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Everything posted by badmotogoozer

  1. Black. Satin, maybe flat. Be bad. Be very bad. Or you could paint it up like Enzo's disaster. Smurf blue is nice... add some pink touches... how about smurf blue with a pink and white checker stripe? You could paint it like a Tenni (code is in their area somewhere). I built Tenni #666 so maybe you could build Tenni # 667. May as well just paint daisies and happy faces all over it though... It's got a hemi - paint it Plum Crazy Purple. With bumble bee stickers. British racing green is just wrong on anything that isn't Lucas equipped. Better stick to black. Can't f@@k up black. Have I helped? Rj
  2. The frame and side panels (with the "Z" slash) scream ITOM. 99% sure on that. Frame still has the large tube centrally, makes it pre big motors so must be 49.5cc (the only size ITOM's came with except Tabor). Model I'm not so sure on... I believe DeTomaso only built bikes under the Benelli name for a while. Rj
  3. I'm with you Biggie! I don't find much of that appealing. My back hurts just looking at those clip ons! Rj
  4. I've had excellent results using PJ1 Fast Black (a VHT product I think) painting old brit bike frames. It is an epoxy paint in a spray bomb can. About as good as you'll get without a spray system. I think it may only come in gloss. Strong and long lasting. Rj
  5. You should definitely buy 2. Rj
  6. I could have a field day here! You're all lucky I'm trying to be a bettermotogoozer. Sheesh! TomAto Tomato. Rj
  7. I precompressed my springs and threw some zip ties coil-coil to keep them compressed while I assembled. Cut them off when back together again, before filling with oil. I struggled for some time before doing this - then smooth as silk. Rj
  8. I only knew that one because one of the Mechanical students last year was copying that frame in the machine shop. Seems his grandfather brought one home from the war. Had to Google the engine size and manufacturer tho'. Rj
  9. How did I not see this earlier?? Aermoto made by Piaggio. 120 (125) cc (conflicting info...) 1940's Italian paratrooper motorcycle. Didn't work worth a noodle. Rj ** Sorry - that should be manuf - Volugrafo. Later inspired Piaggio's scooters.
  10. I will have Isidor Buchmann (author of Battery University) in my office late this aft to discuss his presenting to our students as a regular guest lecturer. Any specific questions anyone would like answered? Rj
  11. No worries Mike! FYI - people have made a lot of money betting against me! I also know people who base their financial life strategy on doing exactly the opposite of what I do. They're getting rich too. I'm certain that my Irish heritage includes some kind of perpetual poverty clause. Although recent family detective work has uncovered that my relatives in Ireland were quite wealthy at one point - one started the Barton & Guestier wine/shipping company in the early 1700's. Still in business today. Maybe I'm not drinking enough wine. No, that can't be it... Rj
  12. Cammo fatigues and bright red motorcycles! I love it! Somebody send these guys a case of olive drab Krylon. Rj
  13. As I stated earlier, I don't wear watches... But if design #2 (silver logo) ever gets made, I'll buy one for sure. I really like that understated design. Classy. It fits the watch very well. Perhaps a second run if the first batch goes well? I'm really surprised that Guzzi isn't concerned about copyright infringement. If you don't actively protect your logo, you lose your rights to that logo. Likely why Junkers doesn't want their name on the face. Bosch recently threatened Steve @ Bevelheaven about the repop stickers he had made for EI pickups. The decal (a $2 item) is not produced by or available from Bosch anymore but they are still protecting their logo. Perhaps this is a 'States only legal thang? cheers, Rj
  14. Hey, for $3000 I'd shed some pounds. IF and IF these wheels do prove lighter, it won't be by more than 10%. And the weight savings won't be at the outer radius where it would do the most good. Them SS nipples is heavy too! And as for the bet, now that Rocker's read it, posted, and not responded I'll take that to mean he's not interested in it or is off looking for definitive proof. Either way the offer is now void. I'm not entirely stooopid. I sure do like the look of spokes on a bike but not $3K for no performance gain. Can't justify that for something that only makes the bike look good standing still. Rj
  15. Several pounds??? Excellent! You're guessing too! I see a bet coming on - say $50US?? What's $50 between rockers? Definitive proof will be required however. I never welch. Rj
  16. Because that would be absolutely no fun at all. And DAMMIT - I'm not old! At least not by forum standards... Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours you start to realize that he likes it. Rj
  17. Why indeed! As long as we have that straight! Nothing else of value in that post! Rj
  18. Stainless spokes are heavy. I'm making an experienced assumption that I doubt will be proven wrong. Order a set and find out. Same weight in hub. Similar weight in rim. Same weight in brake bits, bearings and tires. 3 hollow alloy spines Vs weight of SS spokes. I expect these will be heavier for sure. Certainly won't be lighter. Rj
  19. Funny you should say that - I am thinking about buying a 'Bus. Rj
  20. Well done Ratchet! You've somehow extrapolated yet another massive conspiracy theory from someone pointing out that Goldwangs are undersprung (just like our Goosies). Who else is out to get us??? Please, enquiring minds NEED to KNOW! You've got Dave pegged for the purple planet, but for the life o' me, I can't figure out which one you're on. Keep it coming! Rj
  21. Fak! $3K for a set of wheels that are heavier than stock?? May as well buy a Harley if you're going that road. Not fer this cowboy. Rj
  22. I used silicone grease. Same stuff I used on the 'lectrics. Silicone does a nice job of keeping rubber supple and moisture/dust out. I would worry that a petroleum based grease would attack the rubber bit. We're not talking a high RPM/high heat part so no reason not to use the silicone (unless I am greatly mistaken, which I'm sure will be pointed out forthwith). And protect it from wet! Even with Edge's fine shield products installed the shock eye is subject to direct fire from the tire. I plan on fabbing up a bit of rubber to protect it from direct spray at least. cheers, Rj
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