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Everything posted by jihem

  1. Cool advert, at least he's not taking himself seriously. This said, he's a walking example of how wrong and f*cked up plastic surgery can get, especially mixed with too much booze and boxing. He was brilliant in (mesmerizing movie when it came out). And let's enjoy Dennis Hopper while we still can.
  2. that fridge idea is just sooooo cool !
  3. just a matter of taste, I agree !
  4. I would do it like the demo G&B bike: red. With the eagle to give its personal touch. That bike looks astonishing in red.
  5. Bjork might not be the prettiest icelandic woman around, but she sure is talented. And sings in english Human Behaviour, a video made by Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
  6. yes, the bike needs bright colors. I like the eagle scheme, very Aprilia-ish funnily enough. The placing of the Ghezz-Brian name on the seat is cool too. Color wise, it does need something which shouts louder tho. What about blue disco, like my Supertwin, and the eagle in white, or red ?
  7. I agree, he's totally amazing live, and contrary to a rather important pourcentage of rock stars, he has a fully operationnel brain that clicks nicely. Iggy Pop in Miami
  8. LOL, thanx David. (altho, for me, Iggy is at best with the Stooges and on this two AMAZING albums: "The Idiot" and "Lust For Life") Yes, he says hyper-bath allright Never personally met Iggy, but I was backstage at one festival where Iggy was playing and when he was escorted, rushing from his bus straight to the stage, the entire backstage had to clear up and no one could be left standing there, or even looking by the window to see him running by.
  9. The time was 1977, the place was the frontier between Togo and Benin (Africa). I was riding a lended Honda 500 Four, and on my way to Lome, the headtown of Togo, coming from Cotonou, capital of Benin, where I was living at the time. Benin was in turmoil as a pro-soviet revolution had happened. There were soldiers all over the place, and there were control points all over the few towns, and banners everywhere reading "Down With The Imperialists" and "Long Life The People's Revolution". It was tense, and westerners were checked all the time as paranoia levels were high. A westerner had to be a spy, see. I was riding that Honda on the lone way to Lome, where i was to meet with some friends. The bike was great, altho the roads were so bad that one couldn't really ride the bike more than riding between the potholes. On a stretch of road, i could see a checkpoint approaching. I didn't have the papers of the bike on me and hoped for a swift control. As soon as the bike stops, the soldiers took an aggressive stand. One was shouting at me to show my ID or passport while the other put the mouth of his AK47 in my back. The situation was very tense altho I wasn't really scared as i was just thinking real fast, trying to come up with things to say that would ease the ambiance. The soldier in charge was shouting, and was asking me "what you're going to do in Lome ? Who are you" ? I don't know why, but i told him "Colonel, colonel, I'm going to see the ladies, i'm going to see the ladies in Lome, Women,I want women !". The guy stares at me for a second, a very looooong second, and then burst into hysteric laughs ! Women, he shouts, women ! His camarade put down the AK, and they both now laugh, and i laugh too, out of tension. The control now isn't no more, and actually i came down the bike, offered them a cigarette and we were all sitting under a tree, smoking the Marlboros while talking about women, about Cotonou, about nothing, just being in the moment, really. I loved Africa so much.
  10. nice story This motorbike cop stopped me once. He passed me, showed me the sideway. I had a Ducati Superlight at the time (the version II, not the one with wheels made out of pasta). I wasn't speeding per se, but was right on the limit. He came to me, looked at the bike with a smile and said "my other bike is a Ducati 888. I love it." I said: "that's a fast bike. How do you do to remain within speed limits, being a cop (no need to turn around the core of the problem)?" -Oh, did he reply, I never go faster than 120 kmh (speed limit in Belgium). Per wheel. He laughed, went back to his Police Beemer and was soon gone with what looked like a mini wheelie
  11. I have taken a MotoGP video subscription, for about 90 €uros a year, so I can get my MotoGP fix as soon as Free Practice session on friday. Image quality is good, stream is fluent most of the time and it gives you access to lots of interviews and such. One of the nice goodies is an elaborate live timing window, with access to multiple datas straight off the Dorna tranducers aboard the bikes: it's rather fascinationg to be able to decipher laps timings when they occur. As an example, one could see how absolutely rocketing Casey Stoner was in practice. Rossi would often be rather fast, and sometimes even an inch faster, than Stoner in sector 1 and 2 but Casey would pack in close to 0,5 second in the latest sector alone, lap after lap. So, it was extremely disapointing to see him going down while actually trying to take it easier than usual. Or else Casey would have won this race by 2007 types of time differences. We will never know, but going like he was going, he could have won it by more than 10 seconds. Rossi ? Business as usual. So was Lorenzo who seems to only wake up at half distance. Dovi did well too. Great to see Nicky Hayden finally battling along. It's a shame he was pipped off the podium, but that's racing. Spies ? A podium is a sure thing for him this year. If not more. The competition will be fierce this year for sure, but i stand reassured the Ducati GP10 is well bred.
  12. jihem

    sport monza 012.jpg

    wtf with that green ! uuuuurk !
  13. jihem


    wow. me like it. A LOT !
  14. The wildest thing is that they are talking about making multiple fuel/tyre stops mandatory to make the races exciting, which is like agreeing they don't even count on the actual racing to save the spectators from boredom...
  15. hey, we're a long way from the F1 grand prix here I like the link, they could do well imho. Yes, I can hear the MGMT connection in the voices, but I would say there's a slight Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark influence with a touch of Röyskopp. Nothing wrong about that: every band, every artist has been influenced anyway: the ones that come with their own sound and no influences whatsoever are extremely rare.
  16. thanx for the link but all i hear is a Weezer clone... (this said, glad to meet another music lover)
  17. Brilliant clip, but terrible song, from italian born singer Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.
  18. I really like The XX ! Rural Alberta Advantage sounds a bit too plaintive to me... I was listening to La Femme Verte F1 Grand Prix was totally boring, only watched to see how Shumi would fare and he actually did not bad. He was seen on many, many european motorbike trackdays since he left F1, and he's not slouch on two wheels.
  19. yes, it has K&N filters as the engine wasn't breathing well enough with its airbox (the frame) with the Scola cam. This said, it's obvious most of the noise comes from the exhausts nope, the way we mesured it is unfortunately acurate. There's a 5000 rpm limit for 1100cc twins, it doesn't have to be run up to red.
  20. For a 1100 twin, they mesure it at 5000 rpms, but i will not gamble my trackday on whether the guy has an assistant looking at the dashboard or not at that moment... I'm sure this may sound crude for some, but what about if I was to filled the DB killer (it has no holes on the side) with mineral wool ? Would that muffle the noise (I'm at 99Db with the DB killers now), lowering it down for +/- 5 Db, without endangering the engine and still give me an engine that breathes allright ? I said I know that may sound crude, didn't I ?
  21. Could you explain some more ? (Sorry, got two left hands and not one brain to operate them )
  22. yes, I see what you mean but i really want to work with what I have. I don't see a tube going down the side of the Supertwin
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