasn’t right before I screwed it up) didn’t help. It sounds spectacular!
  9. Can you update the Decent Tune Up post to say that you have to turn the ignition on for the test. I know it should be apparent but…
  10. Thanks! Google Translate helped us too. Which leads us to believe the wires were actually crossed! The one thing I didn’t trust is if the Italians to map stuff while sitting on the bikes. 😜
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